Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Aes Sedai History - New Era

By Linda

The essay in the Reference Library on the Aes Sedai History: New Era has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm ranging from the first Brown Amyrlin (of the New Era, but Egwene left out that qualifier) whom Egwene quoted right up until the most recent events:

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such as the activities (or lack thereof) of both Amyrlins and Halls, the Seanchan raid, the end of the schism, what the Ajah Heads were up to and how Verin's report ended the Black Ajah hunters' impasse.

It looks ahead a little too.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Lanfear Parallels essay

By Linda

The essay in the Reference Library on possible parallels used to develop Lanfear has now been updated with a small amount of information from The Gathering Storm plus quite a bit more information from The Gathering Storm book tour.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Semirhage Parallels essay

By Linda

The essay in the Reference Library on possible parallels used in developing Semirhage has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm.

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The Gathering Storm revealed more of Semirhage's atrocities, and also more information on her parallels with Fenrir the giant wolf of Norse mythology, and with the Nemean Lion which was the target of one of the labours of the Greek Hero Hercules.

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Article Released: Aiel Prophecy

By Linda

A new article is now available in the Reference Library: Aiel Prophecy, the third of the three new articles on the lesser known or regarded prophecies.

It details the prophecies of Rhuidean, and the Aiel Dreamwalkers' dreams and what they read in Tel'aran'rhiod.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Mat Parallels essay

By Linda

The essay in the Reference Library on possible parallels used in developing Mat's character has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm.

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Even though Mat and Tuon were apart, there was much in the book touching on their role as King and Queen of the Dead/Underworld, and of Fortune, be it luck or prosperity.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Article Released: Shadowy Prophecy

By Linda

A new article is now available in the Reference Library: Shadowy Prophecy, the second of three articles I'll be writing on the lesser known or regarded prophecies.

The main question is: is there anything in it, or is it all a lie?

At the very least, the dark prophecy and all the other evil portents and happenings foreshadow or symbolise what is to follow. Their very taunting is inadvertently revealing. Even twisted prophecies have to contain some genuine information to make them feasible. So yes, there is something in it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New Article Released: Off-shore Prophecy

By Linda

A new article is now available in the Reference Library: Off-shore Prophecy, the first of three articles I'll be writing on the lesser known or regarded prophecies.

It details the prophecies of both the Sea Folk and the Amayar, and what these led to: genocide for one people and future glory for the other.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: The Horn of Valere

By Linda

The article in the Reference Library on the Horn of Valere has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm, plus a little reworking of my previous ideas. The big questions about the Horn are: Where is it? How will it be given to whoever shall sound it?

Under the spoiler tag below I speculate on where the Horn might be.

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As for the Horn might be: after Verin's ringing endorsement of Laras, I wonder if it's not in the kitchens under Laras's watchful eye. It's not a place an Aes Sedai would hang out so the Horn would be safe there, but it is a place where one can enter or leave with a parcel and no one thinks anything of it. In the real world, such kitchens in the 16th-18th centuries had cupboards and cellars under lock and key to which only the Butler or Head Cook had access and again no one would think anything of it.

It was Egwene whom Verin told Laras was no Darkfriend. She went on to say "When you next see Laras, please thank her on my behalf..." And a short while later again: "As I said, please than Laras for me."

Verin quite subtly but firmly suggested to Egwene to visit Laras on an innocent 'last request'.

She said "when" Egwene next sees Laras even though Verin would have deduced that Egwene was soon to be Amyrlin judging by the political currents in the Tower. She compliments Egwene on how well she has done politically so she was certainly aware of how close Egwene was. Yet Egwene is to visit Laras...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Article Released: Who Is Not A Darkfriend?

By Linda

A new article is now available in the Reference Library: Who Is Not A Darkfriend?

Those characters revealed in The Gathering Storm to be not Darkfriends are included.

The 51 women bonded by Asha'man, 11 of the rebel Sitters, 11 of the Tower Sitters, most of the Tower Ajah Heads, the 10 rebel infiltrators...there's quite a few characters who aren't Darkfriends, never mind those individually identified.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Composition and Politics of the Halls

By Linda

The article in the Reference Library on The Composition and Politics of the Halls 998-1000 NE has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm. The factions of the various Halls have been re-analysed with particular emphasis on the political influence of the Ajah Heads and the Black Ajah.

Under the spoiler tag below I speculate on what the latest composition of the Hall might be.

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The Reunited Tower Hall under Egwene

What will be the composition of the new Hall? Removing Black Sitters, and those seemingly mired at the Black Tower, we are still left with too many Sitters in some Ajahs, and an embarrassing lack in others. Egwene warned that:

accommodations will have to be made, for between us there are far too many Sitters for the Hall, not to mention five too many Ajah heads. Some of you will have to step down…

- The Gathering Storm, To Be Forged Again

On The Gathering Storm book tour, Brandon Sanderson said

which Sitters remain in power after reunification will be dealt with quietly. The most likely default will be who was Sitter/Head before the split.

