By BobH and By Linda
This article serves to provide a record of those Aes Sedai who have been killed, captured or gone missing since the beginning of The Eye of the World.
The list of Aes Sedai that have died have been split into a known count (those that are known with certainty) and an unknown count (where we know Aes Sedai have died, but not how many).
A. Known Count
1‒3: 3 Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Killed when Liandrin and twelve other Black Ajah fled the White Tower. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Unspecified member(s) of the thirteen Black Ajah who fled.
When: “Some months before” (according to Siuan) April 8, 999. Late 998 or early 999.
Source: The Dragon Reborn, Punishments.
4‒5: 2 Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Killed when Taim escaped Aes Sedai custody in Denhuir, east of the Black Hills. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Unknown, but probably Taim and/or those who helped free him.
When: A few days to a couple of weeks before June 8, 999.
Source: The Shadow Rising, Deceptions (news of Taim’s escape reaches Siuan in Tar Valon).
6‒7: Amico Nagoyin (Yellow/Black) and Joiya Byir (Gray/Black).
Circumstance: Murdered in the Stone of Tear, while being held prisoner. Off-screen.
Killer: Slayer.
When: June 7, 999.
Source: The Shadow Rising, Tanchico or the Tower (the two are killed); Winter’s Heart, Out of Thin Air (Slayer identified as the killer).
8: Cabriana Mecandes (Blue).
Circumstance: Murdered after Semirhage drained her of information. Off-screen.
Killer: Semirhage (or perhaps Shaidar Haran).
When: October 31, 999.
Source: Lord of Chaos, Threads Woven of Shadow.
Note: We didn’t actually see Cabriana die. But, when Aran’gar/Halima arrived in Salidar with the story that she had been Cabriana’s traveling companion, and that Cabriana had died falling from her horse, she told Delana there was no chance Cabriana would reappear to spoil the story. Therefore, Cabriana is surely dead.
9‒11: Laigin Arnault (Red), Amira Moselle (Red), and Mirlene Cornwell (Green).
Circumstance: Killed during the battle at Dumai’s Wells. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Unknown, but probably the Shaido.
When: January 1, 1000.
Source: A Crown of Swords, The Butcher’s Yard (learn three Aes Sedai died during the battle); The Path of Daggers, Floating Like Snow (learn that Laigin was one of them).
Note: RJ identified Amira as the other Red who died in the battle, in a personal communication with a fan. Mirlene was listed in The Wheel of Time Companion.
12‒13: Adeleas Namelle (Brown) and Ispan Shefar (Blue/Black).
Circumstance: Murdered in Cullen’s Crossing, two days from Caemlyn. Off-screen.
Killer: Careane Fransi.
When: February 6, 1000.
Source: The Path of Daggers, Crimsonthorn (the two are killed); Knife of Dreams, The House on Full Moon Street (Careane identified as the killer).
14: Unnamed (Red).
Circumstance: Killed by a “bubble of evil”-induced fog in the rebel camp outside Cairhien.
Killer: Shai’tan (effectively).
When: January 9, 1000.
Source: A Crown of Swords, Blades.
Note: Interestingly, she’s the only Aes Sedai to have died on-screen until Careane in Knife of Dreams.
15: Kumira (Brown).
Circumstances: Killed at the Cleansing, while patrolling the area linked with Verin and Shalon. Off-screen.
Killer: Graendal.
When: March 8, 1000.
Source: Winter’s Heart, With the Choedan Kal.
16: Anaiya (Blue).
Circumstance: Murdered because she was a close friend of Cabriana Mecandes. Off-screen.
Killer: Aran’gar/Halima.
When: March 14, 1000.
Source: Crossroads of Twilight, In the Night (learn she is dead, killed by saidin); Knife of Dreams, Call to a Sitting (learn why Aran’gar killed her).
17: Kairen Stang (Blue).
Circumstance: Murdered because she was a close friend of Cabriana Mecandes. Off-screen.
Killer: Aran’gar/Halima.
When: March 29, 1000.
Source: Crossroads of Twilight, What the Oath Rod Can Do (learn she is dead, killed by saidin); Knife of Dreams, Call to a Sitting (learn why Aran’gar killed her).
18: Careane Fransi (Green/Black).
Circumstance: Murdered in revenge, after being identified as Adeleas’s killer at the house on Full Moon Street. On-screen.
Killer: Vandene Namelle.
When: April 17, 1000.
Source: Knife of Dreams, The House on Full Moon Street.
Note: The first named Aes Sedai to have died on-screen.
19‒20: Vandene Namelle (Green) and Sareitha Tomares (Brown).
Circumstance: Murdered at the house on Full Moon Street. On-screen.
Killer: Chesmal Emry.
When: April 17, 1000.
Source: Knife of Dreams, The House on Full Moon Street.
21: Asne Zeramene (Green/Black).
Circumstance: Killed by saidar-induced lightning, while trying to prevent Elayne from being rescued shortly after her capture at the house on Full Moon Street. On-screen.
Killer(s): Sea Folk Windfinders, led by Chanelle.
When: April 17, 1000.
Source: Knife of Dreams, To Keep the Bargain.
