It's floating in the air that we may get some new Wheel of Time to chew on soon. So it's time to put your little grey cells to good use - oops, wrong series - I meant hone your Foretelling Talent. Nah, better yet: make a Nynaeve of yourself, hone your weather sense. The Storm is coming, tell us what you forecast by listening to the Winds carrying that big 784 pages hardcover bound storm toward us.
Use the Comment feature of this post to send us your personal three predictions about the TGS prologue, we'll move them to the Predictions Challenge's panel near the top left of the layout (leave us a name/alias to credit!) where you can also find the first entries already submitted. What happens, who will appear, who has POVs, in what nations, cities or homes are we going to land during the prologue, which minor story line will return, what might get resolved, or introduced - anything's good as long as your Wisdom's talent is for now focussed on the prologue itself (we will hold the full book's 10 predictions challenge later this september. Foretellers only for that one!). Expect the Blog Team's predictions soon.
Don't wait too long, the challenge will end with the release of the advanced prologue (should it ever come) and the winner announced a few days later. Unless our resident Wisdom is very much wrong (which has been known to happen, alas - we sometime suspects she's a bit of a phoney who looks at bees and ants and just pretends to Listen to the Wind), that may be sooner than later. And if it's later, more time to predict and discuss the predictions :)).
New edit: Beside your three predictions, why don't you find your little inner-Harriet and try to guess what the real Mrs. Rigney came up with for the title of the Prologue, or part of it? Hint, hint: Winter's Heart - Snow, Crossroads of Twilight - Glimmers of the Pattern, Knife of Dreams - Embers Falling on Dry Grass, The Gathering Storm - ?????
Pfft! And I bet you have already worked up your own list! :P
Jeez, I have to go buy food yet, and do some real work! Talk about workload...
You're right though, we certainly need to get this going pronto.
This doesn't bode well for you, you foretell wrong already :P
I have not even thought yet about my predictions. I was to predict the first a scene would have a storm and a blackmisth saying 'the storm is coming, the storm is coming', but that would be kind of cheating, wouldn't it? ;)
Heh! I have started working on mine. :)
And remember, I won the last one, thanks to the Battle of Maldon. :P I posted about the Battle of Camlann so long ago that it's not really qualified to go in.
I came second the last time thanks to... I don't remember what - something about Egwene bumping into Alviarin maybe.
If you want to predict the Battle of Caemlyn happens in the prologue, by all means be my guest! (I'd wait for book 13's climax, if I were you ;))
That's the dilemma isn't it. Not just what will happen - but in which book! Yeah, I realise that Camlann won't be yet. The WT thing will also run overtime, I bet. A little something in the Epilogue to show this.
Three predictions? Off the top of my head, mine are so general as to be nearly useless. Black Ajah hunters discovering a sliver of information. Galad responding to word from/about Perrin's camp. Egwene either talking in telaranriad (sp?) to the rebel Hall or to Siuan and learning about cleansing and new Ashaman warders--or thinking back to this while she is serving Elaida and relevant issues come to the fore.
I predict:
1) Mesaana's POV: we won't yet learn who she's posing as (perhaps a few more hints, but nothing concrete). We will get more of details (though again, not concrete) on what her ultimate wants are for the Tower, as well as how she's reacting to Moridin's commands and how she plans to work around them for towards her own.
2) Lan's POV: Gives us an update on how his Army gathering is coming. He's probably halfway across the borderlands by now, with a sizeable army, and wondering how Nynaeve got him into this. Probably will drop a few lines about Moiraine and the Blight being quite and pretty much unguarded, likely forshadowing some future events.
3) Loial's POV: Loial arrives at the Stedding and prepares to address the Stump. Give more of a glimpse into the life in the Stedding and Ogier culture (our glimpse in TGH didn't tell us too much). Ogier move slowly, so I think the this will start here, then not be seen for a while.
Hopefully I'm at least partially right, as I'd love to see things from these perspectives!