Blue Ajah

Lelaine is the only Blue Sitter around, currently. She may have been recently made Blue Ajah Head. Two more Sitters need to be raised for the Blue.

Brown Ajah

The Browns have an excess of Sitters. Saerin and Takima will probably stay Sitters. If Janya did not go to the Black Tower, she will probably be chosen; if she isn’t at the White Tower, then Shevan will probably become the third Sitter.

Green Ajah

Faiselle and Rubinde will probably remain Sitters for the Green. One of Rina, Malind and Samalin may be the third, but they are all too young. The Greens may elect a new third Sitter of proper age.

Grey Ajah

Varilin and Yukiri will probably remain Sitters for the Grey. If Naorisa Cambral is the right age, she may be the third Sitter, otherwise it will probably be Andaya Forae, who, although too young, gave the Hall’s invitation to Egwene to be Amyrlin.

Red Ajah

All three Sitters are absent from the Red Ajah. Duhara will be replaced anyway, because she is Black. Javindhra, while not on Verin’s Black list, may also be Black, judging by her behaviour, although this is academic since she is at the Black Tower. (Academic for the Hall, that is.) The Red Ajah was not given a chance to raise new Sitters prior to Egwene’s accession:

"Following Elaida's disappearance, they retreated back to their quarters. The Sitters here, they worried that the Red would choose new Sitters quickly and send them to this proceeding. I believe some . . . curt missives from the Hall of the Tower were enough to cow them."

- The Gathering Storm, To Be Forged Again

Egwene reported that the Reds have in part accepted her peace offering of choosing a Red as her Keeper. They may be slow to raise new Sitters under the guise of a ‘political gesture’ in the hope that those at the Black Tower return, but Egwene is likely to encourage them to raise new ones to have the Hall operating properly. If Pevara returns in time she is a likely Sitter. Lirene, who took the fall for the Reds over Sierin’s death, is a possible contender (provided she isn’t Black and fled).

White Ajah

For the White Ajah, Seaine and Saroiya are likely to remain Sitters. There may well be pressure within the Whites for Ferane to be either Ajah Head or Sitter, but not both. It's not common for the Ajah Head to also be a Sitter and for a good reason. It's considered not playing fair: other high ranking Aes Sedai in the Ajah want a chance to hold a high official position too. If the Ajah Head holds another official role it means that one woman holds two extremely powerful positions, while another woman does without. With too many Sitters, why should the Ajah Head also be a Sitter? The Ajah Heads lost standing due to promoting unsuitable Sitters and the price that Ferane (and Suana, too, for that matter) may pay for this is to resign her chair as Sitter. If Ferane resigns, she may well chose another Sitter of proper age, since Berana and Aledrin are too young.

Yellow Ajah

Doesine and Magla will probably retain their chairs for the Yellow. Suana and Romanda will contend for the remaining chair and for the role of Ajah Head. I think that Romanda will want to be in the Hall to counter Lelaine. Already Romanda has sent a note of protest to Egwene about her plans for the captured damane and Egwene expects Romanda to be a thorn in her side in the Hall for years. Suana will probably remain Ajah Head.

Egwene al’Vere, of no Ajah

Keeper of the Chronicles
Silviana Brehon, Red Ajah

Blue Ajah
Lelaine Akashi
+ 2 more

Brown Ajah
Saerin Asnobar
Janya Frende or Shevan

Green Ajah
Malind Nachenin or Rina Hafden or Samalin or new Sitter

Grey Ajah
Perhaps Naorisa Cambral if she is the right age, otherwise probably Andaya Forae

Red Ajah
3 to be raised

White Ajah
Seaine Herimon
new Sitter? Or Ferane?

Yellow Ajah
Doesine Alwain
Magla Daronos
Romanda Cassin probably rather than Suana

The Ajah Heads will probably be as they were:

Blue: maybe Lelaine if the previous incumbent was executed. Siuan tells Lelaine she is faithful to her as a Sitter for her Ajah in Knife of Dreams, When Last Sounds; she did not say Ajah Head. Therefore it was unlikely that Lelaine was Head of the Blue at that stage. However, The Gathering Storm Glossary has Lelaine as ‘suspected’ Blue Ajah Head. This might be an attempt to mislead, or the former Blue Ajah Head might have been executed for being Black and Lelaine has just taken her place.
Brown: Jesse Bilal
Green: Adelorna Bastine
Grey: Serancha Colvine
Red: Tsutama Rath
White: Ferane Neheran
Yellow: Suana Dragand

Friday, December 4, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Prophecies of the Dragon

By Linda

The article in the Reference Library on the Prophecies of the Dragon has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm. In fact, it was largely rewritten.

