Friday, December 31, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Character Ages and The Noble Houses of Cairhien. Both articles have a lot of new material. All this new material is in bold.
I wish all the blog readers Happy Holidays and a Great 2011!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Min's Viewings and The Nobles of Tear. A few of Min's viewings are reinterpreted plus there are two or three new viewings. All this new material is in bold.
I wish all the blog readers Happy Holidays and a Great 2011!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Post #20 of Wheel of Time Costume
By Linda
The costume styles of Ogier and Saldaea were added to Part 2 of the Wheel of Time Costume article today. Saldaean men's dress is a Cossack style, while Saldaean women wear dresses typical of Europe in the early 19th century.
For the full Costume article from the beginning click here.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: Perrin's Dreams updated
By Linda
The article on Perrin's Dreams was updated today. Perrin did a lot of Dreaming in Towers of Midnight: he read the present and future in Tel'aran'rhiod, he had visions there and he had precognitive dreams. This new material is in bold.
I wish all the blog readers Happy Holidays and a Great 2011!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Off-shore Prophecy and the Fool and Joker essay. There is a new prophecy from the Sea Folk and some new ideas about Fain as Fool. New material is in bold.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: a new article and an article updated
By Linda
I posted a new article tonight on the character names in Towers of Midnight that Brandon Sanderson derived from readers' names. Brandon posted these on Twitter as he used them, and I collected the tweets as a record.
The updated article is the Tuon parallels article. New material is in bold.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Egwene's Dreams and the Mesaana essay. Egwene had three new dreams in Towers of Nidnight and many of her old ones were fulfilled. New material is in bold.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: the Graendal essay, and the Animal Symbolism article. New material is in bold.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: Ter'angreal articles updated
By Linda
The articles on ter'angreal were updated with quite a bit of information from Towers of Midnight today. The new material is in bold.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Angreal and Sa'angreal, which includes a new angreal and more more information on Callandor, and the Balthamel/Aran'gar essay. New material is in bold.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Weaves and Talents, which includes a major new Talent and more functions of circles, and Origin of Place Names. New material is in bold.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Post #19 of Wheel of Time Costume
By Linda
The costume style of Murandy was added to Part 2 of the Wheel of Time Costume article today. Murandy is a major lace-making centre, just like its real world parallel, Ireland. The men's fashion is 17th century European in style, while the women's fashion is 19th century.
For the full Costume article from the beginning click here.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
The Mainland Rulers, which includes info on Rand's plans for the nations, and Cadsuane's Ornaments. New material is bolded.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: the Saidar Strength Ranking article, which has a few new entries, and the Number Symbolism essay, which has some fine new examples. New material is bolded.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: the Asmodean essay, which has a new possible source from Ancient Greek mythology for the character which links Asmodean, Lanfear and Rand closely together, and The Composition and Politics of the Halls 998-1000 NE which now has the confirmed composition of the reunified Hall. As is customary, new material is in bold.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: one new and two updated articles
By Linda
Two games articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Foxes and Snakes and Sha'rah, the Fisher King and Their Equivalents. The additions aren't large, but they do add a new perspective on events - especially in the sha'rah article. New material is in bold.
The new article is on the inns visited in Towers of Midnight, and what a varied lot they are! The full list of inns in order of appearance in the books can be accessed here.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: four articles updated.
By Linda
Four articles updated with information from Towers of Midnight today:
Dead, Captured and Missing Aes Sedai
Elaida's Embassy To Rand
Herbs and Other Medicines
Dice Games
The first two articles keep track of the scattered Aes Sedai. There are quite a few changes in the status of Aes Sedai captives and some deaths also. There are a couple of new examples of both herbs and dice games in Towers of Midnight. New material is in bold.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Post #18 of Wheel of Time Costume
By Linda
The costume style of Mayene and the Menagerie was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today. It includes a fine painting of a lady dressed (undressed?) like Berelain.
Mayene is the start of Part 2 of the Costume article. WIth so many illustrations and entries the article was taking too long to load. For the full article from the beginning click here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated.
By Linda
The two articles updated with information from Towers of Midnight today are Names of the Shadow (completing the updates for the Shadow series) and Who Is Not A Darkfriend?.
Quite a few non-Darkfriends were added. New material is in bold.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two more articles updated.
By Linda
Continuing on with the Shadowy theme, two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: Forsaken and their Deeds and Plans and The Shadow's Influence on the Black Tower.
Quite a bit of new material has been added, including some info on two uses of circles at the Black Tower. As is usual on the blog, new material is in bold.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight: two articles updated.
By Linda
Two articles were updated with information from Towers of Midnight today: The Black Ajah and Who is a Darkfriend?
The 'haul' is not as dramatically huge as last time: four new Black ajah and three new non-channelling Darkfriends were revealed, plus a couple of likely Darkfriends were confirmed. There are some more problematic Darkfriends this time. Finally I've found a few suspect characters who probably work for the Shadow...
Reference Library Updates after Towers of Midnight
By Linda
The first of the many Reference Library articles updated with information gleaned from Towers of Midnight will be posted tonight.
In the article indexes, I’ll mark which articles will be updated and also which ones have been updated. And that means that updated articles will of course have spoilers, so I’ll also put a spoiler warning at the beginning of an updated article. Within an article the new information will be in bold so you should be able to find it easily.
Considering how many articles require changes or additions, plus the fact that I have…ahem…other things I have to do, the whole updating process will take at least two months.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Towers of Midnight Signing: Barnes and Noble, Lincoln Triangle NYC.
This report by the Thirteenth Depository’s Old Salt contains spoilers in the questions, but not the answers.
First of all, some complaining. I was surprised at the choice of Lincoln Center B&N store as the venue for this signing. I personally would have held it at the B&N store on Union Square which has at least two and a half or three times the capacity for a signing as the Lincoln Center store. I think the evening would have gone smoother if there had been more room. As it was there was a huge amount of line standing, and many people were unable to attend the Q&A session and had to wait outside the small seating area of the Lincoln Center store. Last years signing for The Gathering Storm was a much more elaborate event, with raffles, trivia quizzes and the like, and a much bigger participation by Tor, yet it went much smoother because the signing hall was much bigger and everybody could fit in.
With that off my chest I can say I had a great time. Last year I was lucky enough to be chosen as a Storm Leader and was able to meet with all the principle players. Unfortunately, I also had to work the event, and was unable to relax as much as I was able to this time. Many of us former Storm Leaders got together for the signing and we had a great time discussing various theories, debating old and new WoT mysteries and generally reveling in our WoT nerdyness. We were all lucky enough to get inside the seating area, and in fact had front row seats for a nice question and answer session.
The full Team Jordan was there; Brandon Sanderson, Harriett McDougal, Maria Simmons and Alan Romanczuk. In addition Leigh Butler from the Tor site WoT read thru was in attendance. She wasn’t on the Q&A panel but did sign books. Both Brandon and Maria were wearing WoT themed articles. Brandon was sporting a nice black T shirt with the Blacksmiths’ puzzle chapter Icon, while Maria had on her signature RAFO hat and a nice dragon pin. Harriet started things off by reading from the Towers of Midnight prologue “Distinctions”, specifically Lan’s PoV at the start of the prologue. She did a great job and got good laughs with her reading of Lan’s obvious displeasure at Nynaeve’s “meddling”.
Brandon then opened up a short twenty minute Q&A session. I was studiously taking notes, and missed some parts of some of the questions but I got most of the answers, primarily because many were a one word answer…RAFO.
The first question was: “Do we see Verin anywhere in Towers of Midnight?” (here after referred to as ToM) Brandon laughed and said “I know what you are trying to do here” At which point the audience broke up. He went on to say “I’m pretty sure what you are trying to find out is the identity of Nakomi” much audience laughter again. Well the answer is “RAFO”. He went on to say that we would learn nothing more about Nakomi until A Memory of Light.
I then asked my question, given to me by my good friend Deadsy, who wanted to know if Rand still recited his List since his epiphany. Answer?---You guessed it---RAFO. Brandon went on to say that since we see so little of Rand onscreen in ToM, that he didn’t want to give away any of his inner feelings.
Then there was a question about the red veiled Aiel in the epilogue. Unfortunately I didn’t catch the full question, which I think was regarding their origin, but in any event the answer was RAFO.
The next question was “Do we see any effects of a 13 by 13 turning in ToM?” again the question was RAFO. Brandon then started to laugh and said “You are all batting 1000, I can’t answer that because it will seriously hint at things that happen in AMoL, and I don’t want to spoil if for you. Personally, I think he was channeling RJ at that point.
The next question was “Can Rand still channel the True Power since his epiphany?” answer: RAFO.
There was then a question about Mat and the Old Tongue in ToM. The questioner wanted to know why there wasn’t a specific “voice” as there had been in the older books. The answer basically came down to “In the older books Mat’s speaking of the Old Tongue was unconscious. However he is now conscious of when he is speaking it and the difference between the two has to be shown somehow. Brandon went on to say that all fantasy is actually a translation, and that as an author he is constantly aware of this. At first everything will seem odd but eventually it all gets smoothed out. Alan chimed in and said that the Old Tongue is highly idiomatic and fluid and what seems to be this Germanic Voice or some other actually isn’t because it is so idiomatic that one word may mean something here, but not the same thing somewhere else.