This is difficult =op
But I'll guess
Egwene attending Elaida (but this does seem too major for a prologue. oh well)
Galad heading to Perrin
Something with Ituralde and the Aiel suddenly appearing
This is as easy as taking chocolate from a deceased Amayar.
1.A traditional Rodel Ituralde POV
2.I would say a Galad POV, but no. Galad will be in the main book, else how will he meet Berelain? So let's go with a Masema fanatic or even the Prophet himself.
3.A borderland watchmen hears the Worms coming closer.
Thanks for the first predictions, I will start adding them to the challenge's page later today, I soon as I've done some picture or another to go with it.
(and nice to see you Deadsy!)
There are usually more than three POV's in a prologue, so it is difficult to pick only three. I'll list my "formal" 3 foretellings, followed by some others that I think will ocurr.
1. A Senchan POV describing battle plans for the white tower
2. An Ogier POV; Loial on the stump, or Elder Haman closing gates
3. A Moiraine POV summarizing her experiences in 'Finnland with an admission she killed Asmodean
Other POV's I think will be in prologue:
Gareth Bryne and Gawyn (they might even get a glimpse of each other)
We will get an update on Lan's activities in the north, but it will be from someone else's POV
The Black Ajah Hunters make a startling discovery...
Moridin using the mindtraps to compell Lanfear and Moghiedien to do... something
At least one of the following POV's; Verin, Sheriam, or Cadsuane
An update on Arad Doman from Aviendha's POV
Since you're gonna cheat and add new things to predict, I'm gonna go with "Clouds" as the title for the Prologue. Kinda short, but the last two have been long and this fits with "Lightnings" and "Snow"...
Title: a storm coming
1: nynaeve pov in which her weather sense really frigs out, also giving update on borderlands. She then returns to Rand if she hasn't already.
2: pov from someone in the tower (not egwene) about egwene world events and a storm coming
3: pov from taim (the storm leader) about bonded ashaman, how evil he is, etc.
I also expect a pov from mat and loial, but those are my 3 official guesses.
Foreteller: Matthew J Price
"I'm gonna go with "Clouds" as the title for the Prologue. Kinda short, but the last two have been long and this fits with "Lightnings" and "Snow"..."
Good choice Tim, quite similar to mine. :) I'll add it.
Thanks Michael, I'll add your three soon too!
OK, I'll take a stab:
1) A PoV from Hurin, in Fal Dara, in which he contemplates a new stirring in the Blight, and worries about a chunk of the Borderland armies being away to the south.
RJ said we'd see Hurin again, so this would be good time. And, leads into my 2nd prediction ...
2) A PoV from Tenobia & the Borderland armies in Andor. We haven't heard from them in a while - it's time for an update on what they'll do next.
3) A PoV from Tuon, in which she's discussing the Seanchan's current military endeavors/plans with Galgan, Yulan, and other high-ranking military officials.
I expect this to shed some light on future Seanchan-related events in Arad Doman and at the White Tower.
As for a title ... I like the suggestion of "Clouds" or something similar that suggests a growing threat, but I'll go with something else. How about ... "Preparations".
Thanks Bob! I'll add them soon.
"A PoV from Hurin, in Fal Dara, in which he contemplates a new stirring in the Blight, and worries about a chunk of the Borderland armies being away to the south."
Interesting... I had not even considered the possibility Hurin could be in Fal Dara (and may be involved in Lan's story line, I guess. Amalisa would be another player likely to return, then. I assume Agelmar left her in charge). I've always assumed Agelmar and the King both take their sniffers with them on the journey, and Hurin would be used in either of five ways:
1- Secret/Discreet line of communication to Elayne, because he knows her and :
a) Agelmar or Easar have reasons to tell something to Elayne without the other rulers knowing. Problems with Tenobia, maybe. Elayne would recognize Hurin instantly for what he is, and could arrange to meet him discreteely.
b) The Bordermen want to talk to Elayne 'informally' and don't know if Elayne has told or not her nobles she's talked to them. So they use an informal messenger, the same way as a).
