Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Alchemical Symbolism in the Wheel of Time Essay Updated
By Linda
This last week I've revisited an essay I wrote shortly after A Mempory of Light was published on Alchemical Symbolism in The Wheel of Time. As I updated essays in the months since, I noticed a few new points about the symbolism in the last book. I added these and also reworked the introduction.
I'm now working on an essay central to all the others: Rand's parallels. It's the last essay to be updated.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
New Blog Article: Wheel of Time and Narnia Parallels
By Linda
Years ago I noted the reference to the world of Charn in C. S. Lewis' Narnia series that Jordan made in The Shadow Rising (included in the Character Names C Parallels article) and also the similarities between Lanfear and the White Witch (in my Lanfear essay). I left it at that, until Terez and I chatted about Narnia a year or two ago. Finally I've found time to research the Narnia parallels further and write them up in a new essay.
There are quite a few parallels, as many as with the recently updated The Lord of the Rings or with Dune. And I do also plan to write about The Wheel of Time's parallels to Herbert's series.