22: Elza Penfell (Green/Black).
Circumstance: Killed by True Power balefire, while wearing the bracelet of the male a’dam holding Rand. On-screen.
Killer(s): Rand al’Thor.
When: May, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, The Last That Could Be Done.
23: Daigian Moseneillin (White).
Circumstance: Killed to prevent her from raising the alarm that Semirhage was freed from the shield Daigian, Corele and Nesune were holding. (The other two weren’t killed because their Warders would have sensed their deaths and alerted people). Off-screen.
Killer(s): Elza or Shaidar Haran.
When: May, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, A Warp in the Air.
24: Unknown Aes Sedai
Circumstance: Killed by a bubble of evil in the rebels’ camp, probably by being strangled by a tent. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Shai’tan (effectively).
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, News in Tel’aran’rhiod.
25: Verin Mathwin (Brown/Black).
Circumstance: Took poison so she could betray her oath to the Dark One and divulge her report on the Shadow’s secrets to Egwene. On-screen.
Killer(s): Herself
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, A Visit from Verin Sedai.
26: Josaine (Green).
Circumstance: Killed when a weave of Earth collapsed the wall behind her during the Seanchan raid on the White Tower. On-screen.
Killer(s): Sul’dam and damane
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, The Tower Shakes.
27: Unknown Aes Sedai
Circumstance: The only Aes Sedai in Egwene’s group that was killed during the Seanchan raid on the White Tower. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Sul’dam and damane
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, A Fount of Power
28: Delana Mosalaine (Grey/Black).
Circumstance: Shielded by Graendal and balefired by Rand. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Rand
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Prologue
29‒32: Four Aes Sedai including Kateri Nepvue (White).
Circumstance: Stabbed in the White Tower. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Seanchan Bloodknives
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Writings
33: Talva (Yellow/Black).
Circumstance: Killed accidentally with a weave meant for Egwene in Tel’aran’rhiod. On-screen.
Killer(s): Alviarin
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, A Vow
34: Chesmal Emry (Yellow/Black).
Circumstance: Killed with a weave of Fire in the Caemlyn Palace cells. On-screen.
Killer(s): Elayne
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
35: Eldrith Jhondar (Brown/Black).
Circumstance: Throat cut while shielded in the Caemlyn Palace cells because she couldn’t be rescued. On-screen.
Killer(s): Daved Hanlon
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
36: Temaile Kinderode (Grey/Black).
Circumstance: Knifed while unconscious in the Caemlyn Palace cells because she couldn’t be rescued. On-screen.
Killer(s): Daved Hanlon
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
37‒38: Carlinya (White) and Shevan (Brown).
Circumstance: Killed in battle in Tel’aran’rhiod. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Black sisters
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Darkness in the Tower
39‒42: Mestra (Black), Evanellein (Grey/Black), Sedore (Yellow/Black) and probably Katerine (Red/Black).
Circumstance: Killed in battle in Tel’aran’rhiod.
Killer(s): Egwene
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Darkness in the Tower and Wounds
43: Notori (Black).
Circumstance: Killed in battle in Tel’aran’rhiod.
Killer(s): Nynaeve
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Darkness in the Tower
44: Unnamed Aes Sedai (Black).
Circumstance: Probably killed in battle in Tel’aran’rhiod.
Killer(s): Egwene
When: June, 1000.
Source: Towers of Midnight, Darkness in the Tower
45: Romanda (Yellow).
Circumstance: Killed in battle in Kandor. On-screen.
Killer(s): Sharan female channellers
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, Into Thakan’dar
46‒7: Duhara (Red/Black) and Falion (White/Black)
Circumstance: Killed in battle at Thakan’dar. On-screen.
Killer(s): Aviendha
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, At the Edge of Time
48: Berisha (Grey)
Circumstance: Badly injured by a bubble of evil and then killed so she couldn’t warn that her gateway went to the Blight or open another. On-screen.
Killer(s): Aravine
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Prince’s Tabac
49‒50: Kiruna (Green) and Faeldrin (Green)
Circumstance: Killed in battle at Thakan’dar
Killer(s): Graendal
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, Drifting
51: Kwamesa (Grey)
Circumstance: Killed in battle on the Heights
Killer(s): Demandred
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
52: Siuan (Blue)
Circumstance: Killed in the Seanchan camp. On-screen.
Killer(s): Sharans
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
53: Doesine (Yellow)
Circumstance: Killed in the Last Battle. On-screen.
Killer(s): Sharan male channellers
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
54: Beldeine (Green)
Circumstance: Killed in the Last Battle. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Sharans
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
55: Egwene (no Ajah)
Circumstance: Died in battle on the heights from overdrawing the One Power. On-screen.
Killer(s): none
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
56: Sarene (White)
Circumstance: Died of exhaustion from forced channelling at Thakan’dar.
Killer(s): Graendal
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, Impossibilities
57: Jeaine (Green/Black)
Circumstance: Knifed as she tried to slip into Shayol Ghul disguised as Cadsuane. On-screen.