2)Something like 1 originally, but RJ then intended Hurin to become the one Elayne use to track Hanlon to Full Moon Street. Before she sent him back to Agelmar with an answer, she would ask him to help her with that. In this case, RJ obviously changed his mind and introduced the cutpurse instead, possibly because he decided along the way he'd delay contact between Elayne and the Bordermen some more.
Hurin could never appear after all, if what RJ thought he'd use him for was scrapped.
3- Elayne has a reason to want Hurin's services in AMOL and sends to Agelmar for him. Less likely, I think, but still... Hurin's story ended with him telling the girls they could send for him at any time...
4- Whatever happens between Bordermen and Andoran (anything from the Battle to TG to an attack from the BT.. whatever) Hurin is involved. It's very doubtfully that, as RJ couldn't possibly think he'd reach that point in KOD. On the other hand, RJ might have planned a set up scene for this in KOD which he decided later he didn't need or would put later, in the prologue of AMOL for instance...
5. RJ wanted a Borderman in Andor POV that wouldn't be privy to the rulers' plans, neither know what the AS are about etc. but would know how things go with food etc. He could set up stuff with a character like this, remain mysterious because Hurin wouldn't know much. A scene of Hurin musing about Rand and not knowing what the rulers intend, and he could reveal the role his news has played in bringing the Bordermen south, and dividing the houses about Rand etc. That sounds a likely way RJ could have meant to use Hurin in KOD, but then decide it was too early and he preferred to have Elayne give far more partial news about them (they are 50 miles north-east, showing all signs for now they intend to remain way east of the city, cross the Aringill Road then take secondary roads east of Caemlyn to Murandy. That was Elayne's belief in KOD).
But the idea that Hurin is in the north is interesting... Lan will need supporting players like this, I doubt RJ intended to show his story line in the north only from his own POV, and using a returning "lowly" player is really not a bad idea. Hurin as Lan's sidekick, hmmm.... what do you think?
Oh... a sixth way...
Agelmar sends Hurin ahead to spy/report rumours from around Caemlyn. Hurin could find out Rand has moved his people or hear stories the DM is now in the West, not South. Much woes could come from reporting this to the Borderland rulers. My personal theory is than they will indeed go south and eventually bump into Faile/Perrin, however. I still get the feeling it's Perrin who will end up dealing with them for Rand. That's been his role lately, securing the rulers of nations Rand has not conquered. Beside, putting Faile with Tenobia has A LOT of very RJ-like potential. Berelain would stand as equal to the Borderlands rulers, Faile not quite - and she has a big rivalry of her own going on with Tenobia (which has been foreshadowed many times, in TSR when she says Tenobia with be green with envy to learn she's lead soldiers in battle. There's the matter Tenobia will be jealous Faile has married before her, and also the whole Davram/Tenobia connundrum. I find it would be an hilarious idea if Tenobia decided to deal with all those issue at once by demoting Davram, making his 'heir' the new Marshall-General of Saldaea, thus having him in her councils Faile is kept out of. This would also force Faile to remain with her. At things spiral badly, this would make Faile Queen over Perrin - her marshall and consort, and him responsible for keeping her safe. Poor Perrin, that might be his worst nightmare.
"But the idea that Hurin is in the north is interesting... Lan will need supporting players like this, I doubt RJ intended to show his story line in the north only from his own POV, and using a returning "lowly" player is really not a bad idea. Hurin as Lan's sidekick, hmmm.... what do you think?"
That's pretty much what I was thinking. But, I think the Hurin PoV I mention for the prologue would occur before he hooked up with Lan, or even knew that Lan was in the BLs. Fal Dara will be the last to learn of Lan's presence, given the location.
But, yeah, I like the idea of Lan hooking up with someone we know, and who has skills that can help him (especially since he's without AS help at the moment - that doesn't leave many people who possess skills that Lan doesn't have, but could use).