Then a question about Fain in the prologue. The questioner was worried that Fain seemed to be too much like Tolkien’s Gollum. Brandon’s answer was that he initially wrote Fain a lot saner but Harriet said “Oh no, Fain is MUCH crazier than this” So Brandon re-wrote him. Brandon went on to say that “yes, we realize this problem” and reassured us that there would be nothing like Gollum’s fate in AMoL.
There was then an interesting question about the writing process. “Do you find writing to RJ’s outline hard?” Brandon responded by saying that it was a lot more natural than he thought it would be. Primarily because they both outlined in a similar manner. He went on to explain that his process was to start off with an important scene, get that right and then go back and fill in the details and process that made the scene natural and necessary. RJ’s outlines were very similar, clearly delineate the important scenes and then go back and fill in the necessary details.
He went on to say that he was blessed with complete creative control, subject of course to the input of the rest of Team Jordan.
The next question was “Why do Mat, Perrin and Rand all stop the color swirls?”. Brandon said it was just their personalities. They were concentrating on what they each had to do and didn’t want to be distracted by the others. He went on to say “and there are times when they really don’t want to see what’s going on!” This was an obvious reference to the time Mat saw Rand and Min together in an intimate setting. It got a big laugh from all of us.
A question was asked if the outline for AMoL was done, partly done or not really started yet. Brandon thought for a minute and said that it’s partly done. He went on to say that he needs to completely reread the entire series again before he finishes the outline. He described the process with team Jordan as finishing a bit of the outline and then discussing it with TJ, sometimes he will throw out stuff that he knows are just brainstorming stuff, but the ideas will get kicked around and sometimes rejected outright, sometimes given back to him for more work and sometimes TJ will go “you know, this actually works quite well.” But he stressed that there is a lot of give and take in the creation of the outline.
Maria was asked ‘Can there be woman Ta’veren?” The answer was yes there can be, it was just that Ta’veren are rare and we just haven’t seen any.
Unfortunately that was the end of the time we had for Q&A, Brandon introduced some people in the audience, his wife Emily, the author Charlene Harris, his editor Moshe, (sp?) and Tom Doherty, the guiding hand behind Tor. They all got big hands, but Tom got a rousing round of applause and cheers. Last year as a Storm Leader, I got a chance to talk to Tom and found him not only an astute business man, highly knowledgeable of his field; but also imminently approachable and a great sense of humor.
We all then lined up to get our books signed. During my time at the table I asked two final questions:
“Are the red veiled Aiel a creation of Fain?” answer “I’m sorry but I’m going to have to RAFO all questions about the red veils” (As an aside I have hear of them described as “the scary teeth Aiel” which I think is a much better name!)
“In the prologue, while Fain is walking along, he is cutting his thumb on the dagger and the drops of blood give rise to the mist that eventually turns the Trollocs into the undead. Is his blood a necessary ingredient of that process?” Brandon thought for a minute and then said “I have to say no. Fain’s blood is not a necessary (and he stressed the word necessary) ingredient in the process.
I then grabbed my books, coat and other stuff, said goodbye to my fellow Storm Leaders and got on the subway for my long ride home, thinking about what a fun night I had.
Towers of Midnight
Monday, November 8, 2010
Post #17 of Wheel of Time Costume
By Linda
The costume style of Malkier was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today. Malkier is noted for its custom surrounding hair and for the ki'sain, the dot women paint on their foreheads.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
New Article Released about Verin
By Linda

Warning: Even the title contains major Towers of Midnight spoilers.
The article concludes with a real world parallel to Verin I researched some years ago but have not written up until now.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Milestone for the Thirteenth Depository
By Linda
I’m delighted to announce that today the Thirteenth Depository passed one million page views! When Dominic and I started the blog less than 20 months ago neither of us thought that we’d reach this mark so soon or that the blog would be so successful. Thanks to all who have visited the blog. I’m very grateful to all our readers and hope you have enjoyed our writings.
In the next day or so I’ll post the first library article containing information from Towers of Midnight. It won’t be an update of an existing essay, but an absolutely brand new article. After that, I will update the Reference Library articles for Towers of Midnight. I estimate that about forty articles require updating, about the same number as for The Gathering Storm. They will probably be interspersed with the odd Wheel of Time Costume instalment.
The posting pace will probably be a little slower during this period to give me time to work up new material. And maybe to do a few other things. :) I’ve been making three posts per week for a year now without a break and was making one or two a week before that. This pace prevents me from researching and writing any new longer essays.
Once the updating process is over, I will resume the read-through where I left off: at the start of The Gathering Storm and will probably analyse the book chapter by chapter. Once every so often I’ll ring the changes with a new theory (four are in the pipeline) or an analysis of a minor character.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Post #16 of Wheel of Time Costume
By Linda
The costume style of Kandor was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today. The country women's costume is similar to the national costume of Albania, while the noblewomen are swanning around in Regency dresses. Kandori men dress in the Ottoman Turk style but their beards are more Elizabethan or Anglo-saxon.
This article is getting rather large and might be downloading too slowly for some. I am thinking of putting the remainder of the entries (M-Z) in a second article linked to the first.
The costume style of Kandor was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today. The country women's costume is similar to the national costume of Albania, while the noblewomen are swanning around in Regency dresses. Kandori men dress in the Ottoman Turk style but their beards are more Elizabethan or Anglo-saxon.
This article is getting rather large and might be downloading too slowly for some. I am thinking of putting the remainder of the entries (M-Z) in a second article linked to the first.
Monday, November 1, 2010
My Review of Towers of Midnight
By Linda
The Wheel of Time series is drawing to an end and, true to its name and philosophy, the Pattern in the story is turning full circle. Events, objects and characters in early books (including New Spring) resurface to play their part in Towers of Midnight.
The book contains events and reunions that have been anticipated for years, but also new and surprising events. Some things resolve as expected, others are complete surprises. There are new mysteries, big mysteries that seem to indicate the huge changes people will undergo before the end.
Towers of Midnight is faster paced than The Gathering Storm. Part of the speed comes from the greater number of plotlines with things happening.
As he did in The Gathering Storm, Sanderson continues to move the POVs move back and forth. Egwene and Rand are ahead in the timeline, and Mat and Perrin catch up. Both Mat and Perrin play prominent and superb roles in Towers of Midnight, but Egwene and Rand have far from minor parts. I have seen that some readers are planning on finding Moiraine’s rescue chapter and reading it first. This is a mistake in my opinion since they will miss out on all the buildup to what is the climax of Mat’s subthread. Mat’s character and humour is done better in Towers of Midnight than in The Gathering Storm. Lan’s thoughts are in character but his speech doesn’t sound quite right. Other characters are very well done.
Few characters still living of which we have previously had two or more POVs are absent, and one of those is referred to in the opening extract. On the whole, we see more of the Forsaken than in previous books, and the Dark One shows that he is literally the boss from Hell.
Some well-known theories are proven right, wholly or in part, others die the final death. Unexpectedly, considering there is only one more book to go, new theories are born. I have at least four. :)
Now that both The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight are written, we can look at them as a whole. And they are a whole. I think Sanderson made two great books out of the huge mass of threads at the end of Knife of Dreams. He chose to separate the strands and concentrate on two, Egwene and Rand, in one book and then advance and dovetail the other threads into Egwene’s and Rand’s threads in the second book. Reading both prologues, I can see how they would knit together – how POVs in one prologue mirror POVs in the other. This would be more obvious had they been all one. However, had the story advanced in a linear fashion over two books with all the threads going at once, like in books 8-9 or 10-11, there was the risk that the first of the two volumes was weaker. So it was a good decision.
Is Towers of Midnight one of the best books in the series? I still think that The Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven and Lord of Chaos are the best of all. But it’s a level below, and appropriately it resolves so many unanswered questions from those three books and leaves us right on the edge of time, the edge of everything. One can feel the acceleration into the abyss.
I loved it, it was such fun.
Towers of Midnight
Friday, October 29, 2010
Analysis of Minor Characters #7: Vanin
By Linda
Vanin is a mirror of Mat, just as Gaul is of Perrin. He is the older version of what Mat would like to be: a scruffy anti-noble master horseman and thief, a good fighter who avoids both fighting and work as much as possible.
There’s quite a bit of hero worshipping in Mat’s attitude to Vanin at first:
Dripping sweat, Chel Vanin reined his dun gelding in before Mat. In a rough gray coat that fit his balding bulk like a sack, he sat his saddle like a sack, too. Vanin was fat, and no getting around it. Yet improbable as it seemed, he could ride anything ever born, and he was very good at what he did.Vanin can spy out the lay of the land anywhere, avoid detection by Warders and yet detect them in turn, and according to Siuan, find out things before she puts them under his nose (Lord of Chaos, A Sudden Chill and The Colour of Trust).
