By Linda
Rather than copy Robert Jordan’s method of creating character names from mythology, history or real world personal names or place names, Brandon Sanderson derived many names for Towers of Midnight, from a list of “people who participated in the WoT charity drive a few years back” (Brandon Sanderson on Twitter) and for A Memory of Light from the JordanCon charity fundraiser.
This post contains the names of those people whose names were used for characters in the books and the chapters where the character that I think is their namesake first appeared. Some readers’ names were used for place names and these are in the Origin of Place Names article. The character names that Robert Jordan created which have interesting parallels are collected here.
Brandon Sanderson posted on Twitter “the names of people who got into TofM”. He went on to explain:
Now, know that I may adapt the name, and may use either the first or the last, depending on what strikes me.I took note of these, and like Verin, I think I got most of them. I can be very thorough. :P
Below are two alphabetical lists linking the character names and the reader names from which they were derived. The first list is ordered by character name, the second by reader name. The affiliation of the character and the chapter of the book in which they first appeared is in both lists. The character name entry also contains the tweet in which the reader's name was mentioned.
Adim, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: Next, Adam Sampson and Adrienne Hotard.
Adrinne, near Dragonmount in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: Next, Adam Sampson and Adrienne Hotard.
Aeric Botteger, Two Rivers in Towers of Midnight, A Choice: Eric Boettger, you are in Towers of Midnight.
Aisling Noon, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah: Irish fans Aisling Ryan and Nianh McAuliffe; girls finishing their exams, wrote to Robert Jordan asking him to use their names. They did not give a return address.
Alarch, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun: Alec Breen, Alejandro Uso, your names just got picked to appear in ToM.
Alhanra, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Alix, Warder in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Alex Prescott, you are in AMOL
Allin, Tower Guard in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Eric Allen, you're in the Tower Guard. Someone just swore at you, but he swears at lots of people.
al'Moor, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, Two Craftsmen: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Alysa, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: Also, Alisa Harris, I don't think I mentioned you yesterday.
Anasai of Ryddingwood, Shienaran poet in A Memory of Light, Into The Thick of It: Angela Ryddingwood, I have drawn your name.
Andere, Malkieri in Towers of Midnight, Lighter Than A Feather: Andrej Gadzo: Tai'shar Malkier.
Annah, Aes Sedai army in A Memory of Light, Friendly Fire: Anna Roberts and Andrew Holcombe, I drew your names most recently for AMoL.
Antail, Asha’man in Towers of Midnight, To Make a Stand: Amir Yoeli and Stephen Antill, peace favor your swords. One of you saves an someone’s life, the other heals his broken leg.
Azi al’Thone, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, After the Taint: Anthony Aziz won a silent charity auction to have a character named after him.
Bakh, Borderlander in A Memory of Light, To Die Well: Bach Payson, I put you in A Memory of Light, but immediately killed you. Sorry 'bout that.
Baelder, Aiel in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Roger Trask and Charlie Bachelder, turns out I needed two more Aiel to fight in the Last Battle.
Bao the Wyld, Demandred alias in A Memory of Light, The Wyld: Bao Pham
Barettal, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Robert Barett, Sean O'Connell, you survive this day. (Barely.)
Barlett, Whitecloak in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: First name: Scott Bartlett. Congrats.
Barriga Borderlander in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: Miguel Barriga, Michael Lashia Yang, Pingtjin Thum, Rebecca Joseph. All in TofM. 2 of you have been eaten by trollocs. Sorry about that.
Barrin, Death Watch Guard in A Memory of Light, Your Neck in a Cord: Johnnie Lee Barrington, Jr. and Jay Dauro, you are members of the Deathwatch Guard.
Bayrd, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue is Thomas DeSimone (pers. comm.)
Belairah, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har: Judith Bélair-Kyle, you are in the book.
Benish, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, A Silence Like Screaming: Paul Benish, hope you look good in the hadori.
Berg, Andoran in Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass: Martin Bergman, you are in TofM.
Bergevin, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, And After: One last person in the epilogue I forgot to name. Glenn Bergevin. You're in.
Brokel, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Jonathan Burt and Jonathan Brockelman, you two are a pair of Whitecloaks.
Bromas, Andoran innkeeper in Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass: List of TOM charity names
Brynt, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Brandon Bryant, welcome to the Band of the Red Hand.
Buchaner rebellion, historic character, Towers of Midnight, The End of A Legend: List of TOM charity names
Candeiar, Whitecloak in Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership: List of TOM charity names
Celark, Youngling/Tower Guard in Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend: Recently adapted names: Fitzgerald Clark, Eric Mazsone, Han Zhang. You guys just joined the ranks of the younglings.
Celebrain, Andoran in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Charlz Guybon, Andoran in Knife of Dreams, Siege: Jordan said Charlz Guybon is named after a man whose wife won an auction for naming rights after I agreed to be part of a fund raiser for an English charity that works with victims of torture. She sent me his description, which I used.
Charn in Juilin Sandar’s squad in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Chaser, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass: List of TOM charity names
Clare, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass: List of TOM charity names
Classen Bayor, historic character in A Memory of Light, A Yellow Flower-Spider: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Clintock, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Boots: Christopher McClintock, you are in the Band of the Red Hand.
Connel, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Robert Barett, Sean O'Connell, you survive this day. (Barely.)
Courtani, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Too Many Men: Courtney Gliszczynski, your name came up next. I think I'll adapt your first name, not your last, if that's all right...
Creedin, Domani in Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place: List of TOM charity names
Cuellar, Asha’man in Towers of Midnight, Working Leather: Michael Cuellar, you are in TofM.
Cynd, Tairen Dragonsworn in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things: Cindy Goodman, just drew your name to be in A Memory of Light.
Daruo, Deathwatch Guard in A Memory of Light, Your Neck in a Cord: Johnnie Lee Barrington, Jr. and Jay Dauro, you are members of the Deathwatch Guard.
Davies, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Shaun Davis, I just used your name in AMoL.
