By Linda
This article discusses the origins and symbolism of the Green Man, the foliate being able to make things grow with a touch.
In the Third Age of The Wheel of Time series, the Green Man was the last surviving Nym, an artificial being or ‘construct’ created in the Age of Legends. Another Nym left in the Hearttomb in Shara to guard part of Sakarnen had become a foliate head (River of Souls). Nym
were sentient beings with the ability to utilize the One Power for the benefit of plants and all growing things. As a nameless scribe in Paaren Disen wrote, “Where a Nym touched, all manner of green and growing things thrived.”This is a ‘mundane’ or ‘rational’ explanation of a being who has remarkable abilities and is the subject of legend, both in the real world and the Wheel of Time world.
- The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time
From Nym to Nymph
While Nym is the name of a character in Shakespeare’s Henry V and Merry Wives of Windsor, he has little in common with the tree-like Nym.

Hamadryads were nymphs tied to a particular tree, usually an oak, and died if their tree died. When the Green Man died, an oak tree grew to mark the site.
Dryads and Nym had different appearances however: nymphs were portrayed as having (female) human form, unlike the Nym, who were far more tree-like or ent-like.
The Nym have similarities to Tolkien’s ents: their longevity, large size and tree-like appearance. The Green Man was:
a man-shape of woven vines and leaves, green and growing. His hair was grass, flowing to his shoulders; his eyes, huge hazelnuts; his fingernails, acorns. Green leaves made his tunic and trousers; seamless bark, his boots.Treebeard, the oldest of the ents, was described as:
- The Eye of the World, The Dark One Stirs
a large Man-like, almost Troll-like, figure, at least fourteen foot high, very sturdy, with a tall head and hardly any neck. Whether it was clad in stuff like green and grey bark, or whether that was its hide, was difficult to say. At any rate the arms, at a short distance from the trunk were not wrinkled, but covered with a brown smooth skin. The large feet had seven toes each. The lower part of the long face was covered with a sweeping grey beard, bushy, almost twiggy at the roots, thin and mossy at the ends.However, the Nym had different characters to the ents and they were more proactive in their promotion of growth in vegetation—they did more magic, if you like.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
The figure most associated with the mystery and magic of the life force, the cycle of life, death and rebirth and the wildness of nature is the real-world Green Man.
Green Man

In The Wheel of Time, the Green Man had the same description and function as that of real-world myth: to release and boost the fecundity of the land—and he was able to do this to everything he touched. He could even make the organisms associated with decay grow better, where appropriate, as we saw when the Green Man killed Balthamel.
His power was such that he could even keep the corruption of the Shadow at bay:
“Every turning of years, the Blight strives harder to come inside, and this turn the struggle to keep it out has been greater than ever since the beginning."He was almost apologetic in the extent of his Power and the extent he used it:
- The Eye of the World, The Dark One Stirs
"All things must grow where they are, according to the Pattern," he explained over his shoulder, as if apologizing, "and face the turning of the Wheel, but the Creator will not mind if I give just a little help."The Green Man is legendary in our world, as he is to most people in the Wheel of Time world. A common belief, as Rand shows, is that the Green Man owns Avendesora:
- The Eye of the World,, Meetings at the Eye.
Avendesora. The Tree of Life was supposed to have all sorts of miraculous qualities, but none of the stories mentioned any sapling, or any "they."Yet the Green Man had not rested beneath Avendesora’s branches for two thousand years.
There was only the one, and that belonged to the Green Man.
- The Eye of the World, The Westwood
In our world, the Green Man was revered as the god of the seasonal cycle of plant growth and invoked to ensure all occurred in the proper season. As a being of this cycle of life, death and rebirth, the Wheel of Time Green Man would indeed ‘know an ending when it comes’ (The Eye of the World, Meetings at the Eye).
The real-world Green Man birthed a few other legendary figures, notably John Barleycorn, the Green Knight and Jack-in-the-Green. These will be discussed in turn.
John Barleycorn
John Barleycorn was a mythic figure associated with the growing of grain, and its fermented products (eg whisk(e)y and beer) as this verse from Robert Burns’ version of the ancient folk song about John Barleycorn shows:
They took a plough and plough'd him down, put clods upon his head.During seed-singing, the Nym were able to take the Da’shain Aiel’s and the Ogier’s songs and weave them to make the grain seeds sprout and grow, and give them resistance to all insects and disease. This is the waxing cycle of vegetation. The Green Man was able to boost those organisms responsible for decay (the waning cycle) to destroy Balthamel, even while fatally injured himself, and then grow an oak over his own burial site. It did surprise them all, even Aginor, to see the cycle of death and rebirth occur before their eyes.
And they hae sworn a solemn oath, John Barleycorn was dead.