I have posted two additions below under the spoiler tag; the first is of an updated prophecy from the Karaethon Cycle, and the second is of a new prophecy from the Essanik Cycle.

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Fortune rides like the sun on high
With the fox that makes the ravens fly.
Luck his soul, lightning his eye,
He snatches the moons from out of the sky.
- Crossroads of Twilight, A Cluster of Rosebuds

Noal believes this part of the Prophecies refers to Mat and he is probably right. Perrin and Mat, Rand’s supporting ta’veren, have been included in the Prophecies in obscure metaphors so that they would not be targets of those who would like to manipulate (even with good intentions) or destroy the Pattern.

Tuon took the name of Fortuona (Fortuna of mythology) when she became Empress and she has already ridden with her consort Mat, ‘the fox that makes the ravens fly’. He has a fox-head medallion and a signet ring that shows nine moons and a fox startling two ravens. Mat is extremely lucky and has risen high due to his good fortune and to Tuon marrying him. A fortune-telling damane also named Mat as ‘the fox that makes the ravens fly’ (see Foretellings article). ‘Lightning his eye’ may refer to Mat inventing gunpowder weapons.

The raven is a symbol of the imperial family of Seanchan, and by kidnapping the daughter of the nine moons (‘snatched the moons from out of the sky’ ) and freeing the Windfinder damane, he has certainly stirred the Seanchan into flying after them.

Will Fortune stay high in the sky, or will she come back down again? Fortuna is associated with the Wheel of Fortune, and the cycle of fluctuating fortunes. Lady Luck is changeable. “What was exalted is cast down, what was cast down is raised up…” as the Prophecy says. What happens if the Empress channels?

At the end of time,
when the many become one,
the last storm shall gather its angry winds
to destroy a land already dying.
And at its center, the blind man shall stand
upon his own grave.
There he shall see again,
and weep for what has been wrought.

- from The Prophecies of the Dragon, Essanik Cycle. Malhavish's Official Translation, Imperial Record House of Seandar, Fourth Circle of Elevation

- The Gathering Storm, Epilogue

It is the first actual wording of a prophecy from the Essanik Cycle. “At the end of time” shows we have gone beyond the Last Days and the Last Battle is about to begin and as for “the many become one”: surely we aren’t going to have some unity! In a state of spiritual blindness, Rand went to the top of Dragonmount, the grave of his previous incarnation and while he didn’t literally weep, he certainly agonized over being bound by the Pattern to be born to make sacrifices and painful mistakes, to cause deaths and to fight the Dark One again and again. His pain nearly drove him to destroy the world. The last storm may refer to whatever issues from the Dark One’s sinister cloud layer, or it may be the tempest that surrounded Rand during the latter part of The Gathering Storm. Rand was about to destroy the land already dying but pulled back at the last.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Dead, Captured and Missing Aes Sedai

By Linda

The article in the Reference Library on Dead, Captured and Missing Aes Sedai has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm. Quite a bit of new material was added.

Below is a summary of the numbers of Aes Sedai 'lost' to the Tower since The Eye of the World. The article details each of these women and the circumstances in which they were lost.

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Perhaps 112 or more Aes Sedai have died since The Eye of the World opened:

  • 105+ definitely dead

  • 7 presumed dead

  • plus additional ones that were likely killed when Logain was taken, or during the Tower Coup, or that were executed by Egwene when she cleansed the Tower that were not enumerated in the books.

That’s over 11% of the total population of Aes Sedai (which was under 1000).

About 190 Aes Sedai have been captured or gone missing since The Eye of the World opened:

  • 84+ captured that are not presumed dead.

  • 106 “missing” that are not presumed dead.

That’s another 19% of the total population of Aes Sedai.

Combine the dead/captured/missing, and the total of well over 302 represents over 30% of the Aes Sedai. With such losses, the Asha'man probably now outnumber the Aes Sedai. Of course, they too need purging of Darkfriends...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: Foretellings

By Linda

The article in the Reference Library on Foretellings has now been updated with information from The Gathering Storm. No new Foretellings were made in The Gathering Storm, but previously made Foretellings were re-evaluated.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reference Library Updates after The Gathering Storm: two more articles updated.

By Linda

Two articles were updated with information from The Gathering Storm today:

The Aelfinn and the Eelfinn

Information about the Eelfinn given by Brandon Sanderson.

Fate, Free Will and Divining the Pattern

Three characters each react differently to Min's viewings of their fate in The Gathering Storm.