Long before they reached Maerone, Mat had surprised Nalesean, Daerid and Talmanes by asking for the names of the best poachers and horse thieves among their men, the ones they knew were guilty but could not prove anything against…
Those seven men he took aside and told that he needed scouts, and that a good scout used much the same skills as a poacher or horse thief. Ignoring fervent denials that they had ever committed any crime whatsoever—more from each than from Talmanes and Nalesean combined, and just as eloquent if far coarser— he offered pardons for any thefts done before that day, triple pay and no work details as long as they reported the truth. And a hanging for the first lie; a lot of men could die from a scout's lie. Even with the threat they leaped at it, probably more for less work than for the extra silver…
The last, named by all three just before him, had been Chel Vanin, an Andoran who had lived in Maerone but ranged wide on both sides of the Erinin. Vanin could steal a hen pheasant's eggs without disturbing her on the nest, though it was unlikely he would fail to put her in the sack too. Vanin could steal a horse out from under a nobleman without the nobleman knowing it for two days. Or so his recommenders claimed in tones of awe. With a gap-toothed smile and a look of utter innocence on his round face, Vanin had protested he was a stableman and sometime farrier, when he could find work. But he would take the job for four times the Band's normal pay. So far, he had been more than worth it.
- Lord of Chaos, Heading South
They had advance scouts out, of course, but none of them were as good as Vanin. Despite his size, the man could sneak close enough to an enemy fortification to count the whiskers in the camp guards' beards and never be seen. He'd probably make off with their stew, too.
- The Gathering Storm, On a Broken Road
Mat recognises Vanin as a fellow trickster figure, just as he did the similarly named Verin. Verin and Vanin are both disregarded because of their weight and their innocuous facades, Verin’s being prattling and Vanin’s sleepy.
Like Mat, Vanin is naturally scruffy:
His coat appeared to have been slept in for a week; it always did, even an hour after one of the serving women ironed it.It’s a sign that they don’t follow the rules.
- A Crown of Swords, The Triumph of Logic
Vanin spits on the ground when he hears or speaks of something he doesn’t like, just as Mat spits on his hand when making a bargain. Along with their untidy appearance, spitting reflects the earthiness typical of tricksters (more on this in a forthcoming Trickster essay).
Vanin, like Mat, respects his skin too much to fight, although he is skilled when he does: he
was the only man who had not been in two dozen scrapes already; for some reason, men looking for trouble walked as wide of Vanin as they did Nalesean. The only difference was that Vanin seemed to like it that way.Mat, too, avoids fights unless forced. Both men also avoid work; Vanin usually sleeping whenever possible:
- A Crown of Swords, The Triumph of Logic
Vanin sat up on his barrel, looked around, found nothing moving, and settled himself back again with his eyes shut.or perhaps reading:
- A Crown of Swords, A Note From the Palace
The men were all waiting in the Redarms' long room near the stables, everyone on their feet except Vanin, who lay sprawled on one of the beds with his fingers laced over his belly. Vanin said a man had to take rest when he could.
- A Crown of Swords, Promises to Keep
Vanin, a balding suety heap, was lying on one in his shirtsleeves, an open book propped on his chest. Mat was surprised the man could read.He has even tricked the Band into permitting this indolence:
- Winter’s Heart, Pink Ribbons
And with Vanin, too, but Vanin possessed skills that he considered put him above raising tents, and the Redarms agreed with only a little reluctance.Vanin and Mat both regard horses at least as highly as, if not higher than, people, perhaps because they so often take advantage of the latter.
- Crossroads of Twilight, A Cluster of Rosebuds
Mat himself points out that Vanin has not stolen a horse since Mat has known him (Knife of Dreams, Dragon’s Eggs). Instead it is Juilin the thief catcher who has stolen something for Mat!
Tricksters like to reverse the roles of people, and are no respecters of rank. Vanin managed to extract information from an Aes Sedai (women notoriously unforthcoming with information) about mountain passes, which helps him move secretly from one country to another. He doesn’t like nobles or acknowledging their rank - at least until Elayne charmed him.
This caused the first cracks in Mat’s admiration for Vanin:
There was no "my lord" nonsense from Vanin. He made no bones about not liking nobles. With the unfortunate exception of Elayne.and Mat was disappointed in Vanin when he was intimidated by Joline:
- A Crown of Swords, The Triumph of Logic
The day Mat saw Vanin knuckle his forehead to her, heard him murmur, "Thank you, my Lady," without a trace of irony, that day Mat nearly swallowed his tongue.
- Lord of Chaos, The Wandering Woman
Vanin shifted his feet, shook his head. "A waste of time," he said flatly. "Lady Elayne would never go anywhere like that. The Aiel woman maybe, or Birgitte, but not Lady Elayne."
Mat closed his eyes for a moment. How had Elayne managed to ruin a good man in so short a time? He kept hoping that enough time away from her influence would set Vanin right, but he was beginning to lose hope.
- Lord of Chaos, Weave of the Power
"What was this?" Joline demanded of Vanin. "You've finally determined where we are?"Vanin’s susceptibility to seasickness also probably lowered him in Mat’s eyes:
"Bloody well have," Vanin said, then unabashedly scratched himself. Good man, Vanin. Mat smiled. Treated all people the same, Vanin did. Aes Sedai and all.
Joline stared Vanin straight in the eyes, looming like a gargoyle atop some lord's mansion stonework. Vanin actually cringed, then wilted, then finally looked downward, abashed. "I mean, I have indeed, Joline Sedai."
Mat felt his smile fade. Burn it all, Vanin!
- The Gathering Storm, On a Broken Road
Vanin bringing up the rear and staring gloomily at the choppy river; he claimed to have a tender belly when it came to boats.It’s such an unheroic weakness.
- A Crown of Swords, Six Stories
Finally there’s a turnabout where, far from being admirable in Mat’s eyes, Vanin fears losing status or annoying Mat. After fully informing Talmanes of events in Altara, he stayed clear of Mat to avoid being told off:
The two riders slowed to a walk short of Mat, and Vanin reined in to let Talmanes approach alone. It was not shyness. There was nothing shy about Vanin. He leaned lazily on the tall pommel of his saddle and spat to one side through a gap in his teeth. No, he knew Mat would not be best pleased, and he meant to stay clear.Vanin was particularly defensive about having to use the map-maker’s maps to guide them into Murandy:
"Vanin brought me up to date. Mat," Talmanes said.
- Knife of Dreams, Attending Elaida
"Vanin! Where on the Dark One's blistered backside are we?"lest he lose his privileges and just be an ordinary member of the Band.
The fat former horsethief looked up. He rode a short distance behind Mat, and he carried a map of the area unrolled and folded across a board so he could read it in the saddle. He'd been poring over the bloody thing the better half of the morning. Mat had asked him to get them through Murandy quietly, not get them lost in the mountains for months!
"That's Blinder's Peak," Vanin said, gesturing with a pudgy finger toward a flat-topped mountain just barely visible over the tips of the pines. "At least, I think it is. It might be Mount Sardlen."...
The map belonged to the master mapmaker; it was only because of his presence that they'd been able to find this roadway in the first place. But Vanin insisted on being the one to guide the troop—a mapmaker wasn't the same thing as a scout. You didn't have a dusty cartographer ride out and lead the way for you, Vanin insisted...
Of course, there was also the fact that Vanin seemed threatened by the presence of the mapmaker, as if he were worried about being unseated from his position guiding Mat and the Band. Mat had never expected such an emotion from the overweight horsethief. It might have been enough to make him amused if they weren't lost so much of the flaming time.
- The Gathering Storm, On a Broken Road
So will Vanin fade into the Band, or will he regain his prominence with some skilful trickery or thieving?
Minor characters
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Towers of Midnight Chapter 2 Discussion
By Linda
My discussion on Questions of Leadership, Chapter 2 of Towers of Midnight, available for free in audio form on has been posted here. It contains spoilers. Chapter 2 follows on directly from the Prologue so if you haven’t read that not click the link.
I was using jump breaks to hide spoilers in home page posts, but have discovered that these don't work on all the RSS feeds.
My discussion on Questions of Leadership, Chapter 2 of Towers of Midnight, available for free in audio form on has been posted here. It contains spoilers. Chapter 2 follows on directly from the Prologue so if you haven’t read that not click the link.
I was using jump breaks to hide spoilers in home page posts, but have discovered that these don't work on all the RSS feeds.
Towers of Midnight
Monday, October 25, 2010
Part #15 of Costume of the Wheel of Time
By Linda
The costume style of Illian was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today. It is typical of 18th to 19th century Western Europe.
One of the pitures in this section is of a woman in blue that reminded me of Moiraine with her keseira wearing an Illianer dress.
The costume style of Illian was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today. It is typical of 18th to 19th century Western Europe.
One of the pitures in this section is of a woman in blue that reminded me of Moiraine with her keseira wearing an Illianer dress.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Analysis of Minor Characters #6: Aludra
By Linda
As Mistress of the Illuminators’ Chapter House in Cairhien, Aludra was very much monarch of all she surveyed. She strikes me as being rather rough to work for, distrustful of her employees:
"All is in readiness, you say?" the woman demanded. "You are certain, Tammuz? All?"and peremptory in her judgement:
The man spread his hands. "Always you check behind me, Aludra. All is in readiness. The display, it could be given this very moment."