But the cheerfu' Spring came kindly on, and show'rs began to fall,
John Barleycorn got up again, and sore surprised them all.
John Barleycorn also shows the themes of death and rebirth, as does the Green Knight in the Arthurian story of Sir Gawain.
Green Knight

Sir Gawain accepts the challenge and beheads the Green Knight with one blow. To their surprise, the Green Knight gets to his feet, picks up his head and rides away. A year and a day later, Sir Gawain meets the Green Knight at his castle where the Green Knight tries to behead Gawain. He makes three attempts, but they were to test Gawain’s courage, not kill him. Gawain was wearing a green girdle that he believed was magic and refused to offer to the Green Knight as was chivalric custom, but kept it to save himself from death. The Green Knight’s challenge was a test devised by Morgan le Fay.
Balthamel struck the Green Man a lethal blow from neck to head and expected him to die immediately, but he amazingly didn’t, he was able to kill his opponent first. The Dark One offered the Forsaken immortality if they would serve.
Like any fine Knight, the Green Man kept the faith and did the task assigned to him by the Aes Sedai during the Breaking—to guard the Eye of the World—though it ultimately cost him his life. The Nym has outlived all its kind while doing so, and calmly accepted his approaching death. According to Moiraine—a parallel of Morgan le Fay—he kept the faith better than most of those who gave him the charge (The Eye of the World, Meetings at the Eye).
Jack in the Green

Jordan has reverse-engineered (his term) an historic origin in his world for this folk dance; a realistic explanation. He ‘explains’ this May Day dance as a remnant memory of the seed-singing in the Age of Legends, where the Ogier and male Da’shain Aiel sang and the female Da’shain clapped while the Nym danced to their songs and wove them “into the soil and around the seeds.”(The Shadow Rising, The Dedicated). While the Jack-in-the-Green folk dance celebrates the god of the yearly renewal of life (Green Man), the Wheel of Time seed-singing was the actual renewing and boosting of life for the practical purpose of agriculture.
At the dance’s climax, Jack-in the-Green is 'executed' to 'renew the world'. This takes place during the Pagan festival known as Beltane (1st May) and celebrates the coming of spring and the rebirth of the earth. Similar folk customs occur all over Europe. In Jordan’s world, Beltine occurs the day after Winternight at the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere, March 23. In the real world, Beltane, when Jack is executed to release the spirit of the growing season, is on May 1.
The Green Man was killed by Balthamel on May 9, after being warned to mind his own business. He refused to ignore evil, however, and was able to remove one of Rand’s opponents. Thus Rand was better able to defeat Aginor, the Shadow’s army, and Ishamael each in turn. Without the Green Man’s sacrifice (and example) this renewal may not have occurred. Despite the Shadow’s efforts to wound the Land, the Light was able to restore Spring on May 9, only 8 days after May Day or real-world Beltane. It was a mighty blow against the Shadow indeed, and the Green Man fittingly played an important part in the Healing of the Land.
Green Man and Goddess
In contemporary Western paganism, the Green Man is also the symbol of male fertility in Nature and he has a close relationship with the female expression of fertility: the Goddess. As is described in the Arthurian myth essay, Moiraine is a Goddess figure, which is why she is so closely associated with the Green Man; indeed, she was the only being to find the Green Man twice. Need was the key to finding him, and Moiraine’s need the second time was the hope of the world—the hope and need for the Land to be Healed. Moiraine as Goddess and the Green Man held the Shadow at bay long enough for the Creator’s champion (Rand, the Fisher King) to do just that.
In Norse mythology, the World Tree which supported the Land, was associated with a giant, Mimir.
Mimir, whose name in Old Norse means ‘the rememberer, the wise one’ is a giant in Norse mythology. He guards the "Well of the Highest Wisdom", situated in Jotunheim under one of the three roots of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and has been since the beginning of time. To drink from the well, Mimir used the Gjallarhorn, a drinking horn of the same name as the musical horn which Heimdall will sound to announce the onset of Ragnarök (the Last Battle). The well contained one of Odin’s eyes, which Odin sacrificed for a drink from the Well in order to obtain wisdom.
Someshta was injured during the War of the Power, and was set guard over the Eye of the World, a well of pure saidin, over three thousand years previously, at the beginning of the Third Age. The Eye also contained the Horn of Valere, which is to be sounded to call the Heroes of the Horn to fight at the Last Battle. Far from being ‘the rememberer,’ Someshta had trouble with his memory due to his injury and the destruction of the technology and most of the constructed beings at the end of the Second Age. He is isolated from Avendesora, the Tree of Life, having:
”not rested beneath its ungentle branches in two thousand years.”The Third Age of the Wheel of Time is rife with wrongness.