Killer(s): Thom
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, Two Craftsmen
58: Alanna (Green)
Circumstance: Knifed at Shayol Ghul in an attempt to send Rand mad or distracted. On-screen.
Killer(s): Moridin
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, To Awaken
B. Unknown Count
3+: Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Killed during the capture of Logain in a battle near Lugard. Off-screen. When: Some days to a few weeks before April 16, 998.
Source: The Eye of the World, Whitebridge (learn of Logain’s capture); The Great Hunt, Summoned (learn multiple sisters were killed).
Note: In The Great Hunt, Summoned, Moiraine said:
“Yes, Logain is in Tar Valon by now, gentled and safe, I suppose, but some of our sisters died to overpower him. Even one sister dead is more loss than we can bear, but Ghealdan's losses were much worse.”“Much worse” than one dead must mean at least three dead, and perhaps five or more.
- The Great Hunt, Summoned
5+: Ananda (Yellow), 3 unnamed (one Green, one of unidentified Ajah, one Brown), the unnamed 3rd Blue Sitter, and most likely several others.
Circumstances: Killed during the Tower Coup. Off-screen.
Killer(s): Unknown.
When: June 24, 999.
Source: The Shadow Rising, Seeds of Shadow (Min’s viewing); The Shadow Rising, The Truth of a Viewing (Tower Coup).
Notes: Min viewed Ananda and 3 unnamed Aes Sedai in The Shadow Rising, Seeds of Shadow, and knew all four would die on the same day. It’s clear all four (including the Brown) would die—later in the chapter Min told Siuan:
“At least four Aes Sedai are as good as dead. Mother, I’ve only laid eyes on nine of you since coming back, and four are going to die!”And, it’s clear that they would die on the day of the Tower Coup. In the same chapter, Min saw that Gawyn would be wounded “on the day the Aes Sedai died”, and Gawyn was wounded on the day of the Tower Coup.
- The Shadow Rising, Seeds of Shadow
At DragonCon’05, Jordan said that the third pre-split Blue Sitter died in the Tower Coup (the other two Blue Sitters at the time, Lelaine and Lyrelle, fled to Salidar). We don’t have an exact count of Aes Sedai who died during the Tower Coup (unfortunately), so it’s possible the Blue Sitter who died was the Aes Sedai of unidentified Ajah Min viewed in The Shadow Rising, Seeds of Shadow. However, it’s also possible (in fact, likely) that quite a few more than the four Aes Sedai Min happened to view in The Shadow Rising, Seeds of Shadow died during the Tower Coup. So 5+ is used as the count here.
20+: Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Killed during the Seanchan raid on the White Tower, including collared Aes Sedai killed on raken by 'friendly fire' and found dead later.
Killer(s): Sul’dam and damane, and Egwene's group
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, A Fount of Power
50+: Unnamed (Black Ajah) including Sheriam Byanar (Blue/Black) and Moria Karentanis (Blue/Black),
Circumstance: Stilled and executed for being Black Ajah.
Killer(s): Egwene and rebel Hall (effectively)
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, A Fount of Power
Unknown number of Unnamed (Black Ajah)
Circumstance: Stilled and executed for being Black Ajah.
Killer(s): Egwene and Tower Hall (effectively)
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, Bathed in Light
Unknown number of Unnamed (Black Ajah) probably including Jenare (Red turned Black)
Circumstance: Killed during Black Tower coup.
Killer(s): Logain’s faction
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, Doses of Forkroot
More than half of total Aes Sedai (unidentified Ajah)
Circumstance: Killed in Last Battle
Killer(s): Demandred, Sharans
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
6 Unnamed Aes Sedai (unidentified Ajah)
Circumstance: Killed in Last Battle
Killer(s): M’Hael
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
5 Unnamed Aes Sedai (Black Ajah) including Jeaine Caide as mentioned above
Circumstance: Killed outside Shayol Ghul trying to trick their way in.
Killer(s): Thom
When: August, 1000.
Source: A Memory of Light, Two Craftsmen
Summary of Deaths
Known count: 58
Unknown count: 400+
Total Deaths: 458+
Named: 61
Unnamed: 397+
Blue Ajah: 8 (3 Black)
Brown Ajah: 7 (2 Black)
Green Ajah: 11 (4 Black)
Red Ajah: 5 (2 Black)
Yellow Ajah: 7 (4 Black)
Grey Ajah: 6 (4 Black)
White Ajah: 5 (1 Black)
(Black Ajah: 68+)
Unidentified Ajah: 361+
A. By Seanchan
1‒2: Ryma Galfrey (Yellow) and Sheraine Caminelle (Blue Ajah).
Circumstance: Captured when the Seanchan took Falme. Suroth apparently took ownership of Ryma at some point (she was made da’covale as well as damane), and brought her to Ebou Dar from Cantorin. Tuon bought Sheraine in Seanchan, and trained her, before leaving for Ebou Dar.
Seanchan Names: Ryma=Pura, Sheraine=Mylen.
When: Sometime before November 18, 998.
Source: The Great Hunt, Falme.