"The gates and doors, they are all barred? All of the. . . ?"
- The Great Hunt, The Shadow in the Night
"I am not to blame for this, Aludra," the man protested. "I have been sure to put everything where it belonged, and the punks, they were - "although we don’t know if she had cause to treat Tammuz harshly.
"You will not speak to me, Tammuz! A great pig does not deserve to speak like a human!" Aludra's voice changed in answer to another man's question. "There is no time to prepare another. Galldrian, he must be satisfied with the rest for tonight. And one early. And you, Tammuz! You will set everything right, and tomorrow you will leave with the carts to buy the manure. Does anything else go wrong this night, I will not trust you again even with so much as the manure!"
- The Great Hunt, The Shadow in the Night
The checkpoint she sets up in Mat’s camp in The Gathering Storm which applied even to Mat is partly a symptom of this, but also a safety measure since she is dealing with dangerous substances.
Aludra was held responsible for the destruction in Cairhien and cast out of the Guild. She become a vagabond, since she had no money, and to keep herself from starving she made and sold fireworks – which have a limited market in times of chaos and famine. This became known to the Guild and they sent Tammuz and three others to kill her, ostensibly for betraying Guild secrets, but actually for violating their sole production and marketing rights.
The Guild’s secrecy and exclusivity is why fireworks have not become widespread and/or used as weapons.
No longer bound by Guild activities, Aludra is free to innovate as much as she wants. Moreover she also escapes the Seanchan’s enslavement of the Illuminators, a punishment that resulted from Guild secrecy:
“The Guild doesn't exist anymore, Aludra. The chapter house in Tanchico is gone...They refused to let Seanchan soldiers inside the compound, and fought, tried to, when they broke in anyway. I don't know what happened—maybe a soldier took a lantern where he shouldn't have—but half the compound exploded, as I understand it. Probably exaggeration. But the Seanchan believed one of the Illuminators used the One Power, and they..." He sighed, and tried to make his voice gentle. Blood and ashes, he did not want to tell her this! But she was glaring at him, that bloody club poised to split his scalp. "Aludra, the Seanchan gathered up everyone left alive at the chapter house, and some Illuminators that had gone to Amador, and everybody in between who even looked like an Illuminator, and they made them all da'covale…and is now apparently the sole free Illuminator.
- Winter’s Heart, In Need of a Bellfounder
Aludra is defensive about violating Guild rules:
“I do not tell the secrets of the Guild, no matter what that Tammuz says, but I will not let myself starve while I can make fireworks. I am no more in the Guild, so the laws of the Guild, they do not apply to me now.”Yet she is still loyal despite being cast out and hasn’t succumbed to Mat’s repeated pressure:
- The Dragon Reborn, A Hero in the Night
"In any event," she went on, unaware of his scrutiny, "I will not give you the Guild secrets. You must understand this, yes?"Aludra has been well and truly enmeshed in trickster Mat’s ta’veren. At first out of obligation to Mat:
Mat winced. He had been working on her for days to bring her to this point, ever since a chance visit to Valan Luca's traveling show revealed that she was here in Ebou Dar, and all the while he had dreaded that she would mention the Illuminators' Guild. "But you aren't an Illuminator anymore, remember? They kicked ... ah ... you said you left the Guild."
- Winter’s Heart, In Need of a Bellfounder
“This is like a story,” she said. “I am rescued by a gleeman and a young hero” - she frowned at the men sprawled on the stable floor - “from these whose mothers were pigs!...I must reward you, but I have no money. However, I have something that is perhaps as good as gold. Maybe better. We shall see what you think.”By saving Aludra Mat repays her for some of damage Rand did to her life. He appreciates her lack of greed:
… “Fireworks,” Thom said. “I knew it. Aludra, you must not do this. You can sell those for enough to live ten days or more at a good inn, and eat well every day. Well, anywhere but here in Aringill.”
Kneeling beside the long strip of oiled cloth, she sniffed at him. “Be quiet, you old one you.” She made it sound not unkindly. “I am not allowed to show gratitude? You think I would give you this if I had no more for selling? Attend me closely.”
- The Dragon Reborn, A Hero in the Night
She had never even looked at the gold and silver that had spilled from his pockets when he fell; it glittered and sparkled among the straw in the lantern light. Ah, Light, I cannot let her go hungry, I suppose. He scooped up as much as he could reach quickly. “Uh . . . Aludra? I have plenty, you can see. I thought perhaps . . . ” He held out the coins toward her. “I can always win more.”but later he is plain manipulative:
She paused with her cloak half around her shoulders, then smiled at Thom as she swept it the rest of the way on. “He is young yet, eh?”
“He is young,” Thom agreed. “And not half so bad as he would like to think himself. Sometimes he is not.”
- The Dragon Reborn, A Hero in the Night
Most women were more amenable after a few kisses...The theme of secrets is important in the Aludra-Mat-Thom relationship:
"No," she said, suddenly brisk. "You will go, and return in two or three days. I have the work to do, and you are too distracting with all of your questions and wheedling. No; no arguments! You will go now."
- Winter’s Heart, In Need of a Bellfounder
Mat attempted to make Aludra relent, but the woman might as well have been cast bronze herself. Well, she was considerably softer than bronze once she finally let him put an arm around her, yet kisses that left her trembling did nothing to slacken her resolve.
"Me, I do not believe in telling a man more than he needs to know," she said breathlessly, sitting beside him on a padded bench in her wagon. She allowed no more than kisses, but she was very enthusiastic about those.
- Winter’s Heart, An Offer
“I would like to know something, Aludra,” Thom said. “How did you light that lantern so quickly in the dark?”Aludra is aware of people’s desire to know her secrets but she won’t divulge unless she is in love ( and presumably to someone who loves her). In the end she is prepared to do so if Mat solves the puzzle she has set - because she does love him
Stopping short of the door, she smiled over her shoulder at him. “You wish me to tell you all of my secrets? I am grateful, but I am not in love. That secret, not even the Guild knows, for it is my discovery alone. I will tell you this much. When I know how to make it work properly, and work only when I want it to, sticks will make my fortune for me.”
- The Dragon Reborn, A Hero in the Night
She [Aludra] eyed him, looking just faintly uncomfortable. Because of Tuon, he suspected...but Mat avoids being responsible for manipulating her into telling her secrets while leaving her love unrequited by taking her with him - he’s a married man now.
Aludra was staring at him. Their eyes met for a moment, and Mat realized he'd probably been too curt with her. Maybe he was uncomfortable around her. A little. They'd been getting close before Tuon. And was that pain, hidden in Aludra's eyes?
"I'm sorry, Aludra," he said. "I shouldn't have talked like that."
She shrugged.
He took a deep breath. "Look, I know that . . . well, it's odd how Tuon—"
She waved a hand, cutting him off. "It is nothing. I have my dragons. You have brought me the chance to create them. Other matters are no longer of concern. I wish you happiness."
"Well," he said. He rubbed his chin, then sighed. Best to just let it pass.
- The Gathering Storm, Legends
"I suppose now you want to learn how to make the secret powders, yes? Well. 1 did promise. I am the Guild, now," she added bitterly, removing the box's lid. It was an odd box. a solid piece of wood drilled with holes, each of which held a thin stick. She plucked out one and replaced the lid. "I can decide what is secret."Early in her exile Aludra realised that she could keep her secrets and the Guild’s so long as she sells her products. Of course once explosives, artillery and matches are produced and used on a large scale they cannot be kept secret anymore.
"Better than that, I want you to come with me."
- Knife of Dreams, Dragons’ Eggs
Thom kept Aludra’s secret that they had met before (Lord of Chaos, The Colour of Trust) and Thom has plenty of secrets of his own.
Mat has his secrets too: that he has his eye on another woman, that he knows the Dragon Reborn, and that he has other peoples’ memories, which will help him deploy these weapons to advantage.
Ironically Aludra nearly reveals too much to the Seanchan much to Mat’s annoyance:
"Are you ready. Aludra?" Mat called.Aludra’s work as an engineer and the development and usage of gunpowder and artillery are discussed in the Mat, Fireworks and Bellfounders article and space does not permit me to repeat them here. We see her develop matches and work up and cost her designs for cannon and grenades. At no time does she use any protective clothing.
"Of course I am ready," she replied. "I only wish I had my dragons!" Musenge shifted his attention to her. Burn her, she needed to watch her tongue! Mat wanted those dragons to be a shock when the Seanchan first faced them.
- Knife of Dreams, Prince of the Ravens
Mat says that:
Aludra had not come up with a fancy name for them yet. She would, though. She was one for fancy names. Dragons, and dragons' eggs.which made me smile. In my experience, most engineers are not very good at making up names for their creations.
- Knife of Dreams, Prince of the Ravens
Aludra is focused on making the Seanchan pay for destroying the Illuminators’ Guild:
"The Guild has been my life since I was a girl." She scraped one of the sticks quickly down the side of the box, and the thing sputtered into flame! It smelled of sulphur. "The dragons, they are my life now. The dragons, and revenge on the Seanchan."and has no qualms about developing the weapons’ destructive potential to the fullest, eg the shrapnel grenades which kill and injure horses.