Deepe Bhadar, Asha’man in Towers of Midnight, Oddities: Deep Bhandari, did your parents name you with the expectation that you'd end up in a fantasy novel? Hope you look good in black.
Denezel, Andoran in Towers of Midnight, A Teaching Chamber: Jason Denzel, webmaster of Dragonmount.com and beta reader.
Dennel, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Daniel Egonsson, I drew your name for A Memory of Light.
Deoan, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Derry, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air: Oh, one more. Joel Derby, you're dead too.
Dhana, to’raken in A Memory of Light, A Field of Glass: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Durhem, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Dustin Durham, Ed Sorrentino, Eddy Knapper, see my previous post. That goes for you too.
Edder, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Talk of Dragons: Edward Givens
Einar, Asha’man in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Einar Laastad Kjosavik, the good news is you're an asha'man.The bad news is that one of the Forsaken just balefired you.
Elandria Borndat, ancient author in Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble: Kine Elandra Bjørnsdatter Haug. You're in the book too. (Note, I WILL be changing these names to fit...)
Elenar, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Eleanor Pettener, you are soon to be wise.
Eleyan al'Landerin, historical Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, The Gathering Storm, A Crack in the Stone: Melissa Craib, webmaster of Tarvalon.net and beta reader
Eri, Andoran, in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Eric Peters, you're in.
Evasni, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, A Storm of Light: Ifeyinwa Eboh and Eva Snyder, I just handed you spears and put you into Towers of Midnight.
Eyal, historic figure in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things : Drew a bunch of names I didn't report. Eric Silva, Hugh Hill, Sean Little, Rion Kinosaki, Helen Cousins, Eyal Weinstock.
Farnah, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in Towers of Midnight, A Call to Stand: Farah Sadaoui, into the book you go.
Fanshir, Asha’man in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Kevin Fanshier, I only needed one name for AMoL today, but yours is it.
Fennel, Two Rivers farrier in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership: List of TOM charity names
Filger, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Jacob Figler, you're next. (Sorry, ladies. I'll draw some female names soon.) Yup. You're in the Band of the Red Hand.
Finsas, Domani in Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place: Kine lohne finsas, I just used your name in towers of midnight. And I'm sorry for dropping a trolloc on your head.
Fogh the Tireless, historic author in A Memory of Light, Not A Mistake to Ignore: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Frask Taglien, Black Tower, in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place: Frank Taglieri
Galbrait, Sharan in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Gavid, Band of the Red Hand, in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Gavin Doyle, you're in too.
Gelen, Deathwatch Guard in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things: Glen MacDonald, welcome to the Deathwatch Guard.
Geral, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, Too Many Men: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Gerisch, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Margaret St. John, you are a Seanchan general. (Using your maiden name; thanks for providing that. It worked great.)
Gilber, Saldaean in A Memory of Light, The Prince’s Tabac: Chris Gilbert, you entered your son's name into AMoL and it has been used.
Gokhan, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, A Yellow Flower-Spider: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Golever, Whitecloak in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: : List of TOM charity names
Graeger, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: Second name: Alfred Granger.
Greyor Frenn, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, A Making: Gregory Frenette, I choose you! (Read in Pokemon voice.)
Haerm, Illianer in A Memory of Light, Not a Mistake to Ignore: Harm Wieringa, your name came up next.
Hahn, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: First name: Adam Hahn. Congrats.
Halvate, Seanchan in Towers of Midnight, A Teaching Chamber: List of TOM charity names
Handoin, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, A Yellow Flower-Spider: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Harvell, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Into the Void: Myles Harvell, you are in tofm. (For those wondering, I draw the names randomly from a list from a charity drive. I do adapt them to fit.)
Hatch, Andoran in Towers of Midnight, Into the Void: Matt Hatch, webmaster of Theoryland and beta reader.
Hayde, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Laura Hayden, you're in.
Heidia, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, Return to Bandar Eban: Heidi Soderquist, welcome to TofM.
Helmke, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Christopher Helmke, you survive. (For now.)
Hirshanin, Ghealdanin man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, A Making: Jaswant Singh Ranu and James Hirsch, your names came up next. Almost done naming for the day.
Holcom, Tower Guard, in A Memory of Light, Friendly Fire: Anna Roberts and Andrew Holcombe, I drew your names most recently for AMoL.
House Haak, Murandy alias of Mat in A Memory of Light, Just Another Sell-sword: Mione Haak, I drew your name for AMOL.
Ianor, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads: List of TOM charity names
Ifeyina, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, A Storm of Light: Ifeyinwa Eboh and Eva Snyder, I just handed you spears and put you into Towers of Midnight.
Jame, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Just Another Sell-sword: James Liang, organiser at JordanCon
Jarr, Ghealdanin mercenary that joined Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership: Paul Jarr, your name just came up for a scene in TofM.
Jer Lewin, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, A Tempest of Water: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Jerum Nus, Whitecloak in Towers of Midnight, Some Tea: Jeremy Naus, Kevin Orr, you two came up next.
Jesamyn, Kin in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Okay, here's a woman: Jesamyn Angelica, you're in A Memory of Light.
Joao, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads: List of TOM charity names
Jonasim, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har: Judith Bélair-Kyle, you are in the book, as is Jonathan Sim.
Jonneth Dowtry, Asha'man in Towers of Midnight, Working Leather: Jonathan Hamm, get yourself a black coat too.
Jophil, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, A Knack: Joel Philips, organiser of MiniCon and ChiCon
Kaila Bent, Queen's Guard in Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend: List of TOM charity names
Kainea, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, For What Has been Wrought: Sarah Kainec – Sarah Kainec, how good are you with a spear? Well then, your earlier reply was perfect. Watch for the name Kainea in Towers of Midnight... Also Kainec protocol in Towers of Midnight, Judgment
Kaisea, Seanchan in Towers of Midnight, A Good Soup: Jennifer Kaiser, your name just got chosen.