Current Status: Both are still damane in Ebou Dar. Prior to being rescued, Teslyn told Mat that, unlike Edesina, Guisin (see below) and Sheraine were “changed”, and would betray them if Mat tried to rescue them, so he did not. Apparently, Teslyn did not know that Ryma was also in Ebou Dar, because she did not mention her to Mat as an Aes Sedai being held there (unlike Edesina, Guisin, and Sheraine).
3: Guisin (Grey Ajah)
Circumstance: Sent by the Salidar Aes Sedai as emissaries to Tarabon (along with Afara – see the “missing” list below). Presumably, both were captured and collared on the way to Tarabon, and subsequently taken to Ebou Dar.
Seanchan Names: Unknown.
When: Sometime between November, 999 (left Salidar) and January, 1000
Source: Lord of Chaos, A Pile of Sand (learn they were sent to Tarabon); Winter’s Heart, Three Women (learn they are damane in Ebou Dar).
Current Status: Still damane in Ebou Dar. Prior to being rescued, Teslyn told Mat that, unlike Edesina, Guisin and Sheraine (see above) were “changed”, and would betray them if Mat tried to rescue them, so he did not.
4: Liandrin (Red/Black).
Circumstance: Captured when the Seanchan took Amador, presumably. Made da’covale by Suroth, but not damane, presumably because she had been shielded by Moghedien. Suroth knew Liandrin from The Great Hunt, when Liandrin attempted to turn over Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne to her on Ishamael’s orders. How Suroth got a hold of Liandrin is unknown, but there are various ways in which it could have transpired.
When: January, 1000.
Source: The Path of Daggers, A Time for Iron.
Current Status: Still da’covale and shielded in Ebou Dar, presumably.
Note: In Knife of Dreams, Embers Falling on Dry Grass, Suroth thought it was time to have Liandrin collared. It’s unknown whether Suroth followed through on that thought.
5: Marthera (Green).
Circumstance: Captured when the Seanchan raided the White Tower.
Seanchan Name: Unknown.
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, The Tower Shakes.
Current Status: Presumably damane in Ebou Dar.
6: Elaida do’Avriny a‘Roihan (Red).
Circumstance: Captured when the Seanchan raided the White Tower.
Seanchan Name: Suffa
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, A Fount of Power.
Current Status: Damane in Ebou Dar.
7‒29+: Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Over 24 Aes Sedai out of nearly 40 Tower initiates were captured when the Seanchan raided the White Tower. Two are named, therefore at least 23 are unnamed.
Seanchan Name: Unknown.
When: June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, Bathed in Light
Current Status: Presumably damane in Ebou Dar.
B. By Aiel
30: Galina Casban (Red/Black).
Circumstance: Captured by the Shaido after the battle at Dumai’s Wells, and bound (with a binder) to obey Sevanna and the Shaido Wise Ones. Escaped briefly (with the binder) during the battle at Malden, but recaptured by Therava shortly thereafter.
When: January 1, 1000 (captured after Dumai’s Wells); April 10, 1000 (recaptured after Malden).
Source: A Crown of Swords, Lightnings (captured after Dumai’s Wells); Knife of Dreams, Outside the Gates (recaptured after Malden).
Current Status: Therava’s prisoner, on the way back to the Aiel Waste with the remaining Shaido.
C. By Whitecloaks
31‒32: 2 Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Captured by Whitecloaks in Amadicia, reportedly.
When: Sometime before November 3, 999.
Source: Lord of Chaos, Plans (Omerna reports to Niall).
Current Status: Dead, presumably. All Aes Sedai are considered Darkfriends by the Whitecloaks, and the penalty for being a Darkfriend is death.
Note: If true, it would be interesting to know how Whitecloaks managed to capture/kill two Aes Sedai. The quote from Lord of Chaos says:
The search for Tar Valon witches had found only two so far, but over a hundred women had been put to the question, an indication of how vigilant the patrols were.It’s possible that the two Aes Sedai were ambushed and killed directly, not captured alive and then executed later. We just don’t know enough about what happened to say for sure. However, it seems doubtful the Whitecloaks could hold living/conscious Aes Sedai in custody unless they used forkroot. But, there’s no indication the Whitecloaks know about forkroot.
- Lord of Chaos, Plans
Of course, it is also possible that the two women weren't really Aes Sedai, and the Whitecloaks either made the story up or coerced two non-Aes Sedai into confessing to be Aes Sedai while putting them to the question. But the fact that the report only claims that two Aes Sedai were found, rather than, say, five or a dozen, lends some credibility to it. If the Whitecloaks were simply inventing stories for propaganda purposes, they'd likely have claimed more than two.
Also, like anyone else, the Whitecloaks can identify most Aes Sedai as such by their ageless looks; they don't necessarily have to rely on their questioning techniques to make that determination.
Lastly, the fact that Pedron Niall didn't doubt the validity of the information, even though he doubted much of what Omerna reported to him, also lends some credibility to it. It could suggest, for example, that Niall had information from other sources that confirmed two Aes Sedai were, in fact, captured/killed.
D. By Asha’man
33‒80: Elaida sent 51 sisters to destroy the Black Tower.