- Knife of Dreams, Dragons’ Eggs
She was a fierce woman, Aludra was, and none too pleased at finding herself on the same side as Seanchan, however temporary the arrangement was. It seemed wrong to her that they would see some of her handiwork without being on the receiving end.
- Knife of Dreams, Prince of the Ravens
Ironically the means she will use to get her revenge, exploiting the explosive properties of fireworks, pretty much ensures the end of the Guild as an exclusive holder and exploiter of this knowledge anyway.
The Seanchan mistakenly see fireworks only as an inferior version of Sky Lights:
"Listen, Aludra," he said, assuming his most winning smile, "by this time you must know the Seanchan won't look twice at fireworks. Those damane do something called Sky Lights that makes your best fireworks look like a few sparks flying up the chimney, so I hear. No offense meant."and therefore no competition for channelling. Well I guess they will discover their error soon enough.
- Winter’s Heart, In Need of a Bellfounder
Why had Toy brought her along? Surely not for her fireworks. Those were pretty enough, but they could not compare with Sky Lights performed by even a half-trained damane.
- Knife of Dreams, As If the World Were Fog
Aludra says:
"My dragons, they will be a great power for a man of war."and Mat certainly is that. Mat aims to use cannon to give himself and the Band the means to fight channellers and survive their attacks:
- The Gathering Storm, Legends
Mat whistled through his teeth, seeing it in his head, explosions erupting among the enemy before they were near enough to see you clearly. A nasty thing to be receiving. Now that would be as good as having Aes Sedai on your side, or some of those Asha'man. Better. Aes Sedai had to be in danger to use the Power as a weapon, and while he had heard rumors about hundreds of Asha'man, rumors grew with every telling. Besides, if Asha'man were anything like Aes Sedai, they would start deciding where they were needed and then take over the whole fight. He began envisioning how to use Aludra's bronze tubes, and right away he spotted a glaring problem. All your advantage was gone if the enemy came from the wrong direction, or got behind you, and if you needed derricks to move these things. . . .Mat and Aludra discuss cannon while setting off fireworks – a public declaration of war.
The Band was going to end up fighting Seanchan, and most likely Trollocs as well. And he would be there when it happened. There was no getting around the fact. Try to avoid it how he would, that bloody ta'veren twisting would put him right in the bloody middle. So he was ready to pour out gold like water if it gave him a way to kill his enemies before they got close enough to poke holes in his hide.
- Knife of Dreams, Dragons’ Eggs
Mat doesn’t appreciate Aludra’s gift of her work except in how he can keeps his own skin whole.
Let me assure you, each one we finish will be worth a thousand swords in battle."and complains about how much money, labour and material it will take. Greedily he pushed for even more from her:
- The Gathering Storm, Legends
"A miracle, that is what you asked me for, Matrim Cauthon," she replied, handing her nightflower to Leilwin and picking up her writing board. She made some notations on the sheet strapped to the front. "That miracle, I have broken down into a list of ingredients. A feat which is in itself miraculous, yes? Do not complain of the heat when someone offers you the sun in the palm of her hands."
"Doesn't seem so manageable to me," Mat muttered, mostly to himself. "Is this figure the costs?"
- The Gathering Storm, Legends
"By the way, I nearly forgot. Do you know anything about crossbows, Aludra?"but Aludra is done with being used by him.
"Crossbows?" she asked.
"Yes," Mat said, stacking the papers. "I figure there should be a way to make them load faster. You know, like those new cranks, only maybe with some kind of spring or something. Maybe a crank you could twist without having to lower the weapon first."
"This is hardly my area of expertise, Mat," Aludra said.
"I know. But you're smart about things like this, and maybe. . . ."
"You will have to find someone else," Aludra said, turning to pick up another half-finished nightflower. "I am far too busy."
- The Gathering Storm, Legends
Naval captain Egeanin realised the potential of Aludra’s work and objected to Mat’s lack of appreciation:
"Mistress Aludra is brilliant," Leilwin said sternly. "You don't understand the gift she is giving you in these plans. Why, if the Empire had these weapons. . . ."This makes Mat boldly ask for Aludra to hand her plans to him, and she sarcastically says he must keep them with his money so that maybe then he will give the plans care and attention.
- The Gathering Storm, Legends
It will be interesting to see what happens when Mat and Aludra finally meet members of the Rose Academy in Caemlyn. If they do.
Minor characters
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Towers of Midnight Newer News
By Linda
My copy of Towers of Midnight just arrived! Here is the title page:

and the Dedication

Both are lovely gestures.
Many thanks to TOR and Team Jordan.
And now to read. And take notes. :)
Towers of Midnight
Towers of Midnight news
By Linda
Chapter 2 of Tower of Midnight, Questions of Leadership, is now available for free in audio format from here. Be warned that it contains spoilers for the Prologue. I hope to post a discussion of the chapter early next week.
A few spoiler free reviews of Towers of Midnight are up:
Jason Denzel’s
Leigh Butler’s and
Matt Hatch’s
I’m a little behind for various reasons, including not having the book yet, but I should have mine posted next week.
The Tower of Midnight book tour schedule:
Tuesday, November 2nd – Midnight (doors open 9 PM)
BYU Bookstore
Wilkinson Student Center (WSC) / University Hill (Brigham Young University)
Provo, Utah 84602
Tuesday, November 2nd – 7:00 PM
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
1725 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95815
*With special guests Harriet McDougal and Jason Denzel
Wednesday, November 3rd - 7:00 PM
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
2692 Madison Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45208
*With special guest Harriet McDougal
Thursday, November 4th - 7:00 PM
10720 Preston Road, Suite 1018
Dallas, TX 75230
*With special guest Harriet McDougal
Friday, November 5th – 7:00 PM
Books A Million
7000 Arundel Mills Cir
Hanover, MD 21076-1282
*With special guest Harriet McDougal
Saturday, November 6th – 2:00 PM
5871 Crossroads Center Way
Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041
*With special guest Harriet McDougal
Sunday, November 7th - 3:00 PM
The Harvard Coop
1400 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
*With special guest Harriet McDougal
Monday, November 8th - 7:30 PM
Barnes & Noble Booksellers – Lincoln Triangle
1972 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
*With special guests Harriet McDougal, Maria Simons and Alan Romanczuk
Finally, the Tower Guard volunteers for the signing tour have been selected and are listed here. Congrats to all Chosen Ones!
Towers of Midnight
Monday, October 18, 2010
Part #14 of Costume of the Wheel of Time
By Linda
The costume spotlight is on Gleemen this week with a discussion of their distinctive cloak added to the Wheel of Time Costume article. The garment is far more than self-advertising, indicating their independent and itinerant lifestyle.
The section is unusual in containing photos of recently handmade pieces in historic styles. Many thanks to my friends Annette and Robin for the loan of photos of their works.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Analysis of Minor Characters #5: Balwer
By Linda
Sebban Balwer is an interesting character with surprising depths. While there’s definitely more to him than he lets on, let’s start with the surface.
In appearance he is narrow, pinched and dry. He is described as bird-like, or as unnoticeable as a lizard on a branch (Knife of Dreams, As If the World Were Fog). There is little physical aspect to him; he doesn’t do much except listen, remember and draw conclusions.
Balwer strikes me as a guy who realised he would physically never impress and therefore uses his unassuming appearance and peoples’ stereotypes or beliefs to advantage against people. Morgase, for instance, thought:
What help could this prissy little stick of a man offer?This anonymity is a major reason why Niall employed Balwer:
- A Crown of Swords, The Irrevocable Words
A man no one would ever suspect, or credit if he was named to them.Valda completely fell for it and, always a good recommendation, believed Balwer useless.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
Balwer’s dryness extends to his character; he is fussy and disapproving. Perrin thinks Balwer’s feelings lack passion. He can certainly hate or be suspicious, but in a cold manner. Perhaps Balwer shows most feeling when slighted: he doesn’t, or can’t, suppress his body language, although he can control his face:
His secretary's face remained as prim as ever, but he began dry-washing his hands the way he did when he felt insulted.On his own recommendation, Balwer possesses a good memory and writes elegantly, is adept at shaping himself to his employer’s needs and keeps secrets well. (In fact the word secret-ary originally meant keeper of secrets.) Perrin would add that Balwer has a sharp mind, and a sharp tongue with underlings or equals.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
Balwer finds as many secrets as he can; he is always gathering information. He takes pride in his skill at it, and, like Moridin, doesn’t like to admit he has failed to find out something:
For a moment Balwer's mouth tightened as though drawstrings had been pulled shut. "I do not know yet, my Lord." Balwer never liked admitting there were any human secrets he could not ferret out.If you nearly always succeed, it’s hard to accept not doing so.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
His reports are succinct and entirely verbal; he appears to writing nothing down, unlike, say Norry.
