Monday, August 24, 2009

New Article Released : Matter of Britain 1 - Arthurian Myth Parallels

A new article is now available in the Reference Library: Matter of Britain 1: Arthurian Myth Parallels

This wonderful essay, written by our good friend Marcia (known as MJJ Sedai on Wotmania), is an excellent introduction to the abundant Arthurian themes and symbols that RJ wove into the Wheel of Time series. RJ wove them in, but he twisted and recombined them quite a bit in the weaving. The Goddess and her champions, the Grail and other Hallows objects, the Dolorous Stroke, the Fisher King and the Pendragons, they're all there, just used anew, as happened in the Arthurian tales themselves.

With Wotmania closing in a week's time, we're happy, if more than a bit touched by nostalgia, to republish this article in the Thirteenth Depository's Library with Marcia's blessing. Her second essay in the Matter of Britain, an Arthurian Who's Who, will follow once I index it...

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