Note: The articles without a hyperlink are forthcoming.
The Aes Sedai
- Aes Sedai Attitudes to Male Channellers: The Unbeliever
- Aes Sedai History from the Breaking to the Hundred Years War
- Aes Sedai History: New Era
- Aes Sedai Laws and Customs: Administration
- Aes Sedai Laws and Customs: Society
- The Composition and Politics of the Halls 998-1000 NE
- Dead, Captured and Missing Aes Sedai
- Elaida's Embassy To Rand
The Nations
- The Age of Legends
- The Mainland Rulers
- Mapping the Wheel of Time (WOT cartography project)
- The Military Forces of the Westlands
- The Noble Houses of Andor
- The Noble Houses of Cairhien
- The Nobles of Tear
- Costume and Hairstyles in the Wheel of Time
- Dew Drop Inn (Compendium of the Inns and their parallels)
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Pillowfriends…
- The Long-winded Lunch – Dining Out in the Wheel of Time
- Private Lives of the 17th and 18th Centuries
- Protection against Evil (Hand gestures and protective devices)
- Wheel of Time Music - Performance and Instruments
- Wheel of Time Music - Regional and Cultural Variation
- Wheel of Time Music - Songs and Dances
- Writings For Armchair Travellers
The Shadow
- The Black Ajah
- Forsaken and their Deeds and Plans
- The Shadow and Darkfriends: Who Is A Darkfriend?
- The Shadow's Influence on the Black Tower
- Angreal and Sa'angreal
- The Cache from Ebou Dar
- Cadsuane's Ornaments
- Channeller Training Outside the White Tower
- How Channellers Detect Other Channellers
- The Onset of Rand's Channelling
- Robert Jordan's Channeller Strength Ranking
- Saidar Strength Ranking
- Ter'angreal and Allied Items
- Weaves and Talents
Wheel of Time Science and Philosophy
- The Aelfinn and the Eelfinn
- Freemasonry and the Wheel of Time
- Herbs and Other Medicines
- Horn of Valere
- Inventions From Rand’s Academies
- Mat, Fireworks and Bellfounders
- The Price and Prize of Knowledge (To be updated)
- The Tao of the Pattern
- Some Sort of Balance is Perfect: Wheel of Time Theology
- There Are No Beginnings or Endings...The Paradox of WOT's Eschatology
- Time of Illusions
- The Ages of the Characters
- Egwene, Leane and the Harbour Chains
- The Importance of Setalle Anan
- Moiraine's Rescue
- Verin and Her Letters
- Who Is Not A Darkfriend?
Into the Future
- The Aelfinn's Answers
- Aiel Prophecy
- Dreamers, Foretellers and Mystics
- Egwene's Dreams
- Fate, Free Will and Divining the Pattern
- Foretellings
- Min's Viewings
- Off-shore Prophecy
- Omens
- Perrin's Dreams
- The Prophecies of the Dragon
- Shadowy Prophecy
The Wheel of Time Games
- Arrays
- Chop
- Dice Games: It’s Time to Roll the Dice!
- Foxes and Snakes
- Sha'rah, the Fisher King and Their Equivalents
- Stones
- Tcheran
Main Character Parallels
- Matter of Britain 2: An Arthurian Who's Who
- Egwene al'Vere and Gawyn Trakand
- Faile Bashere and Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
- Lews Therin
- Mat Cauthon
- Moiraine Damodred and Thom Merrilin
- Perrin Aybara
- Rand al'Thor
- Nynaeve al'Maera and Lan Mandragoran
- Three Women - Character Parallels for Elayne, Aviendha and Min
- Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag
The Forsaken and their Parallels
- Asmodean
- Balthamel
- Demandred
- Graendal
- Lanfear
- Mesaana
- Sammael
- Semirhage
- Three Strands Common to the Forsaken
Names Parallels
- Names of the Shadow
- Origin of the Place Names
- Character Names and their parallels A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U to Z
- Character Names Derived from Readers' Names
Creatures Parallels
- The Fool and the Joker in The Wheel of Time
- It Does Add Up: Number Symbolism
- Lord of the Rings parallels
- Matter of Britain 1: Arthurian Myth Parallels
- Narnia Parallels
- Not Just the Dragon: Animal Symbolism
- Redressing the Balance and the Boundaries: Wheel of Time Tricksters
- Refining Principle: Alchemical Symbolism in the Wheel of Time
- Dragoncon 05 Reports
- Plots, Characters and the Wheel of Time
- Real Life Influences
- RJ's Blog Posts Post Knife of Dreams
- RJ's Blog Posts Pre Knife of Dreams
- TOR Questions of the Week
- Wotmania 2004 Interview
- Writing the Wheel of Time
Just stopped in at Wotmania (yes I still do that from time to time ;) and read your post about this new blog of yours and Dominic's. Fantastic! Haven't explored it yet, but just thought I'd say, since you're moving your works from Wot to here, please feel free to move the little FAQs I wrote and you edited/helped me with here as well. Haven't actually checked the FAQs section at WOT in quite some time (bad girl, bad girl!), but whatever's been done to what I contributed (if they're still there anyway), in the way of editing, additions, etc., is fine. Bring'em here if you want, and if not, that's okay to!
Good luck to you guys, and I'll be checking back...
Marcia (aka MJJ Sedai, currently at jonesandsmith"at"verizon.net
I'm very glad you'll drop by again - hopefully often! I emailed you too. I intend to bring your stuff here and the only changes I'm making is to add pics to some. It's one of the fun things about the blog. Your Arthurian essays are just so good!
I'm so happy you've found us! We were talking about you again only just last week, how we miss you and hoped to see you around before the WMB closes down.
And of course we will host your essays. :)
The Arthurian essays are slated for mid summer (because of all the work still to do to enter their content in the topical index), but look for "Pillowfriends" to appear really soon as it's one of the next in the queue (it's still so timely... I saw threads denying fiercely Moiraine and Siuan were lovers even just last week).
Well, that assertion is easy enough to kill - just a little blog quote.
On the non-WoT board at Theoryland, we've been discussing the possibility that the pillow friend phenomenon has spread to the Black Tower, especially among Taim and his cronies, who remain mostly sequestered from the village women. :D
Terez: that could well be so. The Asha'man are like the Nazi SS troops. Homosexuality was prevalent among the Nazi SA leadership at least and this was used as part of the justification by Hitler co for executing them and subsuming the SA into the SS.
So happy to have found your blog! I found the link on Portalstones, and it's nice to have these resources still in place. Funny that WoTmania is going away -you'd think that interest in these sites will have a resurgence when AMoL comes out...
Hi Ben and thanks for the comments.
Wotmania is going away (or changing name and vocation) because its owner has a very busy life and his interest in the series has long declined. He kept the site going nonetheless for years, but he's reached the point when he wants to move on. There are talks to move the community to a new SF & Fantasy site, with a WOT section. But we've preferred for ourselves to move on. Other admins from the WOT section will bring their stuff elsewhere, like WOT Wikis. I doubt anything will get lost, in the end. :)
You may want to correct the link for Min's Viewing. It currently links to Egwene's Dreams.
Love reading all the articles. They are awesome!
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