Toveine was bonded to Logain, but was freed by him after she was Turned to the Shadow (A Memory of Light, The Last Battle). Jenare is probably dead as listed above, and Ayako is captive in a stedding.
The 48 still bonded and not known to be trapped or dead are:
- Gabrelle (Brown); bonded by Logain.
- Aisling Noon (Green); bonded by Arel Malevin.
- Adrielle (Gray); bonded by Mezar Kurin and vanished, presumed dead when he was Turned to the Shadow (The Wheel of Time Companion)
- Akoure Vayet (Gray).
- Carniele (Yellow).
- Desandre Alraed (Yellow).
- Lemai Ambani (Red); bonded by Morly Hardlin.
- 41 Unnamed (unidentified Ajah, but not Black or White or Blue).
Circumstance: Captured and subsequently bonded by Asha’man, near the Black Tower outside Caemlyn.
When: February 6‒7, 1000.
Source: The Path of Daggers, The Extra Bit (The 51 Aes Sedai are captured).
Current Status: Nearly all are still bonded to their respective Asha’man. An unknown number were Turned to the Shadow along with their Asha’man and some of these died in the Black Tower coup. One of the Reds was bonded by Dafid Norley (The Wheel of Time Companion).
Note: Alviarin ensured that no Black Ajah were sent on the mission. Ayako was identified as the only White sister sent on the mission. And, of course, there were none from the Blue Ajah on the mission, since none remained in the White Tower after the Tower Coup.
E. By Ogier
80‒82: 3 Black sisters and 4 Black Asha’man were Trapped in Stedding Sholoon
- Alviarin Freidhen (White/Black)
- Ayako Norsoni (White/Turned Black); bonded by Donalo
- Rianna Andomeran (White/Black)
Circumstance: The group was lured to Stedding Sholoon by Androl disguised as Rand and captured by Ogier.
When: August 1000
Source: A Memory of Light, Impossibilities
Summary of Captives
- 49 still bonded to Asha’man.
- 29+ still held by Seanchan.
- 3 held by the Ogier.
- 1 still held by Shaido.
- 2 presumed dead.
Total: 84+ captives
Named: 17
Unnamed: 67+
Red Ajah: 4 (2 Black)
Yellow Ajah: 3
Gray Ajah: 2
Green Ajah: 2
Brown Ajah: 1
Blue Ajah: 0
White Ajah: 3 (3 Black)
Unidentified Ajah: 69+
Note: 31 Aes Sedai swore to serve Rand: 22 from the White Tower Embassy who were captured at Dumai’s Wells (see the Elaida's Embassy to Rand article), 7 from the Salidar Embassy, and Verin and Alanna. They are not included in this article because their whereabouts are known, and they are no longer considered prisoners. The 6 Red Aes Sedai and the White Tower delegation to the Black Tower are also no longer considered prisoners.
1: Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Missing in Tarabon.
When: Sometime before June 8, 999.
Source: The Shadow Rising, Deceptions (Siuan ponders the disappearance).
Speculation: Killed by the Black Ajah/Liandrin? They were plotting in Tanchico around that time (as Amico revealed to the girls in Tear)? Or maybe by Moghedien? She was in Tanchico around then, too. The timing isn’t quite right for her to have been captured by the Seanchan. The Seanchan left Falme six months previously and do not take Tanchico for another seven months later than the reference.
2‒4: 3 Unnamed (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: Two vanished in Illian; one vanished in Caemlyn.
When: Sometime before June 25, 999.
Source: The Shadow Rising, The Truth of a Viewing (Siuan learns of the disappearances).
Speculation: The two in Illian killed by Sammael? The one in Caemlyn killed by Rahvin? In the next sentence after pondering the disappearances, Siuan “shivered, wondering where the Forsaken were”. A not-so-subtle hint as to their fates, perhaps?
Note: It’s possible that one of the Aes Sedai that vanished in Illian was Mattin Stepaneos’ advisor (we learned he had one from Pedron Niall in Lord of Chaos, Plans, but we never learned what happened to her).
5: Berylla Naron (Blue/Black)
Circumstance: Given specific (but unknown) orders by Moghedien in Amador, but has not been heard from since.
When: August 20, 999.
Source: The Fires of Heaven, A Hound of Darkness.
6: Unnamed (Red).
Circumstance: Sent to Caemlyn to keep an eye on Morgase. Subsequently identified and Compelled by Rahvin (having been warned about her by the Black Ajah in Tar Valon). Fled screaming from an inn in Caemlyn after learning that Rand was the Dragon Reborn (shortly after he’d killed Rahvin and taken control of Caemlyn). When: October, 999.
Source: The Fires of Heaven, The First Sparks Fall (learn she was sent to Caemlyn, and that Rahvin had taken control of her); Lord of Chaos, Lion on the Hill (fled Caemlyn).
7: Afara (unidentified Ajah).
Circumstance: One of the trio of Aes Sedai (along with Edesina and Guisin—see the “captured” list above) who were sent to Tarabon as emissaries from Salidar. Edesina and Guisin were captured by the Seanchan, collared, and taken to Ebou Dar, but no word on what happened to Afara.
When: Sometime after November 6, 999.
