By Linda

Raefar Kisman: Darkfriend Asha'man see Names of the Shadow article.
Rahvin: Forsaken see Names of the Shadow article.
Raimun Holdwin: Andoran Darkfriend see Names of the Shadow article.
Ramola: Black Ajah see Names of the Shadow article.
Rand al'Thor: Two Rivers. Randall and Randy meaning wild dog and Randolf meaning guard wolf, would be the closest real-world personal names. Rand(y) would be an appropriate name for a guy with three girlfriends.
The RAND Corporation is a non-profit think tank originally formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces, but now also working with other governments, private foundations, international organizations, and companies. Its aim is to "further promote scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare and security of the United States of America" and "to help improve policy and decision making" through high quality, objective research and analysis. As of 2005, about one-half of RAND's research involves US national security issues. This is a rather appropriate parallel since Rand founded institutions to promote education and research and of course thought a lot about security and military issues.
Rand was originally named Rhys in early notes for the books (Robert Jordan’s notes, Wheel of Time Storyline Vol 1), a name that means ardent or rash in Welsh. As a surname of Welsh origin, Rees means "dragon", "fervor", "passion", "ultimate strength" or "zeal". The Welsh flag features the Red Dragon emblem of the Rees family and also ties the Dragon to Celtic and Arthurian myth.
Al'Thor refers to both King Arthur and the Norse thunder god Thor:
I figured most of you are far enough along that you read, that you know Rand al'Thor, al'Thor, yes he is an Arthur analog. He is also a Thor analog.Thor was the Norse god of thunder and was usually portrayed as a large, powerful man with red hair and beard and eyes of lightning. He was invoked for protection against evil. Unlike other Norse gods, he did not require human sacrifices. His wife, Sif, had golden hair. The Prose Edda mentions that Thor had a foster mother named Hlora. During Ragnarok, Thor and the Midgard serpent will kill each other. While Rand's family name is influenced by Thor, Perrin also has Thor-like attributes (see Perrin essay). Jordan split Thor's characteristics between Perrin and Rand. Perrin is a bearded guy with a powerful build who totes a hammer. Rand is a tall, red-headed lightning wielder who was fostered as a child and has a golden-haired girlfriend. He was the mainstay of the fight against evil and tried to avoid as much human sacrifice as possible. Rand and Moridin were both killed while sealing the Dark One (who is linked to serpents, see Animal Symbolism essay) away: Rand’s body and Moridin’s soul perished.
- Robert Jordan, see Real Life Influences article
While Artur Paendrag Hawkwing is a parallel of the historic King Arthur, (see Character Names A article), Rand al'Thor is a parallel of the legendary King Arthur as his surname emphasises:
- Arthur's emblem was a dragon. Rand is the Dragon Reborn.
- Arthur was the son of Uther Pendragon and Ygraine, following the deceit worked upon Ygraine by Merlin. Arthur was fostered with Sir Ector. Rand's mother was Tigraine, who was persuaded by an Aes Sedai to leave her family and go to the Aiel. Upon her death, Rand was raised by foster parents Tam and Kari al'Thor. Merlin figures in Rand's life include the Amyrlin, Thom Merrilyn and Moridin (Myrddin, the Welsh version of Merlin).
- Arthur established his right to rule by extracting the sword from the stone (or anvil in some stories). One of the proofs that Rand is the Dragon Reborn is drawing Callandor in the Stone of Tear.
- Arthur was forced to quell a rebellion led by King Lot of Orkney. Lot sent his wife Morgause, Arthur's half-sister, to spy on the King. Arthur was unaware they were related and they became lovers and conceived Mordred/Modred, who eventually usurped Arthur’s kingdom. Rand is plagued by rebellion too—the Shaido and Brotherless, and the Tairen and Cairhienin nobles. He was anxious about whether he and Elayne are closely related, but they are not (see Ruling houses of Andor and Cairhien family tree). Morgase spied on Perrin because he is one of Rand's henchmen. Galad Damodred is Morgase’s stepson and Rand’s half-brother. He represents a positive version of Modred, while Demandred, who invaded Rand’s kingdom with his Sharans and demanded a duel with the Dragon, is a negative Modred figure.
- After many battles, Arthur not only ended the rebellions but curbed the Saxon invaders and established a period of peace throughout Britain. Rand united the nations against the Shadow and curb the Seanchan invaders with his peace pact. He defeated the Shadow and brought peace to the world.
- Arthur's original sword was lost in a fight with King Pellinore and he was taken by Merlin to the Lady of the Lake who gave him Excalibur. Arthur believed the sword was more precious than the scabbard, but Merlin revealed that the scabbard would protect him from harm. When Morgan le Fay stole it, Arthur's reign started to fail. Rand's original sword from Tam was destroyed in a duel with Ishamael. He accepted Laman's sword from Aviendha as a replacement, but rejected the ornate scabbard.
- When Sir Balin attacked Sir Pellam with the Lance of Longinus and delivered the Dolorous Stroke, famine and pestilence fell over Arthur's kingdom. Arthur and his knights had a vision of the Grail and the knights scattered to quest for the Grail, leaving Arthur's kingdom in disarray. Rand's helpers were widely scattered on various quests and the Light's forces were in disarray until the Last Battle commenced. Rand fetched the keys to the great sa'angreal statues (parallels of the San Greal, the Holy Grail) to cleanse the taint on saidin, the Dark One's dolorous stroke from the Age of Legends (see The Age of Legends essay). As the Dark One's touch increased, famine and pestilence fell on the land.
- Arthur was married to Guinevere, but Lancelot and Guinevere became lovers. The rift between Arthur and Guinevere widened and her adultery was discovered. Lancelot left for France, followed by Arthur. In Arthur's absence, Mordred seized the throne and Guinevere. Arthur hastily returned and fought Mordred at the Battle of Camlann, where Arthur and Mordred mortally wounded each other. At the start of the books, Rand intended to marry Egwene (who is a parallel of Guinevere, see Character Names E article) someday, but neither he nor Lan loves her. The rift between Rand and Egwene occurred early in series, but continued as foretold:
"Rand al'Thor will face the Amyrlin Seat and know her anger."
with Egwene trying to unite nations to prevent Rand breaking the remaining Seals. Lan left to ride to Shayol Ghul and rallied the Borderlands. There were various Modred figures keen to seize control of Rand's forces and/or kill Rand, including Mordeth, Moridin and Demandred. Caemlyn is a parallel of Camlann (see Origin of Place Names article) and there was a great battle there.
- A Crown of Swords, Prologue: Lightnings
- Excalibur was returned to the Lake and Arthur was borne away in a boat by three queens to be healed in Avalon. He is prophesied to return to Britain in a time of peril. The Dragon was reborn as Rand to save the world from the Shadow. After the Dark One was re-sealed in the Bore, Callandor was apparently lost, perhaps in the Pit of Doom. Nicola and the Aiel Dreamwalkers each have prophesied that Rand and three women will go by boat somewhere (see Foretellings article) but this has probably not yet happened.