As well as shaping himself to his situation, Balwer has tried to shape his masters but has been less successful at that: neither Niall nor Perrin responded much. However, Balwer did teach Perrin the value of knowledge:
One thing he had learned from Balwer. Knowledge could be very useful, and you never knew which scrap would turn out worth more than gold.and evidence. Balwer does not believe anything without evidence:
- Knife of Dreams, A Manufactory
Perrin could not prove Masema’s meetings with the Seanchan, and telling anyone how he had learned of them would only add to his present difficulties. That gave Balwer problems; he was a man who liked evidence.Disbelieving everything, he suspects everyone:
- Crossroads of Twilight, The Forging of a Hammer
Niall…suspected the Tar Valon witches' sins were among the things Balwer did not believe in.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
Where Omerna believed everything, Balwer believed nothing, perhaps not even in Darkfriends, or the Dark One. If Balwer did believe in anything, it was looking over men's shoulders, listening to their whispers, rooting out their secrets. Of course, he would have served any master as well as he did Niall, but that was all to the good. What Balwer learned was never tainted by what he knew had to be true, or wanted to be true. Disbelieving everything, he always managed to root out truth.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
According to him, what your friends said and did could be as interesting as what your enemies planned, and that was when you were sure they were your friends.and wants to know what they think and do. Even his boss Niall:
- Crossroads of Twilight, When to Wear Jewels
Balwer's eyes never left Niall's face by so much as a flicker, but Niall knew the tiny ball of paper on the floor would end up in the man's hands unless he burned it.This is what led him to spying.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
Thanks to Perrin’s ta’veren effect, we learn a little about Balwer’s recruiting methods:
“The lady will do very well, my Lord,” Balwer said softly, watching Selande vanish into the darkness among the carts. This approval was a surprise; he had tried to talk Perrin out of using Selande and her friends on the grounds they were hotheaded and unreliable. “She has the necessary instincts. Cairhienin do, usually, and Tairens to some extent, at least the nobles, especially once—“He cut off abruptly, and eyed Perrin cautiously. If he were another man, Perrin would have believed he had said more than he intended, but he doubted Balwer slipped in that fashion.It sounds like Balwer puts pressure on people in some way to spy, or at least pulls the nobles into line. He has no qualms about ordering nobles to report (Crossroads of Twilight, The Forging of a Hammer).
- Crossroads of Twilight, The Forging of a Hammer
Amusingly Balwer judged Cha Faile on first impressions, until he discovered that they were already a spy ring.
More than once Perrin remarks that Balwer can look after himself. Balwer is never afraid either, even though the rest of Morgase’s group are. Can or does he use weapons? Or does he rely solely on his admittedly effective camouflage? Perhaps focussing on gathering information prevents fear.
Perrin remarks on how quietly Balwer moves as well as how easily he can be disregarded, so presumably he gathers some information by lurking.
Perrin has not figured out why Balwer gives his reports privately. One reason is that it’s Perrin’s responsibility who is told what and the consequences of this (eg Aram passing info on to Masema). It’s not Balwer’s fault if Perrin is indiscreet or tells someone who is indiscreet. Moreover, Balwer of all people knows how information can change just in one telling, whether deliberately or accidentally.
Is Balwer’s pretence that he isn’t a spymaster harmless, as Perrin thinks? Obviously the more people who know what Balwer does, the more they are on their guard and the harder his job is.
When he worked for Niall, Balwer didn’t just collect information, he spread propaganda and arranged rebellions and deals:
- Balwer learned that King Mattin Stepaneos, despite pretending to accept Niall’s proposal, agreed to something with the White Tower, though he didn’t learn what (Lord of Chaos, Plans). (This was to go to the Tower.)
- He was told that Davram Bashere is in Caemlyn with thirty thousand light horse, but thought more likely half that or less. (Actually it was less than one third).
- He also knew the Borderlanders were fighting over whether Rand was the Dragon Born and they hadn’t resolves this as of Lord of Chaos.
In Tear, Balwer's agents had convinced Tedosian and Estanda to join Darlin, turning a show of defiance into real rebellion, and the man was confident the same could be done in Cairhien, and in Andor.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
"Well, my Lord, there is much of great interest to learn. For instance, it appears that many of the Shaido are ashamed of their clan's behavior. The Wise Ones themselves were at odds. Also, they have had dealings with some very curious individuals who offered them objects of power from the Age of Legends. Whoever they were, they could make gateways...The 'objects' the Shaido were given are very suspect, by my estimation. The Aiel were duped, though for what reason, I cannot yet fathom. However, if we had more time to search the city. ..."He openly regretted that Perrin allowed the Seanchan to take the Shaido damane and suggested questions for the Wise Ones be sent to the Seanchan. He anticipates no trouble getting information out of the Aiel.
- The Gathering Storm, Leaving Malden
Niall thinks Balwer has the suspicious nature of an Amadician, but lacks the manipulative or strategic skill of a Cairhienin:
"Enough, Balwer." Niall sighed. Sometimes he wished Balwer were not an Amadician, but a Cairhienin who had taken in the Game of Houses with his mother's milk. "Morgase is more committed to me every day, whatever she believes.Considering that Perrin saw through Balwer, Niall was probably right.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
With his empirical, pragmatic beliefs and his preparedness to disregard rank, Balwer is more modern than many of the other characters – post the Age of Enlightenment in outlook. In the Wheel of Time society it is unusual for a commoner to command nobles. He does allow them to make their reports to Perrin personally. Is this a sop to their honour? Or morale? Or to make sure Perrin listens?
Balwer accepts the rules and structure of society. However he is not ideologically or emotionally tied to any employer as say, Thom and Norry are. Nor is he after personal recognition:
Omerna he put up with, knowing the man a fool, much preferring to remain hidden himself, but he did not like Niall receiving reports that bypassed him, from men he did not know.And probably not material gain, since Perrin never thinks of how much he’s paying Balwer.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
His motivation appears to be job satisfaction in solving puzzles or knowing what’s really happening, personal achievement, and influence over important people. Like a Seeker, Balwer must know all.
That explains why he is a spymaster, but why did he free Morgase?
"Why? Master Balwer, I'll not shun any true offer of help, but why would you risk yourself? These Seanchan will make you regret it, should they find out."Spite? Justice for their murder of Niall? Like Teslyn with Elaida, part of his motivation is to do harm to Valda and Asunawa:
"I laid my plans before they came," he said carefully. "It seemed... imprudent... to leave the Queen of Andor in Valda's hands. Consider it my way of repaying him. I know I am not much to look at, Majesty..." [appearances again]He hid a self-deprecating cough behind his hand. "... but the plan will work.
- A Crown of Swords, The Irrevocable Words
Valda is a dangerous man, and Rhadam Asunawa, the Grand Inquisitor, makes Valda seem pleasant. And I fear neither has any love for your own Lord. Forgive me." He bowed again, hesitated, then went on smoothly. "If I may say so, my Lord's display of Manetheren's banner is inspired. My Lord will be more than a match for Valda and Asunawa, if he takes care."He attached himself to Perrin for the same reason: to help someone who could keep the Whitecloaks away and do harm to them.
Watching him bow himself away, Perrin thought he knew part of Balwer's story now. Clearly, he also had run afoul of the Whitecloaks. That could take no more than being on the same street with them, a frown at the wrong time, but it seemed Balwer had a grudge.
- The Path of Daggers, Tangles
Perrin might be the first employer Balwer could trust and feel attached to:
The man appreciated it when Perrin saw the value of what he reported.After this exchange, Balwer respects Perrin and also feels gratified to be valued by him as more than a tool.
- Winter’s Heart, Leaving the Prophet
But, Master Balwer, you’ve been trying to . . . guide . . . me to this since Selande left us. From now on, if you have a suggestion to make, make it. Even if I say no to nine in a row, I’ll always listen to a tenth. I’m not a clever man, but I’m willing to listen to people who are, and I think you are. Just don’t try poking me in the direction you want me to go. I don’t like that, Master Balwer.” Balwer blinked, then of all things, bowed with his hands folded at his waist. He smelled surprised. And gratified. Gratified? “As you say, my Lord. My previous employer disliked me suggesting actions unless I was asked. I won’t make the same mistake again, I assure you.” Eyeing Perrin, he seemed to reach a decision. “If I may say so,” he said carefully,“I have found serving you . . . pleasant . . . in ways I did not expect. You are what you seem, my Lord, with no poisoned needles hidden away to catch the unwary. My previous employer was known widely for cleverness, but I believe you are equally clever, in a different way. I believe I would regret leaving your service. Any man might say these things to keep his place, but I mean them.”...
“I see no reason for you to leave my employ. Just tell me what you want to do and let me decide, don’t try to prod. And forget the flattery.”
The little man bowed once more. He had never been this formal before.
- Crossroads of Twilight, The Forging of a Hammer
Balwer believed what Perrin said, and noticeably speaks up after this:
"However, I grew curious. Did you have to let the Seanchan take all of the captive Shaido channelers with them?"He speaks up about his feelings for Faile and Valda and is perhaps emotionally involved in employers for perhaps first time. He would never have said anything like this earlier in the books.