Source: Lord of Chaos, A Pile of Sand (learn the trio was sent to Tarabon).
Speculation: If she was also captured by the Seanchan, she should have been in Ebou Dar with Edesina and Guisin, but there was no mention of her being there. If she escaped capture, she’d likely have returned to Salidar, in which case we’d have heard about her return there. But, we haven’t. Perhaps she was killed when Edesina and Guisen were taken?
8: Merilille Ceandevin (Grey).
Circumstance: Fled Caemlyn with the Sea Folk apprentice Talaan din Gelyn, who was tired of being held back in her training and wished to become a novice at the White Tower. Merilille was equally fed up with being at the beck and call of the Sea Folk.
When: March 8, 1000.
Source: Crossroads of Twilight What Wise Ones Know
Talaan joined the Dragonsworn and was scooped up into Aviendha’s group at Thakan’dar. Merilille was not mentioned in A Memory of Light but presumably also joined the Dragonsworn.
9: Talene Minly (Green/Black).
Circumstance: Fled the White Tower because she was called before the Supreme Council of the Black Ajah.
When: March?, 1000.
Source: Knife of Dreams, Prologue and The Gathering Storm, Bathed in Light
10‒12: Nalasia Merhan (Brown), Teramina (Green) and Jamilila Norish (Red)
Circumstance: Each of these 3 women was either captured by the Seanchan or else is a Black sister who fled the White Tower prior to Egwene’s arrival. All 3 are very weak in the Power, so none of them is likely to be a Black sister who escaped since the known Black sisters who did so were the stronger ones who were able to Travel without linking. (No Black sister seems to have been unselfish enough to aid the escape of weaker Black sisters.)
When: end June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, Bathed in Light
13‒31 (approx): Unnamed (Unknown Ajah).
Circumstance: Nearly 20 Black sisters fled the rebels and escaped execution.
When: end June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, Bathed in Light
32‒83 (approx): about sixty Black sisters fled the Tower including Velina Behar (White/Black), Birlen Pena (Black), Chai Rugan (Black), but 7 have been killed and 1 captured = 52 left at large
Circumstance: Black sisters who fled the White Tower and escaped execution or death in battle.
When: end June, 1000.
Source: The Gathering Storm, Bathed in Light
84: Toveine Gazal (Red/Turned Black)
Circumstance: Was turned to the Shadow and escaped the Black Tower coup. Logain then released her from the Bond and she is at large.
Summary of Missing Persons
All 84 (approx) remain unaccounted for. At least 5 are probably dead.
Over 465 Aes Sedai have died since The Eye of the World opened:
- the 458+ dead from the “dead” list.
- the 2 presumed dead from the “captured” list.
- the 5 presumed dead from the “missing” list.
- plus additional unquantified ones that were likely killed when Logain was taken, or during the White Tower and Black Tower coups, or that were executed when Egwene cleansed the White Tower, or anonymously killed in the Last Battle and not included in the count.
That’s over 46% of the total population of Aes Sedai (which was under 1000).
About 161 Aes Sedai have been captured or gone missing since The Eye of the World opened:
- 82+ from the “captured” list that are not presumed dead.
- 79 from the “missing” list that are not presumed dead.
That’s another 16% of the total original population of Aes Sedai.
Combine the dead/captured/missing, and the total of well over 626 represents over 60% of the Aes Sedai. Huge losses.
Written by BobH and Linda, July, 2008 and updated September 2013
Contributor: Moridin_2000
I don't agree with #14... that Red Sister wasn't killed by a bubble of evil. Those were Fain's powers.
Great work.
Would love to include deaths from New Spring as well.
Certainly there were AS dying on screen there.
The info for #14 - that the fog was a bubble of evil - is based on the following:
Encyclopaedia.WoT has the following note about the fog:
The fog is a "bubble of evil." It was not something caused by Fain. (TPoD,Glossary,Daved Hanlon)
As indicated, the note is based on info from the TPoD Glossary entry on Daved Hanlon. Here is that entry:
A Darkfriend, formerly commander of the White Lions in service to the Forsaken Rahvin while he held Caemlyn using the name Lord Gaebril. From there, Hanlon took the White Lions to Cairhien under orders to further the rebellion against the Dragon Reborn. The White Lions were destroyed by a "bubble of evil," and Hanlon has been ordered back to Caemlyn for purposes as yet unknown."
Since the same fog killed both the White Lions and that unnamed Red, that Glossary entry confirms the info in #14.
Summary of Deaths
Known count: 27
Unknown count: 75+
Total Deaths: 102+
Named: 21
Unnamed: 86+
Total = 107 +
Total of ajah count is 106+.
I am not sure we can be certain all 24 of the Aes Sedai collared in the raid on the White Tower are actually captured. Egwene was shooting raken out of the sky when possible and she clearly stated that she considered any collared Aes Sedai better off dead than collared. She very well may have killed a few sisters during the battle.
The bodies of those collared Aes Sedai killed on raken by Egwene's group would be found later. Egwene wasn't using balefire.
We don't know their numbers true, but then we didn't get a complete count of those killed during the raid.