Kaisel Noromaga, Kandori in Towers of Midnight, Stronger Than Blood: List of TOM charity names
Kalyan Ramsin, Saldaean, first in The Path of Daggers, Prologue: Ramsin Gabriel: I wrote Robert Jordan back in 1994. 3 books later my name showed up. I beat all of you. I wrote to Jordan and told him about how I loved his books and let him know about my daughter Kayla. Then as I was reading his book I seen my name with my daughters, just a slight variation.
Kanara, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble: Oh, and Karen Clarke and Lisa Sommerfeld, you are spear sisters. Congrats.
Kappre, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Dustin Durham, Ed Sorrentino, Eddy Knapper, see my previous post. That goes for you too.
Karam, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Steven Karam, you are in AMOL too.
Kateri Nepvue, Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, in Towers of Midnight, Writings: Kate Nepveu, blogger who conducted the Lord of the Rings re-read on Tor.com.
Katerin, Aiel in A Memory of Light, To Require A Boon: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Kathana, Ebou Dari innkeeper in A Memory of Light, Just Another Sell-sword, screen name of Jennifer Liang, Director of JordanCon and WOT track at DragonCon, second-in-charge at Dragonmount and beta reader
Kendral, Arafellin in Towers of Midnight, Stronger Than Blood: List of TOM charity names
Kert, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, Eastward the Wind Blew: Kurt Wagoner, you're in AMoL as a Two Rivers man.
Kevlyn Torr, Two Rivers man in Towers of Midnight, Perrin’s group, A Back-handed Request: Jeremy Naus, Kevin Orr, you two came up next.
Kiem al'Hune, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, A Tempest of Water: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Kitan, Mayener in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Kline, Warder in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Kragil, Borderlander in Lan's army in A Memory of Light, To Die Well: Craig Foster, you round out the trio of dead Borderlanders I needed for this scene.
Kralle, Kandori in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: Landon Williams, Bryan Kralle you both just got entered as last-minute substitutions in #TOM for terrible names I'd made up and didn't like.
Krisa, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Your Neck in a Cord: Kris Ring, you're a member of the Seanchan Blood.
Kuehn, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads: List of TOM charity names
Kymer, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Kimberly Readdy, you are wise, are you not?
Laandon, Band of the Red Hand, in A Memory of Light, A Practised Grin: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Laird, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Landalin, Kandori in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: Landon Williams, Bryan Kralle you both just got entered as last-minute substitutions in #TOM for terrible names I'd made up and didn't like.
Lannis, Aes Sedai historian in Towers of Midnight, Use A Pebble: Leslie Annis is next. Many of these names are going places I put placeholders in the text. In some, I use a name from Mr. Jordan's files.
Leeh, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, For What Has Been Wrought: Leigh Butler, who conducts the Wheel of Time re-read on Tor.com.
Lehynen, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Brent Welborn and Brian Lehnen, I hope you don't mind dying bravely in battle.
Leish, Black Tower in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place: Leisha Springer, your name came up next.
Lifa, Darkfriend in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Lind Taglien, Black Tower innkeeper in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place: Linda Taglieri, webmaster of the Thirteenth Depository and beta reader
Lindsar, Ogier in A Memory of Light, Impossibilities: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Ludin, Aiel in A Memory of Light, A Shard of a Moment: Nikhil Rode and Nils Loodin, I needed two Aiel scouts
Lussin, Redarm, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Talk of Dragons: Steven Lussenburg and Edward Givens, found a couple of final unnamed people. Really thought I'd filled those in. They are now you.
Lyonford, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har: Lyford Chris (Or is it Chris Lyford?) Either way, you are in the book.
Maerin, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, To Feel Wasted: Maureen Sampson, you're in the White Tower too.
Makzim, Warder in Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend: Maksim Zhukov, your name came up next.
Mallone, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Jonathan Burt and Jonathan Brockelman, you two are a pair of Whitecloaks.
Manda Wan, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Marek Cormer, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, Judgment: Mark Comer, you're in too. Congrats.
Mazone, Younglings/Tower Guard in Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend: Recently adapted names: Fitzgerald Clark, Eric Mazsone, Han Zhang. You guys just joined the ranks of the younglings.
Melli Craeb, Andoran in Towers of Midnight, The Seven striped Lass: Melissa Craib, webmaster of Tarvalon.net and beta reader.
Merekel, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads: List of TOM charity names
Mika, damane in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Mikayla Micomonaco, congrats! You're in AMOL. I hope you don't mind being a damane.
Montem al’San, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, After the Taint: Shawn Montgomery, how are you with a longbow?
Moor, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: List of TOM charity names
Morear, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Robert Moreau and Robert Rose, you two are next. Welcome to AMoL
Mori, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, The Pattern Groans: Susan Moore, you just made an appearance in the Wheel of Time. Congrats.
Myk, Juilin Sandar’s squad in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Mike Yawn
Naath, historic character in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things : Drew a bunch of names I didn't report. Eric Silva, Hugh Hill, Sean Little, Rion Kinosaki, Helen Cousins, Eyal Weinstock.
Naeff, Asha'man in The Gathering Storm, Tears From Steel: Brian Neff won a charity auction to get a character named after him.
Nata, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, The Choice of A Patch: Natalie Doyle, your name came up for AMoL.
Niach Okatomo, Kandori in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: Also, Nick Okamoto, I used your name in TofM this morning. Congrats.
Nianh, Aes Sedai advisor to Queen Ethenielle: Two Irish fans, Aisling Ryan and Nianh McAuliffe, girls finishing their exams, wrote to Robert Jordan asking him to use their names. They did not give a return address.
Nichil, Aiel in A Memory of Light, A Shard of A Moment: Nikhil Rode and Nils Loodin, I needed two Aiel scouts
Niere, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, A Memory of Light, A Choice: Niere al’Man
Nils, Domani in Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place: List of TOM charity names
Nimri, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads: Nicole Nimry, I trust you won't mind joining the Green Ajah?
Nissa, Accepted in Towers of Midnight, A Call To Stand: List of TOM charity names
Noram, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Partings, and a Meeting: Norm Miller, a cook needed a name. You're in.
Padra, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun: Padra, screen name of Tricia Erikson, the JordanCon publicity officer who sadly died of cancer in 2010.
