By Linda

Under the spoiler tag below I speculate on where the Horn might be.
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As for the Horn might be: after Verin's ringing endorsement of Laras, I wonder if it's not in the kitchens under Laras's watchful eye. It's not a place an Aes Sedai would hang out so the Horn would be safe there, but it is a place where one can enter or leave with a parcel and no one thinks anything of it. In the real world, such kitchens in the 16th-18th centuries had cupboards and cellars under lock and key to which only the Butler or Head Cook had access and again no one would think anything of it.
It was Egwene whom Verin told Laras was no Darkfriend. She went on to say "When you next see Laras, please thank her on my behalf..." And a short while later again: "As I said, please than Laras for me."
Verin quite subtly but firmly suggested to Egwene to visit Laras on an innocent 'last request'.
She said "when" Egwene next sees Laras even though Verin would have deduced that Egwene was soon to be Amyrlin judging by the political currents in the Tower. She compliments Egwene on how well she has done politically so she was certainly aware of how close Egwene was. Yet Egwene is to visit Laras...
Interesting but what's the connection between Egwene and the Horn ? Do you mean she would be the middle(wo)man between Mat and the Horn ?
Maybe Egwene visiting Laras has more to do with Laras secret occupations that have been hinted at, like her being one of the agents of the Kin...
I hope we'll learn more about her by the next book, she has always been a somewhat mysterious character ever since she helped free Siuan and Leane.
Someone has to take the Horn to Mat and only someone very trustworthy - and strong and skilled in the Power with a lot of authority - should do so. I don't think Mat should risk coming to the Tower even if he had the time and the means.
That's a possibility... althgouh, I don't really see Egwene lowering herself to carry something for Mat. But we shall see, maybe Verin hid the Horn somewhere outside the Tower (Two Rivers) and disclosed the location in her letter to Mat...
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