Reanne Corly: The Kin. Reanne is a personal name combining Rae and Anne. Corly is a surname.
Renaile din Calon Blue Star: Sea Folk. The similar personal name Renee means reborn and Renaile was demoted to the bottom of the Windfinders upon Nesta's death to work her way up the ranks again. Calon is a place in Haiti.
Renald Fanwar: Borderlander. Renald is a personal name meaning advisor of the king, powerful, mighty. Fanwar could mean that Renald is (not) a fan of war, or that he will fan (the flames of) war.
Rhadam Asunawa: Whitecloak. The similar personal names Radha, Radwan and Radman mean happiness, joy, pleasure. Asunawa looks sorrowful most of the time but takes pleasure in killing Darkfriends—among which he includes Aes Sedai. Asugawa is a place in Japan.

The goddess Rhea was called the "mother of the gods," and Rhea was the sister of one of Rand's direct ancestors. She may well have been forced to bear children to her captor/s and descendents of her offspring from her captors may have become nobility or had leadership roles in other nations.
Rhea is also a flightless South American bird. Poor Rhea was helpless against the bandits.
Rhiannon: Queen who announced herself proudly at the White Tower and was humbled by the Aes Sedai (Crossroads of Twilight, Prologue). Rhiannon was a woman in Welsh mythology who decided she would rather marry Pwyll than be married by arrangement to Gwawl. She provided Pwyll with a magic bag, which he used to capture Gwawl and then made Gwawl agree to Rhiannon marrying Pwyl in exchange for being let free. Rhiannon gave birth to a son but the child disappeared while being minded by Rhiannon's ladies-in-waiting. Fearing blame, they made Rhiannon appear to have killed her child by smearing her with blood while she slept and laying bones around her bed. Pwyll imposed a penance on Rhiannon for her crime: she had to sit outside the gate every day for seven years telling her story to all that passed. She also had to carry anyone who asked into the court on her back. The missing boy was adopted by King Teyrnon. When he grew to an adult in only seven years he was reunited with his parents, who named him Pryderi. In the series, Rhiannon was humbled at the White Tower, just as Rhiannon of myth was forced into a penance.
Rhodric: Rand's ancestor who led the Aiel and crossed the Dragonwall. Roderic/k is a personal name meaning well-known ruler. The name may refer to Roderic king of the Visigoths from 709‒711.
Rhuarc: Aiel. The name is similar to the personal name Rourke and is pronounced the same way. Rhuari (pronounced rohry) was on a list of Welse names in Robert Jordan’s notes. br />
Rianna Andomeran: Black Ajah see Names of the Shadowarticle.
Rodel Ituralde: Domani. Rodel and Ituralde are both surnames.
Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a'Naloy: Murandian King. Rodran, Arreloa and Naloy are all surnames. Almaric is a personal name—an Almaric was King of Jerusalem in the 12th century—and also a surname.
Rogosh of Talmour Hero of the Horn. Rogosh is a place in Bulgaria and Talmor is a surname.

Rorik: Warder. Rorik is a personal name meaning red. There was at least one infamous Viking warrior named Rorik. Warders are often named after warriors or generals.
Rosel of Essam: Author. The name may refer to US science fiction author Rosel George Brown (1926‒1967). Esam is in Equatorial Guinea.
Rumann: Sword juggler in Luca's Menagerie. Ruman is a surname. The name may refer to actor Sig Ruman (1884‒1967), famous for his comic portrayals of pompous villains.
Ryne Venamar: Malkieri Darkfriend see Names of the Shadow article.
Written by Linda, February 2007 and updated November 2013
1 comment:
Another interesting aspect to Rand's name is the "Al". In arabic "al" means "the" and is used to indicate the meaning to the one named.
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