Pansai, Darkfriend in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Piava, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, To Feel Wasted: Pia Maria Vaajakallio, you are Aes Sedai.
Pipkin battle in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Pylar Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in A Memory of Light, A Tempest of Water: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Qi, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads: List of TOM charity names
Quillin Tasil Domani innkeeper in The Gathering Storm, A Promise to Lews Therin: Bob Q Kluttz, webmaster of Encyclopedia WOT and beta reader
Raechin Connoral, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, Towers of Midnight, A Call To Stand: List of TOM charity names
Raemassa, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, Into Thakan’dar: Melissa Bergevin, your name came up next.
Ragon, Borderlander in Lan's army in A Memory of Light, To Die Well: Oh, and Bryan Ragon, same goes for you. You died well, though.
Ranun Sinah, Whitecloak, Towers of Midnight, Some Tea: Jaswant Singh Ranu and James Hirsch, your names came up next. Almost done naming for the day.
Ratliff, fictional person in A Memory of Light, Wolfbrother: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Rebek merchant's acquaintance in Towers of Midnight, And After: Miguel Barriga, Michael Lashia Yang, Pingtjin Thum, Rebecca Joseph. All in TofM. 2 of you have been eaten by trollocs. Sorry about that.
Redbord, Domani in Towers of Midnight, Return to Bandar Eban: David Redbord and Nicholas Votrobeck, if you look closely at TofM, you may find that your names appear.
Reed Soalen, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership: Scott Reid, hope you've been practicing with your Two Rivers longbow.
Reo Myershi, Arafellin in Towers of Midnight, A Testing: By the way, Maura Tirasso and Reo Meyer, I just used your names in TofM.
Rett, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Steven Connelly, Rhett Petcher, you have fallen in battle.
Riddem, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air: Need to name two men who die gruesome deaths in TofM. Tim Riddell, William Reeves, RIP.
Rion of Hune Hill, historic character in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things: Drew a bunch of names I didn't report. Eric Silva, Hugh Hill, Sean Little, Rion Kinosaki, Helen Cousins, Eyal Weinstock.
Rittle, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void: List of TOM charity names
Robb Solter, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, Parley: Robert Soelter, your name just went into TofM.
Ronja, Aiel in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Rosil, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah in Towers of Midnight, A Choice: Rosalia O'Reilly, practice your weaves.
Rosse, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Robert Moreau and Robert Rose, you two are next. Welcome to AMoL
Saddler, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void: List of TOM charity names
San D'ma Shadar, historic group in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things: This is Sean Little, the guy that emailed you previously regarding putting in a group name. Did that entry have......San D'ma Shadar as the name?
Brandon Sanderson: Trying to figure out the San in that phrase, though. Is the "San" a name, or a word in the Old Tongue I'm missing?
Sean Little: The translation used on the site (made by our Old Tongue experts) is Slayers of the Shadow. I could ask for the exact translation.
Brandon Sanderson: That works for me. I actually put the name in a place where it could refer to a group, so I'll tweak it to do so.
Sana Ashraf, historic character in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Sandip, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Sandip Mehta won the AMOL charity auction
Savara, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, To Ignore the Omens: Savannah Rose Young, you're a Seanchan general.
Sayer, Androl's colleague in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place: Nathan Sawyer, you were drawn next.
Serinia, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, Eastward the Wind Blew: Serinia is the screen name of Shannan Lieb
Shaen, Aiel, in A Memory of Light, Into Thakan’dar: Shane Spears, you are first. Yes, you will be Aiel. There's really no way I could pass that up.
Shanan, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Epilogue: Shannan Lieb, Waygate director and staff member of Tarvalon.net
Shanni, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Shani Gamble, are you a boy or a girl? Name websites can't decide
Shiv, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue: Shiv Whorra, I needed another name, and you're in too.
Sigmont, Tower Guard, in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things: Jason Zigmont, I just used (a variation of) your name in A Memory of Light.
Sigril, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, To Make a Stand: Last name for now is Sigrid Andersson. Hope you're a good horseman.
Silvic, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, A Practised Grin: Drew a bunch of names I didn't report. Eric Silva, Hugh Hill, Sean Little, Rion Kinosaki, Helen Cousins, Eyal Weinstock.
Slone Maddow, Band of the Red Hand in Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air: Also, John Sloan, you survive.
Snelle, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void: List of TOM charity names
Soffi Moraton, Refugee of Shaido with Perrin's group in Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har: List of TOM charity names
Somma, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble: Oh, and Karen Clarke and Lisa Sommerfeld, you are spear sisters. Congrats.
Soro, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Drifting: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Sorrentin, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Dustin Durham, Ed Sorrentino, Eddy Knapper, see my previous post. That goes for you too.
Sparks, wolf in Towers of Midnight, Oddities: Andrew Sparks, you are in Towers of Midnight. You are not human, however.
Staven, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Steven Connelly, Rhett Petcher, you have fallen in battle.
Steps, wolf in A Memory of Light, The Wyld: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Sunrise, wolf in A Memory of Light, Quick Fragments: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Symon, Warder in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Takai, future Aiel clan chief in Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun may be a reference to George Takei, actor, director and blogger.
Tarra, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun: List of TOM charity names
Tarran, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, To Make A Stand: List of TOM charity names
Tellindal Tirraso, Age of Legends woman in Towers of Midnight, A Testing: By the way, Maura Tirasso and Reo Meyer, I just used your names in TofM.
Tham Felmley, Andoran in Towers of Midnight, A Terrible Feeling: List of TOM charity names
Theodohr, Andoran in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Thum, merchant's employee in Towers of Midnight, And After: Miguel Barriga, Michael Lashia Yang, Pingtjin Thum, Rebecca Joseph. All in TofM. 2 of you have been eaten by trollocs. Sorry about that.
Tinna, ex-White Tower, now Dragonsworn in Towers of Midnight, Distinctions: Varkey Titus and Tina Wagner, welcome to Towers of Midnight. Your names got drawn.
