Thursday, November 20, 2014

Towers of Midnight Read-through #53: Chapter 46 - Working Leather

By Linda

Androl POV
In this chapter we see destruction versus creation in action: one of the schools Rand established to preserve and make advances in knowledge is being fractured by Taim, and in a smaller way Androl is creating useful objects while his tools are being stolen.

Like Perrin, Androl is a craftsman who takes pride in doing a job well. He is not creating a Great Work, as Perrin did, but is illustrating the importance of small things. Androl’s plot is to show how small things done with care and thought can make an enormous difference:

One of the tricks to life was paying attention to the small details. Focus, make the small things right. If each stitch was secure on an armguard, then it wouldn't fray or snap. That could mean the difference between an archer lasting through a barrage or having to put away his bow. One archer wouldn't make a battle. But the small things piled up, one atop another, until they became large things.

Towers of Midnight, Working Leather

As a weak channeller, Androl is a ‘small thing’ himself – in Taim’s eyes at least – but he is skilful and careful to make the most of his abilities and talents to an impressive degree. Logain values talent and experience rather than raw power.

Androl had a block so that only if he was touching his craft materials could he channel. He is atypical of men in being weakest in Earth, normally a power men are strong in. It’s appropriate that having travelled so much everywhere, more than anyone except possibly Jain Farstrider, he is better than anyone at the Travelling weave.

Androl is wary of addiction and thinks the power of saidin terrible as well as wonderful. He notices that his fears have reversed:

The darkness outside hadn't frightened him, nor had stories of Trollocs and Fades. But men who could channel . . . that had terrified him. Now he found himself here, grown into his middle years, suddenly afraid of the dark but completely at peace with men who could channel.

Towers of Midnight, Working Leather

His world has been overturned – a strong theme in the last few books as the Dark One undermines the order of the Pattern with chaos and tries to make Rand the Lord of Misrule, a mockery of the role of Creator’s champion. Soon he will come to love a Red sister, a senior member of an Ajah sworn to neutralise men who can channel. Her world, too, is being overturned.

Darkness is indeed more to be feared than Asha’man. The taint showed Androl that…

The factions in the Black Tower are so strong that they are open in their hostility. Taim’s faction is much more destructive in their weaving. They are better at being weapons, since they have no scruples and probably keep knowledge to themselves of the more destructive weaves to have an advantage over Logain’s faction. Their destructive skill is also a reminder that the Shadow is inimical to the Pattern and good.

It’s interesting that all the Dowtry family accompanied Jonneth to the Black Tower. According to Androl, Canler is older than “Emarin” (more on this in a later post). Emarin has assimilated well to the Black Tower and doesn’t flaunt or press his rank. He is probably better educated than most nobles since he knows where the obscure island of Retash is.

Androl steadfastly allows Coteren to bully him because Logain’s supporters are out-classed in numbers and channelling strength.

Logain’s faction is losing men to Taim’s faction because they want promotion. For some this would be due to simple ambition, for those with a little more insight, there is the added spur of safety. The non-Asha’man in Logain’s faction are afraid of being bonded by Aes Sedai, and resentful that Taim gave permission for the bonding. Taim’s aim was to have them turn to him for promotion to Asha’aman and therefore exemption from bonding, which gives him the opportunity to corrupt them. The previous lure to turn to the Shadow – protection from the taint - was removed by Rand.

Androl is angry that Rand hasn’t been to the Black Tower to sort out the problems, but acknowledges that the Dragon has earned redemption though cleansing saidin. The men feel more than anger; they believe that Rand is mad, until Emarin vouches for him. This is enough to reassure them and they decide to look for evidence that will make Rand listen to their warnings. Such is the Dragon’s reputation – real and calumnied - that even his supporters are unimpressed with his activities and decisions.

This is a straightforward chapter for a straightforward character. Androl does have his secrets, though. Yet he is trustworthy and reliable, which is why the men look to him for leadership. Androl accepts the role even though he feels unqualified for it because it needs to be done. His instructions are sensible and his judgment sound, even though he is not certain yet what going on. He is not sure which would be worse; being right, or being wrong.

The chapter has its secrets too:

"The men who take Taim's private lessons learn too quickly," Nalaam said. "Nensen was barely powerful enough to be considered for Dedicated just a short time ago. Now he's full Asha'man.

- Towers of Midnight, Working Leather

This could be due to the male channeller learning while linked into a mixed circle as this conversation between Rand and Asmodean shows:

Rand cut him off. "You are not teaching me very well."
"As well as may be expected, under the circumstances. You can grasp saidin every time you try, now, and tell one flow from another. You can shield yourself, and the Power does what you want it to." He stopped playing and frowned, not looking at Rand. "Do you think Lanfear really intended me to teach you everything? If she had wanted that, she would have contrived to stay close so she could link us…I've told you I am not a very good teacher, especially without a link.”

- The Fires of Heaven, Pale Shadows

It seems that circles can be used to learn channelling rapidly. This is yet another useful function of the mixed circles now available at the Black Tower. The quote above shows that ‘teaching circles’ can be quite small, as small as just two men and one woman, but no smaller; the woman is necessary to link the men, and the man to teach the other man how to use saidin.

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