- The Eye of the World, Meetings at the Eye
The foliate head in Shara was a Nym tasked with guarding the cup portion of the sa’angreal Sakarnen (River of Souls). Did Demandred learn wisdom from his mentor Mintel, his battle with the jumara, his ablutions in the River of Souls or his fulfillment of prophecy as the Wyld? Surprisingly, he did learn some, but not the wisdom of letting go of a grudge.
Contrary to the popular myths in the Wheel of Time world, such as those circulating in the Two Rivers, the Green Man had been dissociated from the Tree of Life (chora trees), and his unhealed wound acquired during the Breaking reflected this. The Nym in the Hearttomb in Shara was cut off from all Light, and furthermore was cooped up with a Shadowspawn for centuries; not surprisingly it had withered into a foliate head. The other Nym died at the end of the Age of Legends, as did all chora trees except for the cuttings the Da’shain had. It is as though the Nym were like Hamadryads in being linked to the chora trees. Or perhaps the Nym needed the peace and happiness that their fellow constructs gave to all. Their co-disappearance and the Green Man’s 3,000-year battle against the Blight shows that the well-being of creatures depends on the health of the Land.
Written by Linda, May 2005 and updated August 2013
Contributors: Dominic, Dark Diggler, NessalThor
Wonderful illustrations to go with the article, Linda. A very nice addition! :)
Thanks Chris. They weren't the only new thing in the article. I think all the articles re-posted here have been reworked.
"A year and a day later, Sir Gawain meets the Green Knight at his castle where the Green Knight tries to behead Gawain. He makes three attempts, but Gawain only received a minor wound due to some magical lace."
I'm fairly certain that this is an error. What actually happens is that the Green Knight does indeed swing the axe (and I believe that he swings the axe three times, as you say), but in each instance the Green Knight wasn't actually trying to kill Gawain, but rather was apparently testing Gawain's courage to see whether he would flinch or not as the axe came down. The "magical lace," which was really a green girdle, did not save Gawain, because there was nothing for Gawain to be saved from, seeing as how the Green Knight did not actually attempt to behead Gawain. Furthermore, the girdle likely wouldn't have saved Gawain even if the Green Knight actually had wanted to behead him, because by all indications there wasn't really anything magical about it at all. The whole thing was a test - a game, really - devised by Morgan le Fay. It ended up being a test of Gawain's courage, virtue, morals, etc., which he failed by not giving the green girdle to his host (who was actually the Green Knight in disguise), as was required by the terms of an agreement they made, concerning the rules of a sort of game they were playing; Gawain violated their agreement by not handing over the girdle. The reason he violated the rules was that he believed the girdle had magical properties which could save him from dying when the Green Knight beheaded him. So this represents a moral failure on his part, stemming from his fear of death. If you look back over the story, I think you'll find that this is the way things actually happened. Despite the fact that I'm pointing out a perceived error, I'd also like to thank you for all the incredible research you've done; I'm truly impressed by your analyses and insights into this series, and in particular the comparisons/parallels you make with the outside sources that seem to have influenced Jordan. Reading your work has been very helpful and informative.
Actually Nicholas, looking over the Gawyn section of this article, I see it needs reworking, especially for the last two books. Also I cut the tale too short.
Thanks very much for pointing the section out to me. I'll rework it when I return from JordanCon.
Hi Linda, I loved this article. A question I had that I would love to hear your answer to: How do you think Avendesora or Chora trees emit their aura?
and a follow up question I have is: Why was it important that Age of Legends Aes Sedai create a living construct to accomplish the purpose of a Chora tree and not a mass produced ter'angreal?
Thank you. Dainn.
I personally think that the aura and powers come from being made with the One Power. The One Power itself is like an elixir of Life, symbolically or maybe even literally. If you can channel it you can live longer as well as do magic. Perhaps being made with it, rather than using it, gives that health or meditative power. It's like constructs have Life Plus or Fertility Plus. An inanimate object (not alive and therefore not Life, as it were) even one that can use the One Power isn't as full of Life.
The constructs can actively participate and potentially adapt the channelling and Singing to the individual situation.
Thank you for your answer Linda!
If the process of being constructed with the One Power grants the Chora tree its aura then that should also be true for a Nym however the Nym were not known to emit an aura.
The second part of your answer is something I've been theorizing! Could it be possible Chora trees like Nym use the One Power and the aura they emit be the result of channeling spirit? And would this mean they, like Nym, are sentient?
Avendesora in this sense would be a true parallel to the Hamadryad.
The Nym and the Chora trees do different things, so they aren't necessarily made the same way or have the same abilities and properties.
We don't know if Choras actively use the One Power. There's no hint they are sentient, so it's not likely they channel.
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