Trask, Aiel in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle: Roger Trask and Charlie Bachelder, turns out I needed two more Aiel to fight in the Last Battle.
Trost, Asha'man in Towers of Midnight, Working Leather: Michael Trostler, hope you look good in a black coat.
Turn Bow, wolf, in A Memory of Light, The Wyld: Lindsey Turnbow, you too.
Turne, Ghealdanin mercenary that joined Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership: Joshua Turner, you're in TofM. Found a person I forgot to name.
Tymoth, Asha’man in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Timothy Brown, you're an Asha'man.
Uso, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First: Alec Breen, Alejandro Uso, your names just got picked to appear in ToM.
Varkel Tius, Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har: Varkey Titus and Tina Wagner, welcome to Towers of Midnight. Your names got drawn.
Villiam Bloodletter, historic character on Almoth Plain in Towers of Midnight, A Teaching Chamber: Oh, and William Klock, I needed another name.
Vogeler, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, A Storm of Light: List of TOM charity names
Votabek, Domani in Towers of Midnight, Return to Bandar Eban: David Redbord and Nicholas Votrobeck, if you look closely at TofM, you may find that your names appear.
Washim, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, Too Many Men: List of JordanCon fundraiser names
Whelborn, Domani in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Brent Welborn and Brian Lehnen, I hope you don't mind dying bravely in battle.
White Eyes, wolf in A Memory of Light, The Wyld: Jordan White, you're a wolf in AMOL
Will Reeve, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air: Need to name two men who die gruesome deaths in TofM. Tim Riddell, William Reeves, RIP.
Yakobin the Undaunted, Arafellin king, Towers of Midnight, Stronger Than Blood: List of TOM charity names
Yang, merchant's employee in Towers of Midnight, And After: Miguel Barriga, Michael Lashia Yang, Pingtjin Thum, Rebecca Joseph. All in TofM. 2 of you have been eaten by trollocs. Sorry about that.
Yasicca Cellaech, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble: List of TOM charity names
Yoeli, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate: Amir Yoeli and Stephen Antill, peace favor your swords. One of you saves an someone’s life, the other heals his broken leg.
Zang, Younglings/Tower Guard in Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend: Recently adapted names: Fitzgerald Clark, Eric Mazsone, Han Zhang. You guys just joined the ranks of the younglings.
Zhell, Domani in Towers of Midnight,The Strength of This Place: George Zell, I just used your name (or a version of it) in towers of midnight.
Aaron Kline Thompson – Kline, Warder in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Adam Hahn – Hahn, Tar Valon area, Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Adam Sampson – Adim, Tar Valon area, Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Adrienne Hotard – Adrinne, Andoran, Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Aisling Ryan – Aisling Noon, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Alec Breen, – Alarch, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun
Alejandro Uso – Uso, Tar Valon area, Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Alex Prescott – Alix, Warder in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Alexander Fogh Pedersen – Fogh the Tireless, author in A Memory of Light, Not A Mistake to Ignore
Alexander Moore – Moor, Tar Valon environs in Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Alfred Granger – Graeger, Tar Valon area, Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Alisa Harris – Alysa, Tar Valon area, Towers of Midnight, Apples First
Amanda Wan – Manda Wan, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Amir Yoeli – Yoeli, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Andrej Gadzo – Andere, Malkieri, Towers of Midnight, Lighter Than A Feather
Andrew Holcombe – Holcom, Tower Guard, in A Memory of Light, Friendly Fire
Andrew Sparks – Sparks, wolf, Towers of Midnight, Oddities
Angela Bland of Ryddingwood – Anasai of Ryddingwood, poet in A Memory of Light, Into The Thick of It
Anna Roberts – Annah, Aes Sedai army in A Memory of Light, Friendly Fire
Anthony Aziz – Azi al’Thone, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, After the Taint
Bach Payson – Bakh, Borderlander in A Memory of Light, To Die Well
Bao Pham – Bao the Wyld, Demandred alias in A Memory of Light, The Wyld
Bjorn Clasen – Classen Bayor, historic character in A Memory of Light, A Yellow Flower-Spider
Bob Glover – Golever, Whitecloak, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Brandon Bryant – Brynt, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Brent Welborn – Whelborn, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Brian Lehnen – Lehynen, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Brian Neff – Naeff, in The Gathering Storm, Tears From Steel
Brooke Masoner – Bromas, innkeeper in Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass
Bryan Kralle – Kralle, Kandori, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Bryan Ragon – Ragon, Borderlander in A Memory of Light, To Die Well
Carlos Candeias – Candeiar, Whitecloak in Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership
Catherine Walker – Katerin, Aiel in A Memory of Light, To Require A Boon
Charles E. Wiggins, Jr – Charn in Juilin Sandar’s squad in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Charles Guybon Hudson – Charlz Guybon, Andoran in Knife of Dreams, Siege
Charlie Bachelder – Baelder, in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Chase Moore – Chaser, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass
Chris Lyford – Lyonford, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har
Chris Beckman (Soronhen Cirayher screen name) – Soro, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Drifting
Christopher Helmke – Helmke, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Christopher McClintock – Clintock, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Boots
Cindy Goodman – Cynd, Tairen Dragonsworn in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Claire Seigneur Pietras – Clare, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass
Courtney Gliszczynski – Courtani, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Too Many Men
Craig Foster – Kragil, Borderlander in A Memory of Light, To Die Well
Daniel Egonsson – Dennel, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue
David Redbord – Redbord, Domani, Towers of Midnight, Return to Bandar Eban
Deborah (Niere al’Aman screen name) – Niere, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, A Memory of Light, A Choice
Deep Bhandari – Deepe Bhadar, Asha’man, Towers of Midnight, Oddities
Dhana Lemons – Dhana, to’raken in A Memory of Light, A Field of Glass
Douglas Moore – al'Moor, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, Two Craftsmen
Dustin Durham – Durhem, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Ed Sorrentino – Sorrentin, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Eddy Knapper – Kappre, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Edward Givens – Edder, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Talk of Dragons
Einar Laastad Kjosavik – Einar, Asha’man in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Eleanor Pettener – Elenar, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Eric Allen – Allin, Tower Guard in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Eric Boettger – Aeric Botteger, Two Rivers, Towers of Midnight, A Choice
Eric Mazsone – Mazone, Younglings/Tower Guard, Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend
Eric Peters – Eri, Andoran, in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Eric Silva – Silvic, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, A Practised Grin
Eric Vogeler – Vogeler, Saldaean in Towers of Midnight, A Storm of Light
Eva Snyder – Evasni, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, A Storm of Light
Eyal Weinstock – Eyal, historic figure in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Farah Sadaoui – Farnah, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, Towers of Midnight, A Call To Stand
Fitzgerald Clark – Celark, Younglings/Tower Guard, Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend
Frank Taglieri – Frask Taglien, Black Tower, in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place
Gavin Doyle – Gavid, Band of the Red Hand, in A Memory of Light, Prologue
George Takei – Takei, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun
George Zell – Zhell, Domani, Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place
Gerald Turkington – Geral, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, Too Many Men
Glen MacDonald – Gelen, Deathwatch Guard in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Glenn Bergevin – Bergevin, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, An After
Gregory Frenette – Greyor Frenn, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, A Making
Gokhan Ipek – Gokhan, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, A Yellow Flower-Spider
Han Zhang – Zang, Younglings/Tower Guard, Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend
Hanne (Handoin) Bergmans – Handoin, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, A Yellow Flower-Spider
Harm Wieringa – Haerm, Illianer in A Memory of Light, Not a Mistake to Ignore
Heidi Soderquist – Heidia, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Return to Bandar Eban
Helen Cousins – Naath, in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Holcombe – Holcom, Tower Guard, in A Memory of Light, Friendly Fire
Ian Norris – Ianor, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
Ifeyinwa Eboh – Ifeyina, Aiel in Towers of Midnight, A Storm of Light
Jack Ratliff – Ratliff, fictional person in A Memory of Light, Wolfbrother
Jacob Figler – Filger, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue
James Hirsch – Hirshanin, Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, A Making
James Liang – Jame, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Just Another Sell-sword
Jason Denzel – Denezel, Andoran, Towers of Midnight, A Teaching Chamber
Jason Stevens – Steps, wolf in A Memory of Light, The Wyld
Jason Zigmont – Sigmont, Tower Guard, in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Jaswant Singh Ranu – Ranun Sinah, Whitecloak, Towers of Midnight, Some Tea
Jay Dauro – Daruo, Deathwatch Guard in A Memory of Light, Your Neck in a Cord
Jay Qi – Qi, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
Jennifer Kaiser – Kaisea, Seanchan, Towers of Midnight, A Good Soup
Jennifer Liang – Kathana, Ebou Dari innkeeper in A Memory of Light, Just Another Sell-sword
Jeremiah Hulburt – Jer Lewin, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, A Tempest of Water
Jeremy Naus – Jerum Mus, Whitecloak, Towers of Midnight, Some Tea
Jesamyn Angelica – Jesamyn, Kin in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Jessica Celuch – Yasicca Cellaech, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble
Jessica Christenberry (Pylar Al'Stnap screen name) – Pylar, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in A Memory of Light, A Tempest of Water
Joao Pinheiro – Joao, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
Joel Derby – Derry, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air
Joel Kuehn – Kuehn, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
Joel Philips – Jophil, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, A Knack
John Pipkin (screen name Light in the Night) – Pipkin in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
John Sloan – Slone Maddow, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air
Johnnie Lee Barrington, Jr – Barrin, Death Watch Guard in A Memory of Light, Your Neck in a Cord
Jonathan Bockelman – Brokel, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Jonathan Hamm – Jonneth Dowtry, Black Tower, Towers of Midnight, Working Leather
Jonathan Sim – Jonasim, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har
Jordan White – White Eyes, wolf in A Memory of Light, The Wyld
Joseph Merkling – Merekel, Shienaran in Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
Joshua Turner – Turne, Ghealdanin mercenary in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership
Judith Bélair-Kyle – Belairah, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har
Karen Clarke – Kanara, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble
Kate Nepveu – Kateri Nepvue, Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, Towers of Midnight, Writings
Kayla Bentley – Kaila Bent, Guardswoman in Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend
Kayla Gabriel – Kalyan Ramsin, Saldaean, from The Path of Daggers, Prologue
Kevin Fanshier – Fanshir, Asha’man in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Kevin Orr – Kevlyn Torr, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, A Back-handed Request
Kimberly Hulburt – Kiem al'Hune, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, A Tempest of Water
Kimberly Readdy – Kymer, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Kine Elandra Bjørnsdatter Haug – Elandria Borndat, author, Towers of Midnight, Use a Pebble
Kine Lohne Finsas – Finsas, Domani, Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place
Kris Ring – Krisa, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Your Neck in a Cord
Kurt Wagoner – Kert, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, Eastward the Wind Blew and A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Landon Williams – Landalin, Kandori, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Lanndon Blackmon – Laandon, Band of the Red Hand, in A Memory of Light, A Practised Grin
Laura Hayden – Hayde, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Leigh Butler – Leeh, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, For What Has Been Wrought
Leisha Springer – Leish, Black Tower in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place
Leslie Annis – Lannis, AS historian, Towers of Midnight, Use A Pebble
Linda Taglieri – Lind Taglien, Black Tower innkeeper in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place
Lindsay Johnson – Lindsar, Ogier in A Memory of Light, Impossibilities
Lindsey Turnbow – Turn Bow, wolf, in A Memory of Light, The Wyld
Lisa Sommerfeld – Somma, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Use A Pebble
Maksim Zhukov – Makzim, Warder, Towers of Midnight, The End of a Legend
Margaret St. John – Gerisch, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Mark Comer – Marek Cormer, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Judgement
Mark Laird – Laird, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Martin Bergman – Berg, Andoran, Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass
Mary Buchner – Buchaner rebellion, historic character, Towers of Midnight, The End of A Legend
Matt Hatch – Hatch, Andoran, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void
Matthew Hlavatay – Halvate, Seanchan in Towers of Midnight, A Teaching Chamber
Matthew Yakobina – Yakobin the Undaunted, historic character, Towers of Midnight, Stronger Than Blood
Maura Tirasso – Tellindal Tirraso, Age of Legends, Towers of Midnight, A Testing
Maureen Sampson – Maerin, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, To Feel Wasted
Melissa Craib – Melli Craeb, Andoran, Towers of Midnight, The Seven Striped Lass and Eleyan al'Landerin, historical Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, The Gathering Storm, A Crack in the Stone