- The Gathering Storm, Leaving Malden
“I won't deny I would enjoy a chance to strike a blow at the Whitecloaks," Balwer said in that dry-as-dust voice, "but in truth I feel I owe this Galad Damodred a debt of gratitude." Perhaps his grudge was against this Valda personally. "In any case, you have no need of my advice here. Events are in motion in Malden, and if they weren't, I doubt you'd hold back even a day. Nor would I have advised it, my Lord. If I may be so bold, I am quite fond of the Lady Faile."
- Knife of Dreams, As If the World Were Fog
What does the future hold for Balwer? He feels like he owes Galad a debt of gratitude, so does he pay that debt? He probably would like working for Galad: a Cairhienin who is both just and predictable.
And then there is his disbelief in the Horn:
"Do you believe the Horn of Valere will call dead heroes back to save us, Balwer?"Does he get to witness this event? He might well if he stays close to Perrin the Bannerman.
"Perhaps, my Lord," Balwer said, folding his hands fussily. "Perhaps not. I would not count on it, myself."
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
And finally there’s Perrin’s observation that
Balwer’s thin voice was dry and precise, just like its owner. He would sound the same with his neck on a headsman’s block.which sounds like Foreshadowing.
- Crossroads of Twilight, The Forging of a Hammer
Minor characters,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wheel of Time Embroidery Collection #5: The Dragon Banner, Late Third Age
By Linda
After embroidering a series of Wheel of Time clothing samples, such as Rand’s cloak, and coat sleeves, red and black, I thought it would be fun to attempt the Dragon banner. The dragon being an important motif in Chinese decoration, this project fitted in with a study of Chinese embroidery that I’ve been making for a group exhibition.
We were given a good description of the banner when it was uncovered at the Eye of the World along with the Horn of Valere and a Seal:
A long, white banner spread out, lifting on the air. Rand could only stare. The whole thing seemed of a piece, neither woven, nor dyed, nor painted. A figure like a serpent, scaled in scarlet and gold, ran the entire length, but it had scaled legs, and feet with five long, golden claws on each, and a great head with a golden mane and eyes like the sun. The stirring of the banner made it seem to move, scales glittering like precious metals and gems, alive, and he almost thought he could hear it roar defiance.It is no accident that the Creator’s champion is the Dragon, since in Chinese thought the dragon had supernatural power and was king of the elements and lord of nature, bringing the rains and making the land fertile. The five-clawed dragon also came to symbolise the Chinese Emperor, and so had supreme temporal power too, and this is the dragon depicted on the Dragon Banner. In the Age of Legends, Lews Therin could summon the Nine Rods of Dominion, which were actual people, so he effectively had ultimate authority. Like the dragon of Chinese mythology he had power over the great forces of nature through his immense strength in the One Power - as strong as a channeller could be. The Dragon is one with the Land and his wounds, physical or mental, become the Land’s wounds. If he is blighted, so is the Land.
"What is it?" he said.
Moiraine answered slowly. "The banner of the Lord of the Morning when he led the forces of Light against the Shadow. The banner of Lews Therin Telamon. The banner of the Dragon."
- The Eye of the World, There is Neither Beginning Nor End
Jordan’s Dragon also encompasses the European symbolism of the dragon as a destructive force making it much more ambivalent: born to save the world and Heal the Land, the Dragon is also a great danger to it, and despite his best intentions, does as much evil as good. To reflect this I decided to embroider the dragon in materials and stitches common to both European and Chinese cultures – satin, back, couching and straight stitches in silks and gold thread. However, I sewed the dragon’s body in needlelace of single buttonhole stitches hand-made in situ to give a scaly effect. Lace is entirely a European development. Chinese embroiderers typically would have used spirals of gold thread to symbolise the dragon’s scales.
The dragon symbol on the banner is in serpentine side view. I decided it should represent both dragons, Rand and Lews Therin, and reflect the danger of the times with the world completely out of balance and the Seals on the Dark One’s prison breaking. The banner was last seen at Falme when Rand fought Ishamael in the clouds. So on my version of the banner the dragon rushes through the clouds roaring triumphant defiance and clasping a Seal. He has blue eyes, like Rand’s, and red eyebrows, since Rand has red hair. Lightning crackles along his body.
The Seal on the banner is out of shape. Is the Dragon crushing it in his grip or holding it together?
Lews Therin urged Rand to break the Seal Taim presented him:
Only four seals stood between humankind and the Dark One. Four, if the last was still whole. Only four, standing between humankind and the Last Battle. How well did they still hold, weakened as they were?and he barely resisted doing so.
Lews Therin's voice came up like thunder. Break it break them all must break them must must must break them all break them and strike must strike quickly must strike now break it break it break it....
Abruptly he heard the words he was muttering hoarsely. "Must break it now break them all break it break it break it." Abruptly he realized he had his hands over his head, holding the seal, ready to smash it to the white pavement.
- Lord of Chaos, A New Arrival
Cadsuane’s embroidery also focussed on the breaking of the Seals:
The major image on her piece of embroidery was finished, a man's hand clutching the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai. Cracks ran across the black-and-white disc, and there was no telling whether the hand was trying to hold it together or crush it. She knew what she intended, but time would tell what was truth.Now that we are nearly at the end of the series, it seems particularly timely to look at the Dragon Banner anew and remind ourselves too of the Seals, and I did so in the guise of this banner. The Heroes of the Horn must follow the Banner and the Dragon. Will the Seals be broken by Rand or the Dark One when they do so?
- The Path of Daggers, New Alliances
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Towers of Midnight Chapter 1 Discussion
By Linda
My discussion on Apples First, Chapter 1 of Towers of Midnight, available for free on has been posted here. It contains spoilers. I was using jump breaks to hide spoilers in home page posts, but have discovered that these don't work on all the RSS feeds.
Towers of Midnight
Friday, October 8, 2010
Analysis of Minor Characters #4: Pevara
By Linda
The Ajah vetting process is effective, since we’ve seen only a few women who have chosen the ‘wrong’ Ajah – Leane Sharif, Sierin Vayu, and the subject of today’s Minor Characters Analysis post.
Pevara Tazanovni is a Red who should have been Green. Her good friend Seaine believed Pevara chose the wrong Ajah:
It was sad that she had chosen Red, no matter how good her reasons, because she still liked men. The Red did attract women who were naturally suspicious of men, of course, but others chose it because the task of finding men who could channel was important. Whether they liked men, or disliked them, or did not care one way or the other in the beginning, however, not many women could belong to the Red for long without taking a jaundiced view of all men. Seaine had reason to believe Pevara had served a penance shortly after attaining the shawl for saying that she wished she had a Warder; since reaching the safer heights of the Hall, she had openly said Warders would make the Red Ajah's work easier.Pevara is resistant to the Reds’ anti-men ethos and independent in her thinking, mostly due to these characteristics:
- A Crown of Swords, Sealed to the Flame
Seaine had always admired the other woman's strength of will, but really, sometimes it was pure stubbornness.She has the bold courage Romanda says is the main requirement of a Green (and epitomised by, say, Elayne Trakand). Yukiri remarks on it:
- The Path of Daggers, The Extra Bit
“Let Talene go to this meeting,” she [Pevara] said. “We’ll all go. They won’t expect us. We can kill or capture them and decapitate the Black at a stroke. This Supreme Council must know the names of all of them. We can destroy the whole Black Ajah.”and jokes that Pevara must be wearing a green shawl.
Lifting an edge of the fringe on Pevara’s shawl with a slim hand, Yukiri frowned at it ostentatiously. “Yes, red. I thought it might have turned green when I wasn’t looking. There will be thirteen of them, you know.
Even if some of this ‘Council’ are out of the Tower, the rest will bring in sisters to make up the number.”
“I know,” Pevara replied impatiently. Talene had been a fount of information, most of it useless and much of it horrifying, almost more than they could take in. “We take everyone. We can order Zerah and the others to fight alongside us, and even Talene and that lot. They’ll do as they’re told.” In the beginning, she had been uneasy about that oath of obedience, but over time you could become accustomed to anything.
“So, nineteen of us against thirteen of them,” Yukiri mused, sounding much too patient. Even the way she adjusted her shawl radiated patience. “Plus whoever they have watching to make sure their meeting isn’t disturbed. Thieves are always the most careful of their purses.” That had the irritating sound of an old saying. “Best to call the numbers even at best, and probably favoring them. How many of us die in return for killing or capturing how many of them? More importantly, how many of them escape? Remember, they meet hooded. If just one escapes, then we won’t know who she is, but she’ll know us, and soon enough, the whole Black Ajah will know, too. It sounds to me less like chopping off a chicken’s head than like trying to wrestle a leopard in the dark.”
- Knife of Dreams, Prologue
Traumatised by the Shadow’s murder of her family, Pevara chose the Ajah she thought would best enable her to uncover Darkfriends:
Pevara's eyes, as dark as her own were blue, became stone, and swept to the mantel above her fireplace, where miniatures of her own family made a precise line. They had all died while she was a novice, parents, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and all, murdered in a quickly suppressed uprising of Darkfriends who had become convinced the Dark One was about to break free. That was why Seaine had been sure she could trust her. That was why Pevara had chosen Red—though Seaine still thought she could have done as well and been happier as a Green— because she believed a Red hunting men who could channel had the best chance of finding Darkfriends. She had been very good at it; that plump exterior covered a core of steel. And she possessed the courage to say calmly what Seaine had been unable to bring herself to utter.The irony being that many of her fellow Reds are Darkfriends. The Red Ajah has a higher proportion of its numbers sworn to the Shadow compared to the other Ajahs. About 24% of the Black Ajah are Red, which is about 25% higher than would be expected, considering that Reds represent about 19% of the total Aes Sedai population.