We didn't get a count of those Tower Aes Sedai executed for being Darkfriends, either.
SurDin - plus one in the White now added.
Were Birlen Pena and Chai Rugan confirmed as Red? Their ajah(s) is not given in the text(ref:Missing/unaccounted for 42-101).
No they weren't. You are correct and I didn't give them Ajahs in the Darkfriend article. Don't know why I did with this one; I must have copied a block of text from one of the Red sisters for formatting their entries. I fixed this up.
I miss 50-60 Black Sisters on your list. I know you cannot find them directly, but with some counting you should have. We know there are about 210 BA.(Verin's list + detected by the Oath Rod) 130 of them escaped or were executed. The difference is 80. I have corrected this number by 25 for being dead, captured, emprisoned by Elaine or sworn to Rand.
So, this leaves us with 55 BA, who are either executed or just missing. Anyhow, they are not a part of the WT anymore.
Furthermore I don't beleive the BT outnumbers the WT. The BT has at most 100 Asha'man and we don't know how many Dedicated and Soldiers there are. The WT has at least 550 AS and 1000 Novices, of which a lot will be Accepted soon. Besides: now Egwene is Amyrlin over 1700 Kin's woman will come to the WT as well.
One third of all Aes Sedai stood aside from the Tower split. Most have never been on screen so they are not 'missing'; just doing other stuff so they are not in this article. A fifth to a quarter of these Aes Sedai are Black Ajah and comprise what you claim are missing. They merely have not been mentioned.
The Black Tower had 500 Ashaman as of Winter's Heart Prologue. They are still recruiting heavily and have received a steady daily increase in numbers since then.
Many of the Kin are in Seanchan held lands. Some Kin were sent to these areas by Nynaeve to warn other Kin. It is not a given that these women will come to the Tower at all.
I used the word missed, while we don't know what happened to those 55. Some are executed, some might be killed, some might be leashed and some are hidden somewhere. But they were still a part of the total population of Aes Sedai and aren't any more. So in your summary you should have included them. So the total count should have been:
Killed 11% 112
Captured/missing 19% 190
Unknown 5,5% 55
So 357 Aes Sedai are not not a part of the White Tower any more(what of the sisters sworn to Rand and what of the sisters bonded to Ashaman?) and that wouldn't change if we started with 900 AS. If there were 900-1000 in the beginning, there will now be 543-643 as soon as every AS, who stands aside and is not black, has returned.
I don't hope there are many of the Kin in the Seanchan territories, because the should have been forkrooted and leashed now.
Personally, I think that the 55 unaccounted for BA should be included as part of the list as well. I would also include Rand's 31 (minus the BA), since they don't serve the tower now. Perhaps having two more categories would help. An "At Large" category can cover all of the BA that have been discovered but haven't been captured or killed. And a "Dragonsworn" can be used to cover Rand's 31 and Logain's 51.
For both the "at large" AS and the "dragonsworn" AS no longer obey the Amyrlin. That would leave around 510 to 610 AS under Egwene. With roughly 250 non-black non-captured and non-dragonsworn AS outside of the tower, that leaves Egwene with roughly 300 or so inside the tower. If I did the math correctly that also leaves roughly 130 BA that are 'at large' that Egwene will presumably try to capture and kill.
In my humble opinion adding these categories would paint a fuller picture of the state of the AS.
RW: those BA are included. They are in the bolded section of Missing.
The article jsut keeps track, it's not written from a 'serving Egwene' or 'serving Rand' point of view.
160 BA are at large - in the sense that 60 were killed.
Not sure if I'll redo the categories, because they will change as forces finally become aligned. I'll reassess this after TOM.
Hey, I forgot my blogger password, so I'm posting as anonymous (The Angry Druid, here).
Anyway, I was trying to figure out whom the rebel sitters were who went to the BT to bond Asha'man, and I think I've come up with another not listed: Naorisa Cambral (Gray).
We know one sister from each Ajah went, and at the meeting where Egwene exposes Sheriam (tGS, Ch. 43, Sealed to the Flame), Kwamesa weaves the ward against eavesdropping (p. 677) and she is a Gray. Also, Varilin (Gray), also speaks at the meeting (p. 678).
As we now know two Gray sitters in the rebel camp, the third must be the one sent to the BT. She is identified as Naorisa Cambral on page 677.
Angry Druid: I agree. I'm pretty sure I put this in The Composition of the Halls already, but overlooked that it was here too. Will add.
Could Nelavaire have been captured in Dumai's Wells instead? Sisters captured there are allowed to take Warders from among Asha'man.
Personally I'd prefer it was Naeff that did the bonding, but the text does seem to imply that it was Nelavaire who did it. Perhaps permitted to bond from among the Asha'man with Logain after swearing to Rand.
alreadymad: This is a good suggestion! She is of the right Ajah to have been one of the unnamed at Dumai's Wells. I had forgotten about Beldeine bonding an Asha'man. Nelavaire might well have done this too.
We can be sure that Aledrin and Escaralde were respectively the White and Brown Sitters sent to the Black Tower after ToM - Berana was at the final meeting of the Rebel Hall with the reswearing, and Saroiya, Takima and Janya Frende were all in the reunified Hall.