Melissa Rae Bergevin Raemassa, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, Into Thakan’dar
Michael Cuellar – Cuellar, Asha’man Towers of Midnight, Working Leather
Michael Kendra – Kendral, Arafellin in Towers of Midnight, Stronger Than Blood
Michael Lashia Yang – Yang, Towers of Midnight, And After
Michael Rittel – Rittle, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void
Michael Saidler – Saddler, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void
Michael Schnelle – Snelle, inn customer, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void
Michael Trostler – Trost, Black Tower, Towers of Midnight, Working Leather
Miguel Barriga – Barriga, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Mike Yawn – Myk, Juilin Sandar’s squad in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Mikayla Micomonaco – Mika, damane in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Mione Haak – House Haak, Murandy alias of Mat in A Memory of Light, Just Another Sell-sword
Myles Harvell – Harvell, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Into the Void
Natalie Doyle – Nata, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, The Choice of A Patch
Natasha Moana Lifa – Lifa, Darkfriend in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Nathan Sawyer – Sayer, Androl’s colleague in A Memory of Light, A Dangerous Place
Nathanael Washam – Washim, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, Too Many Men
Nianh McAuliffe – Nianh, Aes Sedai advisor to Queen Ethenielle in The Path of Daggers, Prologue
Nic Howie-Kaiser – Kaisel Noromaga, Kandori in Towers of Midnight, Stronger Than Blood
Nicholas Votrobeck – Votabek, Domani, Towers of Midnight, Return to Bandar Eban
Nick Okamoto – Niach Okatomo, Kandori, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Nicole Nimry – Nimri, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, Towers of Midnight, Foxheads
Nikhil Rode – Nichil, Aiel in A Memory of Light, A Shard of A Moment
Nils Loodin – Ludin, Aiel in A Memory of Light, A Shard of a Moment
Nils Ostbjerg – Nils, Domani in Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place
Nissa Reichenbach – Nissa, Accepted in Towers of Midnight, A Call To Stand
Norm Miller – Noram, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Partings, and a Meeting
Padra – Padra, screen name of Tricia Erikson, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun
Pansy Faith Cox Limes – Pansai, Darkfriend in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Patrick Creedon – Creedin, Domani in Towers of Midnight, The Strength of This Place
Paul Benish – Benish, Malkieri in A Memory of Light, A Silence Like Screaming
Paul Jarr – Jarr, mercenary, Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership
Per-Kristian (Celebrain) Buer – Celebrain, Andoran in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Pia Maria Vaajakallio – Piava, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, To Feel Wasted
Pingtjin Thum – Thum, Towers of Midnight, And After
Rachel O’Connor – Raechin Connoral, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, Towers of Midnight, A Call To Stand
Ramsey Malone Burt (submitted by Jonathan Burt) – Mallone, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Ramsin Gabriel – Kalyan Ramsin, Saldaean, from The Path of Daggers, Prologue
Rebecca Joseph – Rebek, Towers of Midnight, And After
Rhett Petcher – Rett, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Reo Meyer – Reo Myersh, Arafellin, Towers of Midnight, A Testing
Rion Kinosaki – Rion of Hune Hill, in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Robert Barett – Barettal, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Robert Gilbert – Gilber, Saldaean in A Memory of Light, The Prince’s Tabac
Robert Moreau – Morear, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Robert Rose – Rosse, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Robert Soelter – Robb Solter, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Parley
Roger Trask – Trask, Aiel in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Ronja John – Ronya, Aiel in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Rosalia O'Reilly – Rosil, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah in Towers of Midnight, A Choice
Sana Salman Ashraf – Sana Ashraf, historic character in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Sandip Mehta – Sandip, Band of the Red Hand in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Sarah Kainec – Kainea, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, For What Has been Wrought and Kainec protocol in Towers of Midnight, Judgment
Savannah Rose Young – Savara, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, To Ignore the Omens
Sean Little for San D'ma Shadar, historic group in A Memory of Light, Unchangeable Things
Sean O'Connell – Connel, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Scott Bartlett – Barlett, Whitecloak, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Scott Reid – Reed Soalen, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership
Shane Spears – Shaen, Aiel, in A Memory of Light, Into Thakan’dar
Shani Gamble – Shanni, Aiel in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Shannan Lieb – Serinia, Aes Sedai in A Memory of Light, Eastward the Wind Blew and Shanan, Seanchan in A Memory of Light, Epilogue
Shaun Davis – Davies, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Shawn Montgomery – Montem al’San, Two Rivers man in Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, After the Taint
Shiv Whorra – Shiv, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Sigrid Andersson – Sigril, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, To Make a Stand
Simone Brusso – Symon, Warder in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Sophie Morton – Soffi Moraton, Perrin’s group in Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har
Stefanie Galbraith Coombs – Galbrait, Sharan in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Stephen Antill – Antail, Asha’man, Towers of Midnight, To Make a Stand
Steven Connelly – Staven, Domani, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Steven Karam – Karam, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Steven Lussenburg – Lussin, Redarm, Band of the Red Hand Towers of Midnight, Talk of Dragons
Steven Ray – Sunrise, wolf in A Memory of Light, Quick Fragments
Susan Moore – Mori, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, The Pattern Groans
Tara-Lynn Cosman – Tarra, Aiel, Towers of Midnight, Court of the Sun
Tarran Trigs – Tarran, Saldaean, Towers of Midnight, To Make A Stand
Theodore Herman – Theodohr, Andoran in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Thomas Felmley – Tham Felmley, Andoran in Towers of Midnight, A Terrible Feeling
Thomas DeSimone – Bayrd, Andoran in A Memory of Light, Prologue
Tim Riddell – Riddem, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air
Timothy Brown – Tymoth, Asha’man, Towers of Midnight, An Open Gate
Tina Wagner – Tinna, Dragonsworn, Towers of Midnight, Distinctions
Tracie McFarlin (Kitan Tataru screen name) – Kitan, Mayener in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Travis Hall (Deoan Kakarot screen name) – Deoan, Two Rivers in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Tycho Alhambra – Alhanra, Whitecloak in A Memory of Light, The Last Battle
Varkey Titus – Varkel Tius, Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Shanna’har
Vincent Fennel – Fennel, Perrin’s group, Towers of Midnight, Questions of Leadership
William Klock – Villiam Bloodletter, Almoth Plain, Towers of Midnight, A Teaching Chamber
William Reeves – Wil Reeve, Band of the Red Hand, Towers of Midnight, Blood in the Air
Tweeted Names in Deleted A Memory of Light Scenes
These were confirmed to me by Peter Ahlstrom.
