by Dominic
This image is a 'draft' version of a map of Andor, done in a mock 17th Century Dutch style two years ago.
It is decorated with the sigils of 18 of the 19th main Houses of Andor (the 19th's, House Candraed's, has never been described).
Click the picture to get the full-size version.
Artistic license was taken with the House colours whenever unknown. More accurate renditions of the House Sigils can be found in the heraldry article, and eventually I'll add them to a more advanced version of the map.
A major gripe I have with map is the fact it uses the book's full colours map as background. Since I've done that draft, I've started work on a giant reproduction of 'big map', painstakingly translating all the details using grids. Once finished, this painting of the map of the Westlands (including the Waste and part of Shara, and a bit more of the Blight as well) will be used to finalize the regional/national maps I've done, like the present 'rough draft" of Andor.

I remember this map!
Incidentally, is the location of the Black Tower certain? I can't remember when it was ever precisely situated, I've been operating under the impression that it was 'somewhere' near Caemlyn.
It's 'less than two leagues' south of the city's (walls), ie: anywhere in the more than 4, less than 8 miles from the Far Madding Gate.
Whats the map scale? Caemlyn & Far Madding seem a little too big, New York-sized!
The cities are all oversized, not in scale. Consider them as prettier dot symbols - I made them big enough to be visible, artistic license.
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