Sunday, April 27, 2014
Wheel of Time Freemasonry References Article Updated
By Linda
Robert Jordan was a Freemason and The Wheel of Time reflects that, containing Freemasonry symbols and references. I wrote an article detailing these some years ago, and have updated it for A Memory Of Light.
New material is marked in bold.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Wheel of Time Parallels with Lord of the Rings Updated
By Linda
This last weekend, it was announced that The Wheel of Time series (14 books) has been nominated for a Hugo Award for best novel. (Here is the list of nominees.)
A complex series with many themes (listed here), one of them being the premise that real world history forms part of Wheel of Time myth and legend, and that Wheel of Time history is the origin of our own stories. Over the years I've written about the extensive parallels to Norse Mythology, Judeo-Christian religion, Hindu mythology and Chinese/Mongolian history - to name a few - in the series. As part of this there are various nods to Jordan's favoured books, including The Travels of Marco Polo, Dune, The Three Musketeers, the Narnia books, and The Lord of the Rings. The article on The Wheel of Time's parallels with The Lord of the Rings has now been updated for A Memory of Light. I'm currently working on the Narnia parallels.
New material is marked in bold.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Wheel of Time Costume Part 2 - Mayene to Whitecloaks and Miscellaneous - Updated
By Linda
It's been nearly 3 weeks because I've been busy updating Costume in the Wheel of Time Part 2 and working lots of overtime. I had hoped to finish both parts for JordanCon but researching new fashions takes quite while, and then at least as long again finding the right illustrations. There is a lot of new material in the second half of the costume article, notably on the Seanchan and Shara.
Costume in the Wheel of Time Part 1 can be found here and the article on underwear, etc here. Next article to be updated will be on Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings Parallels.
New material is marked in bold.