Caitlin Sullivan, you're in the White Ajah.
Need a name for a sister from the Green Ajah. And...the name chosen was David Emery, who entered the name of his late sister, Filis
Laura Hepburn, I have chosen your name for AMoL.
Michael Gonzalez, your name came up next.
Michael Sarcone, you asked to be a darkfriend for some reason, and I obliged.
Sally Rankin, your name came up too.
But all are in the book:
Brandon Sanderson: Remember, there is a special group of Dragonsworn in the Last Battle representing all who donated, so even if you aren't named, you're there.
Written by Linda, December 2010
I think a friend of mine, Edward Givens was in there as well (at least Brandon tweeted he was). Ed suspects "Edder the Redarm. Very near the beginning of chapter 19."
Good job tracking down (and figuring out) all the others though!
Thanks for this Tim. I had Edder marked as a reader's name, but had no matching tweet.
Jonneth here, confirming that to be the character named after me. Good job with this list. Very impressive work.
Sweet, I was looking for something like this. Just one small correction, my last name is spelled "Aziz" :P
Also, there's a couple others I'm not seeing that I'm pretty sure are named after other people. Are you strictly going by tweets?
Thanks Anthony. No I'm not; I knew of a few others plus I worked outa few more.
It was a personal highlight of this book for me seeing my name in the book! Stephen 'Antail' Antill
I just wanted to point out that Glenn Bergevin (Bergevin) and Melissa Bergevin (Raemassa) are husband and wife IRL, two very awesome people, HUGE WoT fans, and all-around awesome people.
I would like to think that 'Kendral' refers to me, though I have no confirmation of that one way or another.
You need to add Eleyan al'Landerin in there. ;) She's not really a character so much as a statue of a long dead historical entity...but still very much named after a reader. ^_^
Wow. I saw my name in aMoL, but a quick search showed a "Landon Williams" as having been selected, so I figured it was his name. I had no idea I had actually been selected until this list came out. How did you get confirmation for the names that had no tweets associated with them when they were chosen?
And Eleyan al'Landerin is Melissa Craib. The above comment is correct. You could just add that entry to the existing one if you liked, Linda. Thanks for your hard work!
Actually, I donated to JordanCon for A Memory of Light and even though Brandon didn't announce my husband's name, I saw "the Battle of Kolesar" on page 549 of A Memory of Light. I am assuming that it is for my husband Daniel Kolesar, who's name I submitted in the drawing.
Deanna Kolesar
Kolesar is a place, and, as explained in the intro above, readers' names who were used in deriving place names are/will be posted there.
I have not yet updated the place names article for AMOL.
There are some 'iffy' names that don't fit in categories easily and Melissa's statue is one of them.
Peter Ahlstrom kindly gave me the lists when he saw the first update I made with tweeted names and a few other fan names only.
Misspelled my name. Deoan, not Douan, page 710, half way down. ;)
I'm Kitan, and my name is now Tracie Parry rather than Tracie McFarlin (I got married). I'm Aes Sedai of the White Ajah at TarValon.net :)
Also, you missed Niere. She's named after Niere, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, at TarValon.net (I can't remember her RL name off the top of my head). Nynaeve mentions in ToM that Niere has been very nice to her.
You're missing both Steve Diamond and myself, Nick Dianatkhah. We are both in ToM.
You're missing both Steve Diamond and myself, Nick Dianatkhah. We are both in ToM.
Gavin Mitchell here. I was told that Gavid was named after me, but BS could have done a 2 birds with one stone move. idk...
Tina Wagner here. I'm actually in "A Memory of Light" as Lady Tinna, the leader of the Dragonsworn. I won a contest a couple of years back. I didn't know about the Towers of Midnight one actually. I saw the FB comment, and then I commented back and told Brandon Sanderson that I was already slated to be in the books. So I thought that one was scrubbed!
Gavin Mitchell and Steve Diamond are not on the official lists from Brandon.
That's disappointing... heartbreaking might be more appropriate. I'll have to ask him about it at the AMoL signing.
I think "Jerum Mus" should be "Jerum Nus". Anyway, THANK YOU for the great work :-)
It gave me such a happy to see my name in aMoL.
Incidentally "Naath" is my name-of-choice whilst "Helen" is the name on my credit card; BS didn't just randomly change "Helen" to "Naath" which would have been *silly*. (No connection whatsoever to GRRM)
Linda, I've been really wanting to know if Mika the Damane survived that attack or not. One damane there, at least, did; but oddly, Mika's fate is never made clear that I can tell, which I would have expected considering her... ethnic heritage, and who she belonged (belongs?) to. Do you happen to know?
Nicholas, I've just re-read that scene again, and I think that she did not survive. Only one damane lived through the first wave of atatck, and she could do nothing without her sul'dam. So she was probably Seanchan. Anway, that damane probably did not survive the second wave of attack.
Linda, misspelled my character name, it is Gokhan, not Golchan. Page 552.
Gokhan: Fixed it thanks.
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