I would argue that for the entry on 28: Delana Mosalaine, Mesaana should be listed as co-killer with Rand. While true that he cast the weave, she was the one who set Delana up for the fall.
alreadymad: There is still the problem that Rand discounted five forcibly bonded Asha’man from the amount of Asha’man to be bonded by Aes Sedai to equal the 51 bonded Aes Sedai from Toveine’s expedition and Naeff was not one of these 5. Either way there is a mistake.
Anon: Thank you, I forgot to add these two.
Scooter: Graendal's contribution to Delana's death is mentioned. Shielded or not, Delana might not have escaped the balefire in time.
I doubt that Asha'man bonded after the offer was made to the Salidar faction but beyond their control are counted. Karldin was bonded after Jahar and Merise's trip to the Rebel camp and I doubt he was subtracted from the 51 that are bonded against their will.
The idea is that 4 Asha'man, including Rand were bonded against their will. Rand by surprise and without warning, Flinn etal by blackmail. By comparison 51 sisters were bonded against their will, so Rand has to even out the numbers. Outside of this agreement to bond an additional 47 with no option of refusing, I suspect Aes Sedai and Asha'man can make private agreements on who bonds who.
I'm pretty sure #44 was killed (or wounded) by Egwene, not Perrin. First of all, I don't see him lashing out this hard against a woman. And he seems shocked with how hard the blow hit the woman. And the wall exploded right after Egwene turned, evidently toward the black sister.
Yes, I re-read that passage last night. I'll change it.
On #22, Elza Penfell, she may have been wearing the bracelet from the male A'dam, but it was no longer holding Rand. He had used the True Power to shatter the collar, or he could not have balefired Elza or Semirhage.
So perhaps "had held Rand" instead of "holding Rand" ?
Brandon has now confirmed that Nelavaere was captured at Dumai's Wells and that she bonded Naeff (not the other way round).
The exact quote can be found here http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/446240-q-a-with-brandon-sanderson-towers-of-midnight
I'm not certain that this causes a problem with the Asha'man/Aes Sedai discount. Rand allows 47 Asha'man to be bonded against 51 sisters: a discount of 4. The most likely option for these four is
Eben, Damer, Jahar and Rand: All bonded against their will (or through blackmail). Karldin wasn't and (by implication) neither was Naeff.
Another option would be Jahar, Damer, Karldin and Naeff, since Eben was already dead and Rand doesn't consider himself an Asha'man.
Lord Juss:
Thanks, I saw this on twitter just now. I've worked overtime today.
Rand does consider himself an Asha'man. He said that he was the first Asha'man and Taim the second. In TOM he also said to tell the other Asha'man that "we're not weapons."
It was 5 originally, but since Eben is dead, it became 4.
Agreed. I've just been discussing this with Bob Kluttz and he pointed out that Rand kept his bonding secret, which would work with Naeff being the fifth.
10-11: 2 of the following 3:
- Berenicia Morsad (Yellow).
- Demira Eriff (Brown).
- Valinde Nathenos (White).
In the first edition of PoD the Two River girls were accompanied by 2 sisters. I recently bought the hole series again and now they are accompanied by 4 sisters. I don't know in which edition it has been changed. I only have the first Dutch edition and the most recent English one. Anyhow, these two aren't missed any more.
@Anon: Thanks very much for this information! I shall edit the article.
I'm not certain that Sarene is actually dead. She's said to keel over from exhaustion, but the text doesn't state that she's dead, and I don't think exhaustion from saidar exertion is necessarily a guaranteed death, even in the constraints of a circle.
Besides, she never did have that 'tempestous love affair'...
Sarene is helpless and stilled, and those fighting are not caring who they hit.
As for her affair, I think she had it. Aviendha complained that Sarene did not think straight when her Warder was around. She even took his arm earlier in AMOL. In earlier books she was said to have written poetry about him.
While Nynaeve might be wrong (I think it was her saying it in the bowl of winds scene), I thought you can't burn out in a circle?
I do believe it is possible and likely she died from exhaustion or friendly fire. And even if she did not, she is as good as dead.
Yamezt: Circles are supposed to offer protection against burning out. But this is being used to exhaustion. Also they didn't join willingly, but were Compellled and then worked to death or until they could no longer channel at all.
Yes, burned out channellers do die of depression.
If Sarene's mention in Impossibilities is enough to mark her dead, then shouldn't Sashalle Anderly (Red) also be on the list? She is mentioned on Page 843. "Beside Graendal, Sashalle Anderly shook, then fell to the side; the glow of the One Power no longer surrounded her. Graendal had worn her out, pulling too much Power."
What about Annoura? She burnt herself out - effectifely making her not Aes Sedai anymore.
WOT Companion reveals that Afara was captured by the Seanchan and remained in Tarabon.
The WOT Companion reveals the Ajahs of three sisters on your list -
Guisin - Gray
Sheraine - Blue
Afara - Green
Thanks for putting this together!
great job!
WOT companion reveals the third sister killed at Dumai’s Wells - Mirlene Cornwell, a Green
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