As for why Hurin would be left behind in FD ... my thinking there was that his particular skills would be better served in FD guarding the Blight than with the BL rulers pursuing Rand , and therefore that Agelemar/Easar would have left him behind for that purpose.
Your various idea on how Hurin could have been used to facilitate dealings with Elayne make sense, but since we haven't seen Hurin yet with the BL rulers by now, my guess is that he isn't with them.
Also, I like your idea of the BL rulers meeting up with Perrin & Faile, and all the drama that meeting will provide re Tenobia/Faile, and eventually Davram (once Perrin brings them to Rand, or Rand comes to him). I hadn't really considered that possibility, but it makes sense for the reasons you outlined.
Fal Dara will be the last to learn of Lan's presence, given the location.
Yup. I think we might have outside POVs from locations where rumour of Lan's coming have reached but not Lan yet. I do expect the strange storm will suddenly appear all over the Blight and the Blight itself begin to advance... fast - bloody fast. It's not impossible RJ intended to deal with Lan strictly with outside POVs until the Golden Crane armies actually reach Fal Dara. I expect Lan to reach Fal Dara at the end of book 13 or so, though as I said, I'm not sure if the Blight will not have overan a fair bit of the Borderlands then, so it may not be Fal Dara but Fal Moran or even Ankor Dahl in the south Lan will have to settle for, fighting his way north to close Tarwyn's Gap. I could see RJ going for this, as Lan would basically relive the end of Malkier, swallowed by the Blight.
But, yeah, I like the idea of Lan hooking up with someone we know, and who has skills that can help him (especially since he's without AS help at the moment.
Indeed, and it all makes sense Hurin would be good for this.
I'm still very partial to the idea the character we know who will join Lan in the North is Moiraine, with a group of AS she assembles from sisters still in Caemlyn, to pay her own debt for Lan's loyalty and service, and the Tower's to Malkier. This would give Lan a chance to hold off the invasion for a while, and this might be crucial for the Light the Shadow is delayed a while in the North, thus Min's viewing of Moiraine.
As for why Hurin would be left behind in FD ... my thinking there was that his particular skills would be better served in FD guarding the Blight
I can buy that. My reasonning for the opposite is that the Shienarans had to sneak south and Sniffers would be most useful for this. They can sniff where there were people around and avoid the army bumping into bad surprises - there's always some violence to sniff out wherever humans have been.
since we haven't seen Hurin yet with the BL rulers by now, my guess is that he isn't with them.
RJ has kept us off the camps, though. He restriced us to what Elayne saw, on her way to the rulers and the scenes the rulers themselves. I don't expect Hurin would be near the rulers' circle. He's a kind of thiefcatcher, quite lowly.
Also, I like your idea of the BL rulers meeting up with Perrin & Faile, and all the drama that meeting will provide re Tenobia/Faile, and eventually Davram (once Perrin brings them to Rand, or Rand comes to him).
Something like this, though right now I don't see Perrin hooking up with Rand early or Davram ever being involved. But this is entering the level of detail I don't like much to get into, as there will too much happening between. Roughly, I think RJ planned to orphan Faile just as he did Perrin.
My rough idea for Perrin's storyline is that Masema will refuse to Travel anymore and Perrin will refuse to kill him and his men, so he will have no choice but to go through Murandy (but he may not necessarily do so without sending many of his present followers away somewhere by gateway - in the Two Rivers for example, while himself, his forces, the refugees who are Murandian/Andoran/Cairhienin head north the long way).
As for what Perrin does in his likely 4-5 chapters in TGS (it's what Brandon said the two storylines kept for book 13 would get in TGS) and what point I think he will reach - and Galad will, I'll keep that for the full book predictions in a week or two :) I don't think Perrin would bump into Tenobia before the first third of book 13.
It's not impossible Perrin meets Mat briefly, but either reaching Rand in TGS, I think we'd better forget it.
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