- A Crown of Swords, Sealed to the Flame
Pevara has known for twenty years that the Black Ajah exists:
I have been sure the Black Ajah exists for...." Strangely, Pevara became hesitant, peering into her teacup like a fortune-teller at a fair. "What do you know of events right after the Aiel War?"It seems out of character for someone obsessed with finding Darkfriends to have not done anything about the Black Ajah when they suspected its existence. Perhaps the fact that the events in question were Sealed to the Flame, and therefore revealing them would be treason, a capital offence, stopped her. It appears to have stopped her explaining the matter to Seaine.
"Two Amyrlins dying suddenly in the space of five years," Seaine said carefully…"A great many sisters died in those years, as I recall. Do you mean to say you think the... the Black Ajah had a hand in that?" There; she had said it, and the name had not burned her tongue.
"I don't know," Pevara said softly, shaking her head "You've done well to wrap yourself deep in philosophy. There were ... things ... done then, and Sealed to the Flame."
- A Crown of Swords, Sealed to the Flame
However, recent events are not under this stricture and Pevara is going to make the most of any information on the Black Ajah even if she is exiled:
“Before we give her to Elaida, Saerin, I want to dig out as much as we can.Green she perhaps should have been, but Pevara is totally loyal to her Ajah:
Names, places, anything. Everything she knows!” Darkfriends had killed Pevara’s entire family, and Seaine was sure she would go into exile ready to hunt down every last Black sister personally.
- Winter’s Heart, Prologue
But could sending fifty-one sisters into captivity be called doing well? Could Dumai’s Wells, with four sisters dead and more than twenty delivered into another sort of captivity, to a ta’veren? No matter. Elaida was Red—had been Red—and far too long had passed since a Red gained the stole and staff. All the rash actions and ill-considered decisions seemed things of the past since the rebels appeared, and saving the Tower from the Black Ajah would redeem her failures.Nevertheless she is not Ajah-centric, and takes her responsibilities as a Sitter seriously for the good of the whole Tower:
- Knife of Dreams, Prologue
But there were other matters she had to deal with. She was a Sitter, not simply a hunting dog. She had the White Tower to think of, and Aes Sedai far from the Tower. And the future.When not pushed too far by problems piling up as they did in Knife of Dreams Prologue, Pevara is a careful thinker; cautious and sceptical about who might be a Darkfriend, unlike Seaine, who would have recklessly told all to her friend Talene in The Path of Daggers, The Extra Bit had Pevara not persuaded her otherwise. Pevara realised the Healing of stilling and gentling and the Bonding of Aes Sedai by Asha’man changes their status completely. Tarna thought up the idea that the Reds should Bond Asha’man to bring them under control, but it was Pevara who immediately considered the practicalities of which Red sisters would do so (Knife of Dreams, Attending Elaida).
- Crossroads of Twilight, One Answer
She was appalled by the parlous state of Tower unity:
Warders wearing swords and plainly guarding their Aes Sedai’s back, in the Tower. That was all too common, yet Pevara could have wept at it. Only, there were too many reasons for weeping to settle on one; instead she set about solving what she could.but did not let it overwhelm her. It is a pity that the Black Ajah hunters' efforts did not achieve more.
- Knife of Dreams, Prologue
When not hunting Darkfriends Pevara is a kindly woman:
Quite plump and not tall—in truth, for a Kandori, she was short—Pevara was also quite pretty, with a merry twinkle in her dark eyes and a ready smile.who is appalled at the harshness of Asha’man training:
- A Crown of Swords, Sealed to the Flame
Pevara resisted the instinct to think of him as equivalent to an Accepted and the other two as novices. Novices and Accepted were kept safe and guided until they knew enough of the Power to become Aes Sedai. By all reports, Soldiers and Dedicated were considered ready for battle almost as soon as they learned to channel. And they were forced from the first day, pressed to seize as much of saidin as they could, made to use it almost continually. Men died from that, and they called it "training losses," as if they could hide death behind bland words. The thought of losing novices or Accepted in that fashion curdled Pevara’s stomach, but it seemed that the men took it in stride.and revolted by the Black Ajah’s methods:
- Knife of Dreams, Epilogue
What they had learned about the Black Ajah’s means of putting someone to the question was as nauseating as it was incredible.As Seaine said in A Crown of Swords, Sealed to the Flame, Pevara has audacity and nerve, which is why she planned and led the Reds’ expedition to the Black Tower to Bond Asha’man:
Forcing a woman into a circle against her will? Guiding a circle to inflict pain? Pevara felt her stomach writhing.
- Knife of Dreams, Prologue
They would return to the grove for the same reason, unless matters went very badly. In which case, they might never return. She had thought this task must be carried out by someone who combined the highest diplomatic skills with the courage of a lion. Well, she was no coward, at least. She could say that much of herself.As I said in the The Black Ajah article early this year, there is a danger that single or small groups of Aes Sedai may be turned to the Shadow now that so many Black Ajah are loose. At least seven women channellers are needed for a circle of thirteen to weave the flows through thirteen Myrddraal. This number has rarely been together outside the Tower until now. At the Black Tower they could be supplemented by the seemingly considerable numbers of Black Asha’man there, leaving the rest of the Black Ajah for other duties. It would be monstrous if Pevara was one channeller they turned to the Shadow. But the woman with the courage of a lion has entered the lion’s den. Can she escape intact?
- Knife of Dreams, Epilogue
Pevara was suggested to me for analysis by Luckers of Dragonmount during a brainstorming session with me at WorldCon 2010.
Minor characters
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Part #13 of Costume of the Wheel of Time
By Linda
The section on Ghealdanin costume was added to the Wheel of Time Costume article today.
I was originally going to add Gleemen with it, but the latter has turned out to be a large section and also requires me to sew a sample.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Towers Of Midnight Prologue: Scenes 5 and 6
By Linda

This post discusses the last two POVs of the Prologue of Towers of Midnight, available at and selected ebook retailers.
My commentary is hidden under the link because it contains spoilers.
Click here to expand the rest of this post
Towers of Midnight
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It’s hard to know how to refer to this character. He truly is neither Fain nor Mordeth, as he says. It looks like he will rename himself soon (I wonder what?), but until then, I guess Fain will have to do.
Fain plans to kill Rand personally and then the Dark One and is moving through the Blight to that long prophesied meeting in Shayol Ghul. He’s devastating the Shadowspawn there as he goes.
He has an obsession with red blood on black vegetation and under black skies:
It reminds me of the ‘red on black’ prophecy in the Karaethon Cycle:
and the red and black of Moridin’s livery. That’s three uses of this symbol: Rand, Moridin and Fain.
Cutting his hand is important to Fain; he seems to celebrate his kills by shedding his own blood in this way, and it mirrors Rand’s blood sacrifice.
Fain’s other obsession is hatred of the Dark One and his compulsion to hunt Rand. He loves the Dark One’s tempest because it inspires him:
Fain is literally consumed by hatred. He hates the Dark One, but he also likes what the Shadow likes. The Shadow is an old friend as well as an old enemy, as Aginor said of the Shadar Logoth evil at The Eye of the World. The Shadar Logoth evil that Mordeth made is so extreme in fighting the Shadow that it became like the Shadow. Another instance in the Towers of Midnight Prologue of the story coming full circle.
Mashadar is acting like Fain’s pet animal, rubbing around his ankles. With it, he can kill Myrddraal instantly. Aginor made the Trollocs and Myrddraal by twisting human and animal genetic stock with the True Power. Fain can corrupt the bodies of Trollocs and link with the undead Shadowspawn to him like a Myrddraal, only more effectively.
Madness has made Fain free – of the Pattern and of the Dark One:
Jordan said that Fain has a lot of skills and abilities outside of channelling and in some ways, has unwittingly side-stepped the Pattern. We certainly see that here.
The last scene of the Prologue shows us the arrangements for Borderlander security and the care in designing the defenses. Despite the number of soldiers taken south, there is no lack of forces to man it.
There is a feeling of rising creepiness as the Shadowspawn attack approaches; a realisation that the defences aren’t going to be enough:
He’s certainly seeing the Last Days.
Keemlin’s courage and sacrifice are moving. Unfortunately it seems inevitable that these outlying fortresses – and maybe towns and cities further in - will be destroyed.
Malenarin’s affirmation that:
foreshadows that other Bordlerlander centres are/will be in the same predicament – such as those where Ituralde, Lan, etc are. Some might be saved or relieved but not all. Maybe even the nations will go under.
Is Malenarin right when he says:
Hopefully it was the right move by the Queen. Maybe the Borderlander rulers have unwittingly preserved a substantial part of their forces to be better used elsewhere.